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  1. Morgan Dias

    Attention Junior Coed 4 Teams!

    Hey I am on World Cup Starburst (jcoed4) looking for some other jcoed4 friends! Hope to see you all this season:)
  2. AZCheerMom

    All-Star Junior 5 Is Back!!

    Super excited to see this divison shaping up to be full of talent and competition. Let's list all the gyms bringing back (or keeping) the Junior 5 division! So far I think I heard.. Cheer Athletics Georgia Cali- coed Az Power- all girl If you know the team will be all girl or co-ed list that...
  3. stuntjumptumble

    All-Star Junior 4.2?

    I just saw this division on a competition schedule and I have never heard of a junior team being 4.2, only senior teams. Does this division even exist?
  4. Jay<3Rays

    All-Star Large Junior, Nca???

    I would love to know what my fellow fierceboarders think about this division. Who do you think is gonna win Nca? Please do not just post a team name because you go there. Tell me why you think that team will win.
  5. C

    All-Star Small Junior Level 4 Videos

    Does Anyone Have Videos Of These Teams For This Season?! University Cheer Junior Air Force One Buffalo Envy Allstars Brandon Allstars Junior Silver California Allstars Champion Cheer Cheer Fusion Spirit Explosion Fire Ellenwood Starzone Of Georgia Dakota Spirit Enfuego Cheers & More Ruby...
  6. cheergirl1433

    All-Star Athletic....who Will Win The Level 5 Junior Division Ece Or Wc?

    who do you think will win the junior 5 division just want to get peoples opinion.
  7. X-sam

    All-Star Cheer Extreme Junior Elite Music

    please if anyone out there has junior elites 2012 music please send it to me
  8. gofriars610

    Music Junior Elite 2011-2012

    Anyone have this mix? I have nothing worthwhile to trade, but if you really want Providence College's routine from 2010's NCA nationals or Scarborough High School's halftime from 2008 I have that...
  9. C

    All-Star Small Junior Coed 5

  10. cheeracheetahs2011

    All-Star Junior 5 Spoilers :)

    anything & everything is welcome :)
  11. cheerKT

    All-Star Vote Macie For Tclm Junior Cheerleader Of The Year

    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150492905285255&set=a.10150492904105255.424958.176685290254&type=3&theater Please vote for Macie for TCLM Junior Cheerleader of the Year! She's Randy Dickey's daughter, the owner of ACX. She's such a cute, talented little girl. She's currently a flyer...
  12. cheeracheetahs2011

    All-Star Junior 5

    anyone know all the junior 5 teams this year!?
  13. Chayse Alexandria

    Music Junior Elite Princesses 2011-2012?! Anyone?!

    Looking for it!!(:
  14. C

    Music Cea Junior Elite !

    Does anyone have junior elites music?! I can trade :)
  15. Mamarazzi

    OT Junior All American Team

    Anyone else see this email? I wonder what they would be able to do, besides get a free pair of shoes... Hello Coaches & Friends, Inside Cheerleading Magazine is looking for talented and dedicated Junior Cheerleaders ages 14 and under to be a part of our brand new Junior All American team...
  16. errrx

    Favorite Junior Team.

  17. yojaehs

    All-Star Junior Restricted?

    So there is a Youth Restricted and a Senior Restricted, why isn't there a Junior Restricted? Just food for thought.
  18. krystynakrez

    All-Star Jersey Junior 4

    We have 2 spots left on our Small Junior 4 team so if anyone in the area is interested please let us know! [email protected] jerseyallstarcheerleading.com If I posted this in the wrong section please move it accordingly :) Thanks!
  19. inittowinit11987

    All-Star Small Junior 3 Team

    heyyyyy I'm on a small j3 team at maryland twisters and was wondering who else was on small j3 :)
  20. mecheermom

    All-Star Small Junior 4

    Which gyms have a small junior 4 this year? I see posts for large but not small.