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  1. aya!!!

    High School scorpion help

    hey so basically i have a great heel stretch, straight scale, both splits, and fairly flexible back (i can do a little thingy on the ground where like my chest is on the ground and my feet are over my head but like almost touching floor). my dominant leg is my left one but it changes when i do a...
  2. FaithOverFear!

    Scorpion And Scale Stretches?

    Hi! This is my second year cheering and I'm having kind of a predicament.... I learned mid season this year that my team was doing stunts on the "wrong" leg. I am used to pulling all of my positions on my right leg. But I was informed by my coach that next year they want you to have your...
  3. cheerdadof4

    Proper Scorpion/needle Form?

    Hey there! My CP is currently working towards her needle and she/we have a few questions about positioning. She's seen a lot of athletes/pictures of flyers holding their air position with straight, locked out arms. CP's on the other hand has bent arms and elbows although her leg is for the most...
  4. queenie

    All-Star Scorpion Help For Cp

    My cp is pretty flexible and once she's able to grab her shoe from over her head she can hold her scorpion. Her problem is that she can't grab her shoe to get it in the right spot to get started. It's like her hand won't twist or it's too small to grab it. She just can't get a grip on it so...
  5. W

    All-Star Heel Stretch, Needle, Scorpion, Pretty Girl. What Are They Called And How Many Are There?

    Are they considered stunts, even if they are just being held up their by one base (no tossing/flipping)? If not what's it called? Also how many are their, names please so I can goggle photos. Thanks
  6. Alany F

    Scorpion To Needle

    How do I get my needle? I have a pretty great scorpion, I can hold my ankle. But I dont know how to pull and lockout how people say. Help please???
  7. Keep_Believing

    Flyer Kicks From Scorpion To Front Heel Stretch And Back

    There are these stunts videos of Coach Daniel Casas 111 stunting his daughter that are amazing. I would post, but can't figure out how to post it. In it the flyer kicks from scorpion to front heel stretch and then back to a scorpion. How can someone work on mastering this skill.
  8. Dalila

    Scorpion/needle Tips?

    I have a needle, but I can't kick up to a scorpion or needle any tips on how I can kick it up ?
  9. xcheercatx

    Scorpion And Scale Help?

    My scorp is a full blown dorito, and my scale looks like a reverse L. What are some stretches I can do to improve them. My goal is to have a scorp over my head by February.
  10. CCA_Nicole

    Scorpion Stunt!?!?

    Do you guys know what the level 3 stunt is called when you are pulling a scorpion from squish and you like roll out of the stunt while holding your scorpion? The backspot helps you roll out of the back of the stunt while your holding your scorpion and you land on you feet while still in a...
  11. ImmaBase;*

    I'm Not A Flyer But I Really Want A Scorpion!!:/

    I've been stretching for about a month, and every day since I started stretching for it. I've gotten SOOO much closer but now I'm at the point where I want to pull it with both hands (if that makes sence) but I can't grab it right. How do I grab a scorpion?? And any helpful stretches?? Thanks!!:)
  12. CYC diamonds

    How Do I Get My Scorpion Higher Now That I Can Grab It With 2 Hands

    I just learned a way to grab my scorpion with both hands instead of one, but now I don't know how to it higher. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!
  13. Jordie

    Hey Newbies. Do You Think This Is A Realistic Goal? (heel-stretch/scorpion)

    My goal is to have a heel-stretch and a scorpion by March (4 months from now). I have been stretching everyday, I'm pretty close to doing a split. Thanks!
  14. Emerson_Cheer

    Stretches For Scorpion

    Okay so i have been trying to get my scorpion really good for my upcoming competition but right now its just borderline dorito. the only thing i can think of is stretching out bridges but thats what i have been doing all year and its not giving results. Has anyone got any great tips and...
  15. NoDramaCheerMama

    All-Star Tips For Kick Back Scorpion

    My CP is fairly flexible and has a nice scorpion, but they have a kick back scorpion in her routine this year and she's never done them. Does anyone have any tips as to how to learn these other than just kicking her leg back and stretching with her arms to grab? She's doing this but it seems...
  16. CEA Storm

    OT Straight Leg Scorpion Silhouette

    My coach asked me to make bows that say "iSpike" to give to the flyers that get there spike. I really want to put a silhouette of a spike on the bow as well but I can't find any. Does anyone know how to make silhouettes of pictures that could send me one?
  17. J

    Can't Pull My Scorpion! Help!?

    I can get my scorpion almost a straight leg with someone pushing it up first but I can't pull it up even to a dorito scorpion on my own. I think it's my shoulder flexibility but ive been stretching that for a long time with no improvements in pulling it. so should I hold my foot a different way...
  18. H

    All-Star Scorpion - Stretching Back?

    Okay so let's face it - I am SO unflexible. I took a season out and my back will NOT bend any more. I can't scorpion, scale, nothing. I really would like quite a decent scorpion in a month or two - and with the determination I will get it. I really don't want to hurt myself though, and when I...
  19. :) paigeypo :)

    Scorpion Stretches?!

    What stretches can i do to get my scorpion in a month at most. I do the bridge but that hurts my stomach. For the past week ive been sitting in a seal stretch against the couch which actually stretches my back out a lot. Any ideas of what else i could do. Should i do a bridge like every couple...
  20. cheeratic

    Scorpion Question!

    ok so i have my right leg splits, but i can not get my right leg scorpion while my left leg scorpion is fine. would this have something to do with back flexibility?? please help :)