standing tuck

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  1. E

    High School HELP! 20 Days to get standing tuck for tryouts

    Hey! So I have cheer tryouts in around 20 Days and I have been trying to get my standing tuck but I seem to be having some issues. I do have it standing on the trampoline. I have been working on in on my air track folded so I have about a 2in high to go off of and I am close but I keep landing...
  2. Tumbling Tips

    Should Athletes Master The Standing Tuck Before Learning Layouts?

    Click For Full Article This article was originally published on Read the original right HERE: Should Athletes Master The Standing Tuck Before Learning Layouts? Author: Coach Sahil M. When it comes to the standing tuck, it seems that many coaches and athletes misunderstand...
  3. cheerordie_xo

    Standing Tuck... Help!!

    So I am on a senior level 3, for the 2nd time and I have a running back tuck but I cannot do a standing tuck. I try it a lot by myself but I always land on my knees, not fully get in over. Any tips? I really need help!! Anything is appreciated. Thanks!!
  4. B

    Standing Tuck?

    How can I get my knees up faster any tips? Gmail
  5. B

    Standing Tuck Help?

    I have no clue what I'm doing wrong I think my knees aren't getting up quick enough any tips?
  6. A

    All-Star Standing Tuck Help?

    I've had a standing tuck on and off for a couple of months, but now I can't stop jumping backwards instead of up. I've also started "double bouncing" which is something I've never had a problem with before... Any tips on how to jump UP instead of backwards? And what can I do to stop double bouncing?
  7. Jule

    Standing Tuck And Hip Flexors

    Hey guys, so after a long while without tumbling, I've decided to finally get back to it and try this back tuck thing one more time. My coach says, it's technically pretty okay and that i'm just slow. This is really difficult for me to grasp cause whenever I try to be faster, I neglect the set...
  8. Inside Cheerleading

    Focus On Form: The Standing Tuck

    Click For Full Article Once seen only on All Star or collegiate squads, the back tuck has made its way into the requirement box on score sheets at all levels.
  9. seein_starz

    Standing Tuck Help!

    Ok guys! I know this has probably been posted before but I need help with my problems! Ok, so I've been working on my tuck for 3 years, I've gotten rid of my bad habits I used to have and now my coaches at my gym tell me I'm piking my tuck but at camp the told me I wasn't tucking( like my feet...
  10. Emerson_Cheer

    Need My Standing Tuck In 2 Weeks!!!!

    hey guys i know there are alot of standing tuck posts out there but im looking for advice designed for my problems not other peoples. So im on a level 4 team conditionally which means if i dont get my standing tuck in two wees im cut from the team :( my problem is my set and sometimes my tuck, i...
  11. jennacheer3

    Standing Tuck Advice

    I'm looking to be on a level 4 team but I just can't hit my standing tuck. I end up on my knees everytime. Do you guys think I would have any chance in making a level 4 if I don't have it? Do you have any tips for getting a tuck? The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  12. Jess_Pascale

    What Should I Do To Get My Standing Tuck?

    I'm working on my backhand spring, round-off & back walkover right now. I want my standing tuck before comp tryouts in August. What are some exercises / drills/ anything that I can do to help me get my tuck quicker? I'm literally desperate to get this for comp. Thank you for your help! :)
  13. kjones

    Standing Tuck.....

    Does anyone have any suggestions for drills for a standing tuck? I just started working on mine, and need major help!!!!! please!
  14. Jule

    Counterrotating In A Standing Tuck

    Whenever I'm trying really hard to tuck fast and tight, i seem to throw my shoulders forewards. Not much but enought that it slows my already not very fast rotation. :( Any tipps or drills on how stop this? I'm really starting to doubt that I'll ever get this skill. :/ I either jump high and...
  15. ohsnapitslex

    Standing Tuck Help!

    Hey everyone I wish I had a video of it, but recently for my standing tucks and even sometimes my running I will arch my back or set myself like I am going for a whip. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for how I can change this?
  16. iluvcheer

    Standing Tuck Mental Block

    Hi everyone, so I have had my standing tuck off and on for about 5 or 6 months now. Recently I have been having a mental block when I have to do it on the floor by myself. With a spotter standing there ,I can do it perfectly but when they step away I get really nervous and I set the tuck back...
  17. J

    2nd Post: First ? Is About A Standing Tuck

    any suggestions on how to stick a standing back tuck????
  18. katelyn_wiley

    Standing Tuck Conditioning?

    I cheer for a Level 5 team, me and one other girl are the only ones without a standing tuck... I just can't get it! Any Advice?
  19. A

    Standing Tuck Tips And Drills

    So I've been working on my standing tuck for a while now and I'm soooo close. My coach said that I need to work on my leg strength and abs because I'm not going fast enough. So I was wondering what exercises and drills will help me get my tuck? Any ideas are welcome (: I reaaaallllyyy want to...
  20. nccheerdad

    All-Star Standing Tuck Gone Wrong

    Who says cheerleaders aren't athletes? I know a bunch of 7-year-olds who can do a standing tuck better than this NFL superstar.