This whole subject is so hard for me. I read these scoring guidelines over and over and even tho I have coached all stars for years and even own my own gym, I still find so many of these almost beyond difficult to comprehend, due to the language and ways they are written. USASF rules feel like Greek and I'm almost never able to decode many of them... Inversions are the worse! i almost never understand what the heck they're talking about... The scoring guidelines, some things are very clear cut and others I'm so confused I feel like giving up.
It's really sad. I know. Trust me. You'd think I was fluent in these things... And I try! Hard! But I just can't seem to understand it all... Maybe I'm just not smart enough. We have levels 1-4, all ages ranges. And we go to many different companies. varsity, JAMZ, cheersport... And they're all different. I honestly feel like I can't get it, no matter how hard I try.
One of the guys on here offered to make me a breakdown of how to score in the high ranges, for the companies we attend, and I'm so grateful to him. I'm gonna owe him like a $100 Starbucks card after, as I seem to be failing epically at doing it myself. It's very discouraging for it to feel like only the large gyms with all the inside connections and even sometimes are part of making these qualifications, are the ones who fully understand it all, thus ALWAYS WINNING, irregardless of falls, boundaries and other things that you would THINK would drop you a place or two. But it doesn't, because they know the scoring guidelines perfectly. Hats off to them... I mean that sincerely..
It feels hopeless to ever understand it all. I want to learn.. And do better. We're going to attend the Usasf conference to understand rules better and next year attend varsity conference (missed this one ). That's a step I guess... Sorry. This started as a cry for help and ended up venting. Lol. Thanks for listening and any help on how to be more fluent all around on the scoring would be greatly appreciated!!!