I am still of the opinion that once Worlds starts, everyone should be on the exact same playing field. In other words, your gym's zip code, country of origin, uniform color, how far you flew to get there, and/or reputation should count for zilch.
There should NOT be a bye through the first round for paid bids. Your reward for getting a paid bid was the check that the event producer handed you. That is plenty.
There should NOT be quotas by country to determine finalists. The top scores should make finals regardless of where your gym is located. The 4th highest scoring team should go to finals ahead of the 50th highest scoring teams. This is particularly true because this a gym vs. gym competition and NOT a country vs. country one. If you want to represent your country, then get there early and do the ICU competition.
They should NOT keep trying to re-weight the score sheet to try to favor one set of countries over another. If you can't tumble well yet, then practice tumbling - don't beg to have the scoring changed to give yourself a shortcut. Worlds should be about who has the most talented, well-balanced team - not who has the most political pull.