All-Star 2012-2013 Practice Wear

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Saw this on tumblr. Don't know if it's all new or not but it's practice wear!
AZ Power need to hurry up and open their pro shop
New GT sports bras on their proshop!
omg, it's sooo pretty! :cloud9:
...if only it were two strapped. I hate the one sided ones. They would never work for me. but trust me, if i could wear this, I'd be driving to Louisville right now to get one...
New GT sports bras on their proshop!

That is gorgeous.

And speaking of halter top practice wear, Coed Elite had a halter top for Worlds and I'll admit I said the same thing as y'all. But, when she brought it home and tried it on it fit really well and she wore the same strapless bra that she wears with her uniform and said she never felt like she was on the verge of loosing it or anything in it.

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