All-Star 2012-2013 Teams

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________________________________ Worlds Divisions
International Open All Girl 6
Cheer Athletics LadyKatz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​

International Open Coed 6
CheerForce (Covina)​
CNY Storm Cyclones​
CNY Storm Twisters​
East Coast Majestics​
Stealth Allstars Phoenix​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company​
Tiger Elite​

International Open All Girl 5
California Allstars Sparkle (San Marcos)​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Jersey Allstars Sapphires​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Pacific Coast Magic Believe (Corona)​
Stealth Allstars Pink Lightning​

International Open Coed 5
California Allstars Inspire (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Wildcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Core Athletix​
Matrix Allstars Co-X​
Pacific Coast Magic Karma (Corona)​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Phenom​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Senior 5
California Allstars Elite (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Generals​
CNY Storm Weathergirls​
Core Athletix​
Green Bay Elite Lime​
Heat Athletics Firestorm​
Keystone Extreme​
Pacific Coast Magic Fantasy (Laguna)​
World Cup Suns​

Medium Senior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Pride​
California Allstars Aces (Las Vegas)​
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Angels (Anaheim)​
Premier Athletics Great White Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Lady Reign​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Orange​

Large Senior 5
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
Cheer Extreme Allstars Senior Elite (Kernersville)​
Maryland Twisters F5 (Glen Burnie)​
Stingray Allstars Peach​
World Cup Shooting Stars​

Small Senior Coed 5
Aviator Allstars Blue Angels​
California Allstars Smoed (Camarillo)​
CNY Storm Warning​
Core Athletix​
Elite Cheer Inc. Stars​
Heat Athletics Fury​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Mysterious (Corona/Murrieta)​
Prodigy Allstars Midnight​
Rock Solid Allstars Eternity​
Spirit Allstars Kyrpotonite
South Jersey Storm Avalanche​
Step One Allstars Renowned​
USA Wildcats​

Medium Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Thunderbirds (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Black Ops (Livermore)​
Cheer Command Generals​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Spirit of Texas​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
World Cup Odyssey​
Large Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Warriors (Birmingham)​
ACX Jags WildJags​
California Allstars Coed (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs​

________________________________ Level 5 (Non-Worlds)

Small Senior Restricted 5
ICE of IL​
Prime Time Allstars Showstoppers​
Prodigy Allstars Twilight​

Large Senior Restricted 5
Cheer Athletics Pumas​
OC Allstars Shine​
South Jersey Storm Surge​
Stingray Allstars Spice​
Small Senior Coed Restricted 5
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
Tumble Tech​

Large Senior Coed Restricted 5
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Spirit of Texas​
Vizion Allstars​
Small Junior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Jags​
California Allstars (Camarillo)​
Cheer Command Majors​
Green Bay Elite Orange​
Step One Allstars Pretty (non-travel)​
Large Junior 5
Cheer Athletics Jags​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Kernersville)​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Junior Red​
World Cup Starlites​
Small Junior Coed 5
ACX Jags​
California Allstars Junior Mafia (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​
Georgia Allstars​
GymTyme Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Moonlight​
Ultimate Athletics Dynasty​

Large Junior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Apaches (Birmingham)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Midwest Cheer Elite​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Green​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Youth 5

Large Youth 5
World Cup Twinkles​

________________________________ Level 4 & 4.2

Small Senior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Command Captains​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Majors​
CNY Storm Thunder​
Jersey Allstars Diamonds​
Matrix Allstars Infinity​
OC Allstars Sparkle​
Rock Solid Allstars Heirs​
Spirit Allstars Diamonds
Stealth Allstars​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 4
All Star Revolution Victory​
Aviator Allstars Rockets​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Wildcats​
Cheer Athletics Tigers​
Heat Athletics Wildfire​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Ice​
Premier Hammerhead Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Hail​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Glitzy​
Stingray Allstars Frost​

Small Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company River Warriors (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Prowlers​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Lightning​
Green Bay Elite Silver​
ICE of IL​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
Ultimate Athletics Supremacy​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Open All Girl 4
Open Coed 4

Small Junior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Bengals​
Cheer Command Lieutenants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Steel​
Spirit Allstars Amber
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Junior 4
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Pride​
Aviator Allstars Blackhawks​
California Allstars​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Thundercats​
Heat Athletics Smoke​
Matrix Allstars Shimmer​
OC Allstars Ice​
Premier Tiger Sharks (could be Junior 5)​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Diamondbacks​
Stingray Allstars Platinum​
Ultimate Athletics Queens​

Small Youth 4
Cheer Athletics Wonderkatz​
Stingray Allstars Yellow​

Large Youth 4
Matrix Allstars Fireflies​
Premier Mako Sharks​

Small Senior 4.2
ACX Jags​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Lady Cats​
East Coast Majestics Wicked​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Royal​
South Jersey Storm Vortex​
Stars Vipers Lady Venom​
Large Senior 4.2
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Captains​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
ICE of IL​
Vizion Allstars​

________________________________ Level 3

Small Senior 3
All Star Revolution Triumph​
Cheer Athletics Icecats​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Rain​
Green Bay Elite Teal​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
South Jersey Storm Perfect Storm​
Spirit Allstars Emeralds
Tumble Tech
Ultimate Athletics Reign​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Firecats​
OC Allstars Bling​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Red Hot Mambas​
Stingray Allstars Lime​
USA Wildcats​

Small Senior Coed 3
Aviator Allstars Bombers​
Matrix Allstars Eclipse​
South Jersey Storm Thunderbolts​

Large Senior Coed 3
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Code 3​
Georgia Allstars​
Premier Blue Sharks​
Rock Solid Allstars Revelations​
USA Wildcats​
Small Junior 3
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Cheer Athletics Lynx​
CNY Storm Microburst​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Intensity Allstars​
Prime Time Allstars Divas​
Stealth Allstars Dynamite​
Step One Allstars Fierce​
Stingray Allstars Ivy​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​
Vizion Allstars​

Large Junior 3
All Star Revolution Liberty​
Aviator Allstars Stealth​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Thundercats​
Cheer Command Master Chiefs​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Lieutenants​
ICE of IL​
Jersey Allstars Lime​
OC Allstars Glamour​
Prodigy Allstars Slate​
South Jersey Storm Thunder​
Stingray Allstars Scarlet​
Ultimate Athletics Jacks​

Small Youth 3
All Star Revolution Conquer​
East Coast Majestics Fantasy​
Green Bay Elite Gold​
Intensity Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Electric​
Rock Solid Allstars Trinity​
Spirit of Texas​
Spirit Allstars Jewels
Ultimate Athletics Tiaras​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Youth 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Cheer Athletics Lions​
Stingray Allstars Black​

________________________________ Level 2

Small Senior 2
Aviator Allstars Phantoms​
CNY Storm Hurricanes​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Ivory​
Prodigy Allstars Ultra​
Rock Solid Allstars Soul​
South Jersey Storm Ignite​
Spirit Allstars Sapphires
Stealth Allstars SuperNovas​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Pink​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior 2
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Sabres​
Cheer Command Sergeants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
OC Allstars Diamonds​
Tumble Tech​

Small Junior 2
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Katz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
CNY Storm Rainfall​
Georgia Allstars​
Green Bay Elite Purple​
Vizion Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Emeralds​
Prodigy Allstars Blizzard​
South Jersey Storm Wildfires​
Spirit Allstars Amethyst
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Strikers​
Stealth Allstars Starburst​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Empresses​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 2
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Snow Leopards​
Heat Athletics Inferno​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glow​
Premier Reef Sharks​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Gray​
USA Wildcats​

Small Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company Coosas (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Cubs​
Cheer Command Admirals​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Chiefs​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Wind​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Jersey Allstars Pearls​
Matrix Allstars Dragonflies​
OC Allstars Blaze​
Prime Time Allstars Glamour​
Rock Solid Allstars Genesis​
South Jersey Storm Tornadoes​
Stars Vipers Pure Poison​
Ultimate Athletics Princesses​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Courage​
Aviator Allstars Tomcats​
Cheer Athletics Leopards​
East Coast Majestics Spellbinders​
Prodigy Allstars Sapphire​
South Jersey Storm Heatwaves​
Stingray Allstars Red​

Small Mini 2
ACX Jags​
All Star Revolution Bravery​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Sassy Cats​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Sky​
South Jersey Storm Sandstorm​

Large Mini 2
Premier Angel Sharks

________________________________ Level 1

Small Senior 1
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Glimmer​
OC Allstars Flash​
South Jersey Storm Landslides​

Large Senior 1
Prodigy Allstars Neon​
Stingray Allstars Rose​

Small Junior 1
All Star Revolution Unity​
Aviator Allstars Gliders​
Cheer Athletics Bearkatz​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Supercells​
Green Bay Elite Mint​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glitter Girls​
Premier Spinner Sharks​
Prodigy Allstars Oasis​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Crowns​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 1
ACE Cheer Company​
Stealth Allstars​

Small Youth 1
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Kittykatz​
CNY Storm Breeze​
Jersey Allstars Shamrocks​
Premier Coral Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Glitz​
South Jersey Storm Wind​
Stealth Allstars​
Step One Allstars Incredible​
USA Wildcats​

Large Youth 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Honor​
Prodigy Allstars Cadet​
Stingray Allstars Mango​

Small Mini 1
Cheer Athletics Bobcats​
Cheer Command Corporals​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Raindrops​
East Coast Majestics Lil Charms​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Green Bay Elite Pink​
Heat Athletics Flames​
Jersey Allstars Evergreen​
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Megastars​
OC Allstars Shimmer​
Prime Time Allstars VIPs​
Spirit Allstars Twinkles
Stealth Allstars Lil Bombers​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Monarchs​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Mini 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Mighty​
CNY Storm Little Winds​
Prodigy Allstars Royal​
Stingray Allstars Peppermint​

Tiny 1
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
ACX Jags​
Aviator Allstars Kittyhawks​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Itty Bitty Kitties​
Cheer Command Recruits​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Gunneys​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Sprinkles​
CNY Storm Mist​
East Coast Majestics Enchanted​
Green Bay Elite Peach​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Periwinkles​
OC Allstars​
Premier Cookie Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Starlets​
Prodigy Allstars Teal​
South Jersey Storm Raindrops​
Spirit Allstars Sparkles
Stealth Allstars Pop Rocks​
Step One Allstars Teeny Tiny​
Stingray Allstars Grape​
Tumble Tech​
USA Wildcats​

________________________________ Other Divisions

Special Needs
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Sunshine​
CNY Storm Rainbows​
Prime Time Allstars Superstars​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Lonestars​

Parent Teams
Intensity Allstars A-Team​
Keystone Extreme:

Small Sr. 5
Small Sr.3
Large Sr.1
Large Jr.2
Small Jr. 4
Small Youth 1
Small Mini 1
Youngstown Cheer:

Small Mini 1
Small Junior 1/2
Small Senior 2
Small Senior 3 (Half year)
Cheer Infinity Allstars:
________________________________ Worlds Divisions
International Open All Girl 6
Cheer Athletics LadyKatz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​

International Open Coed 6
CheerForce (Covina)​
CNY Storm Cyclones​
CNY Storm Twisters​
East Coast Majestics​
Stealth Allstars Phoenix​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company​
Tiger Elite​

International Open All Girl 5
California Allstars Sparkle (San Marcos)​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Jersey Allstars Sapphires​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Pacific Coast Magic Believe (Corona)​
Stealth Allstars Pink Lightning​

International Open Coed 5
California Allstars Inspire (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Wildcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Core Athletix​
Matrix Allstars Co-X​
Pacific Coast Magic Karma (Corona)​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Phenom​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Senior 5
California Allstars Elite (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Generals​
CNY Storm Weathergirls​
Core Athletix​
Green Bay Elite Lime​
Heat Athletics Firestorm​
Keystone Extreme​
Pacific Coast Magic Fantasy (Laguna)​
World Cup Suns​

Medium Senior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Pride​
California Allstars Aces (Las Vegas)​
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Angels (Anaheim)​
Premier Athletics Great White Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Lady Reign​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Orange​

Large Senior 5
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
Cheer Extreme Allstars Senior Elite (Kernersville)​
Maryland Twisters F5 (Glen Burnie)​
Stingray Allstars Peach​
World Cup Shooting Stars​

Small Senior Coed 5
Aviator Allstars Blue Angels​
California Allstars Smoed (Camarillo)​
CNY Storm Warning​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Core Athletix​
Elite Cheer Inc. Stars​
Heat Athletics Fury​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Mysterious (Corona/Murrieta)​
Prodigy Allstars Midnight​
Rock Solid Allstars Eternity​
Spirit Allstars Kyrpotonite​
South Jersey Storm Avalanche​
Step One Allstars Renowned​
USA Wildcats​

Medium Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Thunderbirds (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Black Ops (Livermore)​
Cheer Command Generals​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Spirit of Texas​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
World Cup Odyssey​
Large Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Warriors (Birmingham)​
ACX Jags WildJags​
California Allstars Coed (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs​

________________________________ Level 5 (Non-Worlds)

Small Senior Restricted 5
ICE of IL​
Prime Time Allstars Showstoppers​
Prodigy Allstars Twilight​

Large Senior Restricted 5
Cheer Athletics Pumas​
OC Allstars Shine​
South Jersey Storm Surge​
Stingray Allstars Spice​
Small Senior Coed Restricted 5
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
Tumble Tech​

Large Senior Coed Restricted 5
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Spirit of Texas​
Vizion Allstars​
Small Junior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Jags​
California Allstars (Camarillo)​
Cheer Command Majors​
Green Bay Elite Orange​
Step One Allstars Pretty (non-travel)​
Large Junior 5
Cheer Athletics Jags​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Kernersville)​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Junior Red​
World Cup Starlites​
Small Junior Coed 5
ACX Jags​
California Allstars Junior Mafia (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​
Georgia Allstars​
GymTyme Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Moonlight​
Ultimate Athletics Dynasty​

Large Junior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Apaches (Birmingham)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Midwest Cheer Elite​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Green​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Youth 5

Large Youth 5
World Cup Twinkles​

________________________________ Level 4 & 4.2

Small Senior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Command Captains​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Majors​
CNY Storm Thunder​
Jersey Allstars Diamonds​
Matrix Allstars Infinity​
OC Allstars Sparkle​
Rock Solid Allstars Heirs​
Spirit Allstars Diamonds​
Stealth Allstars​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 4
All Star Revolution Victory​
Aviator Allstars Rockets​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Wildcats​
Cheer Athletics Tigers​
Heat Athletics Wildfire​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Ice​
Premier Hammerhead Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Hail​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Glitzy​
Stingray Allstars Frost​

Small Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company River Warriors (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Prowlers​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Lightning​
Green Bay Elite Silver​
ICE of IL​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
Ultimate Athletics Supremacy​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Open All Girl 4
Open Coed 4

Small Junior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Bengals​
Cheer Command Lieutenants​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Steel​
Spirit Allstars Amber​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Junior 4
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Pride​
Aviator Allstars Blackhawks​
California Allstars​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Thundercats​
Heat Athletics Smoke​
Matrix Allstars Shimmer​
OC Allstars Ice​
Premier Tiger Sharks (could be Junior 5)​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Diamondbacks​
Stingray Allstars Platinum​
Ultimate Athletics Queens​

Small Youth 4
Cheer Athletics Wonderkatz​
Stingray Allstars Yellow​

Large Youth 4
Matrix Allstars Fireflies​
Premier Mako Sharks​

Small Senior 4.2
ACX Jags​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Lady Cats​
East Coast Majestics Wicked​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Royal​
South Jersey Storm Vortex​
Stars Vipers Lady Venom​
Large Senior 4.2
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Captains​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
ICE of IL​
Vizion Allstars​

________________________________ Level 3

Small Senior 3
All Star Revolution Triumph​
Cheer Athletics Icecats​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Rain​
Green Bay Elite Teal​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
South Jersey Storm Perfect Storm​
Spirit Allstars Emeralds​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Reign​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Firecats​
OC Allstars Bling​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Red Hot Mambas​
Stingray Allstars Lime​
USA Wildcats​

Small Senior Coed 3
Aviator Allstars Bombers​
Matrix Allstars Eclipse​
South Jersey Storm Thunderbolts​

Large Senior Coed 3
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Code 3​
Georgia Allstars​
Premier Blue Sharks​
Rock Solid Allstars Revelations​
USA Wildcats​
Small Junior 3
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Cheer Athletics Lynx​
CNY Storm Microburst​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Intensity Allstars​
Prime Time Allstars Divas​
Stealth Allstars Dynamite​
Step One Allstars Fierce​
Stingray Allstars Ivy​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​
Vizion Allstars​

Large Junior 3
All Star Revolution Liberty​
Aviator Allstars Stealth​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Thundercats​
Cheer Command Master Chiefs​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Lieutenants​
ICE of IL​
Jersey Allstars Lime​
OC Allstars Glamour​
Prodigy Allstars Slate​
South Jersey Storm Thunder​
Stingray Allstars Scarlet​
Ultimate Athletics Jacks​

Small Youth 3
All Star Revolution Conquer​
East Coast Majestics Fantasy​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Green Bay Elite Gold​
Intensity Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Electric​
Rock Solid Allstars Trinity​
Spirit of Texas​
Spirit Allstars Jewels​
Ultimate Athletics Tiaras​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Youth 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Cheer Athletics Lions​
Stingray Allstars Black​

________________________________ Level 2

Small Senior 2
Aviator Allstars Phantoms​
CNY Storm Hurricanes​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Ivory​
Prodigy Allstars Ultra​
Rock Solid Allstars Soul​
South Jersey Storm Ignite​
Spirit Allstars Sapphires​
Stealth Allstars SuperNovas​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Pink​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior 2
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Sabres​
Cheer Command Sergeants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
OC Allstars Diamonds​
Tumble Tech​

Small Junior 2
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Katz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
CNY Storm Rainfall​
Georgia Allstars​
Green Bay Elite Purple​
Vizion Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Emeralds​
Prodigy Allstars Blizzard​
South Jersey Storm Wildfires​
Spirit Allstars Amethyst​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Strikers​
Stealth Allstars Starburst​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Empresses​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 2
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Snow Leopards​
Heat Athletics Inferno​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glow​
Premier Reef Sharks​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Gray​
USA Wildcats​

Small Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company Coosas (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Cubs​
Cheer Command Admirals​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Chiefs​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Wind​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Jersey Allstars Pearls​
Matrix Allstars Dragonflies​
OC Allstars Blaze​
Prime Time Allstars Glamour​
Rock Solid Allstars Genesis​
South Jersey Storm Tornadoes​
Stars Vipers Pure Poison​
Ultimate Athletics Princesses​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Courage​
Aviator Allstars Tomcats​
Cheer Athletics Leopards​
East Coast Majestics Spellbinders​
Prodigy Allstars Sapphire​
South Jersey Storm Heatwaves​
Stingray Allstars Red​

Small Mini 2
ACX Jags​
All Star Revolution Bravery​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Sassy Cats​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Sky​
South Jersey Storm Sandstorm​

Large Mini 2
Premier Angel Sharks

________________________________ Level 1

Small Senior 1
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Glimmer​
OC Allstars Flash​
South Jersey Storm Landslides​

Large Senior 1
Prodigy Allstars Neon​
Stingray Allstars Rose​

Small Junior 1
All Star Revolution Unity​
Aviator Allstars Gliders​
Cheer Athletics Bearkatz​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Supercells​
Green Bay Elite Mint​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glitter Girls​
Premier Spinner Sharks​
Prodigy Allstars Oasis​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Crowns​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 1
ACE Cheer Company​
Stealth Allstars​

Small Youth 1
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Kittykatz​
CNY Storm Breeze​
Jersey Allstars Shamrocks​
Premier Coral Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Glitz​
South Jersey Storm Wind​
Stealth Allstars​
Step One Allstars Incredible​
USA Wildcats​

Large Youth 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Honor​
Prodigy Allstars Cadet​
Stingray Allstars Mango​

Small Mini 1
Cheer Athletics Bobcats​
Cheer Command Corporals​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Raindrops​
East Coast Majestics Lil Charms​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Green Bay Elite Pink​
Heat Athletics Flames​
Jersey Allstars Evergreen​
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Megastars​
OC Allstars Shimmer​
Prime Time Allstars VIPs​
Spirit Allstars Twinkles​
Stealth Allstars Lil Bombers​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Monarchs​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Mini 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Mighty​
CNY Storm Little Winds​
Prodigy Allstars Royal​
Stingray Allstars Peppermint​

Tiny 1
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
ACX Jags​
Aviator Allstars Kittyhawks​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Itty Bitty Kitties​
Cheer Command Recruits​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Gunneys​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Sprinkles​
CNY Storm Mist​
East Coast Majestics Enchanted​
Green Bay Elite Peach​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Periwinkles​
OC Allstars​
Premier Cookie Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Starlets​
Prodigy Allstars Teal​
South Jersey Storm Raindrops​
Spirit Allstars Sparkles​
Stealth Allstars Pop Rocks​
Step One Allstars Teeny Tiny​
Stingray Allstars Grape​
Tumble Tech​
USA Wildcats​

________________________________ Other Divisions

Special Needs
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Sunshine​
CNY Storm Rainbows​
Prime Time Allstars Superstars​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Lonestars​

Parent Teams
Intensity Allstars A-Team​
East Celebrity Elite is haveing a j5 a coed 5 an int5 and a medium senior all girl 5
CNY Storm 2012-2013

Mist - Tiny Level 1
Little Winds - Mini Level 1
Supercells - Youth Level 1
Rainfall - Junior Level 2
Hurricanes - Senior Level 2
Rain - Senior Level 3
Thunder - Senior Level 4
Warning - Small Senior Coed Level 5 - Worlds
Cyclones - IOC6 - Worlds
Tidal Wave - Junior Hip Hop
Sunshine - Special Needs
Satellites - Senior 1/2 Year

Hail - Senior Level 2

Sprinkles - Tiny Level 1
Raindrops - Mini Level 1
Breeze - Youth Level 1
Wind - Youth Level 2
Microburst - Junior Level 3
Tornados - Senior Level 1
Lightning - Senior Level 4
Vortex - Senior Restricted Level 5
Twisters - IOC5 - Worlds
Riptide - Mini Hip Hop
Monsoon - Youth Hip Hop
Typhoon - Senior Hip Hop
Tsunami - Open Hip Hop - Worlds
Rainbows - Special Needs
Radar - Senior 1/2 Year
International Open All Girl 6
Cheer Athletics LadyKatz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​

International Open Coed 6
CheerForce (Covina)​
CNY Storm Cyclones​
CNY Storm Twisters​
East Coast Majestics​
Stealth Allstars Phoenix​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company​
Tiger Elite​

International Open All Girl 5
California Allstars Sparkle (San Marcos)​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Jersey Allstars Sapphires​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Pacific Coast Magic Believe (Corona)​
Stealth Allstars Pink Lightning​

International Open Coed 5
California Allstars Inspire (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Wildcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Core Athletix​
Matrix Allstars Co-X​
Pacific Coast Magic Karma (Corona)​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Phenom​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Senior 5
California Allstars Elite (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Blush​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Generals​
CNY Storm Weathergirls​
Core Athletix​
Green Bay Elite Lime​
Heat Athletics Firestorm​
Keystone Extreme​
Pacific Coast Magic Fantasy (Laguna)​
World Cup Suns​

Medium Senior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Pride​
California Allstars Aces (Las Vegas)​
Charlotte Allstars Teal​
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Angels (Anaheim)​
Premier Athletics Great White Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Lady Reign​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Orange​

Large Senior 5
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
Cheer Extreme Allstars Senior Elite (Kernersville)​
Maryland Twisters F5 (Glen Burnie)​
Stingray Allstars Peach​
World Cup Shooting Stars​

Small Senior Coed 5
Aviator Allstars Blue Angels​
California Allstars Smoed (Camarillo)​
CNY Storm Warning​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Core Athletix​
Elite Cheer Inc. Stars​
Heat Athletics Fury​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Mysterious (Corona/Murrieta)​
Prodigy Allstars Midnight​
Rock Solid Allstars Eternity​
Spirit Allstars Kyrpotonite​
South Jersey Storm Avalanche​
Step One Allstars Renowned​
USA Wildcats​

Medium Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Thunderbirds (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Black Ops (Livermore)​
Cheer Command Generals​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Spirit of Texas​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
World Cup Odyssey​
Large Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Warriors (Birmingham)​
ACX Jags WildJags​
California Allstars Coed (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Midnight​
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs​

________________________________ Level 5 (Non-Worlds)

Small Senior Restricted 5
ICE of IL​
Prime Time Allstars Showstoppers​
Prodigy Allstars Twilight​

Large Senior Restricted 5
Cheer Athletics Pumas​
OC Allstars Shine​
South Jersey Storm Surge​
Stingray Allstars Spice​
Small Senior Coed Restricted 5
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
Tumble Tech​

Large Senior Coed Restricted 5
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Spirit of Texas​
Vizion Allstars​
Small Junior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Jags​
California Allstars (Camarillo)​
Charlotte Allstars Platinum​
Cheer Command Majors​
Green Bay Elite Orange​
Step One Allstars Pretty (non-travel)​
Large Junior 5
Cheer Athletics Jags​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Kernersville)​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Junior Red​
World Cup Starlites​
Small Junior Coed 5
ACX Jags​
California Allstars Junior Mafia (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​
Georgia Allstars​
GymTyme Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Moonlight​
Ultimate Athletics Dynasty​

Large Junior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Apaches (Birmingham)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Midwest Cheer Elite​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Green​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Youth 5

Large Youth 5
Charlotte Allstars Lava​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
World Cup Twinkles​

________________________________ Level 4 & 4.2

Small Senior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Command Captains​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Majors​
CNY Storm Thunder​
Jersey Allstars Diamonds​
Matrix Allstars Infinity​
OC Allstars Sparkle​
Rock Solid Allstars Heirs​
Spirit Allstars Diamonds​
Stealth Allstars​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 4
All Star Revolution Victory​
Aviator Allstars Rockets​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Wildcats​
Cheer Athletics Tigers​
Heat Athletics Wildfire​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Ice​
Premier Hammerhead Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Hail​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Glitzy​
Stingray Allstars Frost​

Small Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company River Warriors (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Prowlers​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Lightning​
Green Bay Elite Silver​
ICE of IL​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
Ultimate Athletics Supremacy​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Open All Girl 4
Open Coed 4

Small Junior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Bengals​
Cheer Command Lieutenants​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Steel​
Spirit Allstars Amber​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Junior 4
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Pride​
Aviator Allstars Blackhawks​
California Allstars​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Titanium​
Cheer Athletics Thundercats​
Heat Athletics Smoke​
Matrix Allstars Shimmer​
OC Allstars Ice​
Premier Tiger Sharks (could be Junior 5)​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Diamondbacks​
Stingray Allstars Platinum​
Ultimate Athletics Queens​

Small Youth 4
Cheer Athletics Wonderkatz​
Stingray Allstars Yellow​

Large Youth 4
Matrix Allstars Fireflies​
Premier Mako Sharks​

Small Senior 4.2
ACX Jags​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Lady Cats​
East Coast Majestics Wicked​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Royal​
South Jersey Storm Vortex​
Stars Vipers Lady Venom​
Large Senior 4.2
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Captains​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
ICE of IL​
Vizion Allstars​

________________________________ Level 3

Small Senior 3
All Star Revolution Triumph​
Cheer Athletics Icecats​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Rain​
Green Bay Elite Teal​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
South Jersey Storm Perfect Storm​
Spirit Allstars Emeralds​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Reign​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Sapphire(possibly 4)​
Cheer Athletics Firecats​
OC Allstars Bling​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Red Hot Mambas​
Stingray Allstars Lime​
USA Wildcats​

Small Senior Coed 3
Aviator Allstars Bombers​
Matrix Allstars Eclipse​
South Jersey Storm Thunderbolts​

Large Senior Coed 3
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Code 3​
Georgia Allstars​
Premier Blue Sharks​
Rock Solid Allstars Revelations​
USA Wildcats​
Small Junior 3
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Cheer Athletics Lynx​
CNY Storm Microburst​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Intensity Allstars​
Prime Time Allstars Divas​
Stealth Allstars Dynamite​
Step One Allstars Fierce​
Stingray Allstars Ivy​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​
Vizion Allstars​

Large Junior 3
All Star Revolution Liberty​
Aviator Allstars Stealth​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Thundercats​
Cheer Command Master Chiefs​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Lieutenants​
ICE of IL​
Jersey Allstars Lime​
OC Allstars Glamour​
Prodigy Allstars Slate​
South Jersey Storm Thunder​
Stingray Allstars Scarlet​
Ultimate Athletics Jacks​

Small Youth 3
All Star Revolution Conquer​
East Coast Majestics Fantasy​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Green Bay Elite Gold​
Intensity Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Electric​
Rock Solid Allstars Trinity​
Spirit of Texas​
Spirit Allstars Jewels​
Ultimate Athletics Tiaras​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Youth 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Hot Pink​
Cheer Athletics Lions​
Stingray Allstars Black​

________________________________ Level 2

Small Senior 2
Aviator Allstars Phantoms​
CNY Storm Hurricanes​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Ivory​
Prodigy Allstars Ultra​
Rock Solid Allstars Soul​
South Jersey Storm Ignite​
Spirit Allstars Sapphires​
Stealth Allstars SuperNovas​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Pink​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior 2
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Sabres​
Cheer Command Sergeants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
OC Allstars Diamonds​
Tumble Tech​

Small Junior 2
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Katz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
CNY Storm Rainfall​
Georgia Allstars​
Green Bay Elite Purple​
Vizion Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Emeralds​
Prodigy Allstars Blizzard​
South Jersey Storm Wildfires​
Spirit Allstars Amethyst​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Strikers​
Stealth Allstars Starburst​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Empresses​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 2
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Frost(possibly 3)​
Cheer Athletics Snow Leopards​
Heat Athletics Inferno​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glow​
Premier Reef Sharks​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Gray​
USA Wildcats​

Small Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company Coosas (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Cubs​
Cheer Command Admirals​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Chiefs​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Wind​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Jersey Allstars Pearls​
Matrix Allstars Dragonflies​
OC Allstars Blaze​
Prime Time Allstars Glamour​
Rock Solid Allstars Genesis​
South Jersey Storm Tornadoes​
Stars Vipers Pure Poison​
Ultimate Athletics Princesses​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Courage​
Aviator Allstars Tomcats​
Charlotte Allstars Mellow Yellow​
Cheer Athletics Leopards​
East Coast Majestics Spellbinders​
Prodigy Allstars Sapphire​
South Jersey Storm Heatwaves​
Stingray Allstars Red​

Small Mini 2
ACX Jags​
All Star Revolution Bravery​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Sassy Cats​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Peach​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Sky​
South Jersey Storm Sandstorm​

Large Mini 2
Premier Angel Sharks

________________________________ Level 1

Small Senior 1
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Glimmer​
OC Allstars Flash​
South Jersey Storm Landslides​

Large Senior 1
Prodigy Allstars Neon​
Stingray Allstars Rose​

Small Junior 1
All Star Revolution Unity​
Aviator Allstars Gliders​
Cheer Athletics Bearkatz​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Supercells​
Green Bay Elite Mint​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glitter Girls​
Premier Spinner Sharks​
Prodigy Allstars Oasis​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Crowns​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 1
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Cinnamon​
Stealth Allstars​

Small Youth 1
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Kittykatz​
CNY Storm Breeze​
Jersey Allstars Shamrocks​
Premier Coral Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Glitz​
South Jersey Storm Wind​
Stealth Allstars​
Step One Allstars Incredible​
USA Wildcats​

Large Youth 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Honor​
Charlotte Allstars Cotton Candy​
Prodigy Allstars Cadet​
Stingray Allstars Mango​

Small Mini 1
Charlotte Allstars Kiwi​
Cheer Athletics Bobcats​
Cheer Command Corporals​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Raindrops​
East Coast Majestics Lil Charms​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Green Bay Elite Pink​
Heat Athletics Flames​
Jersey Allstars Evergreen​
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Megastars​
OC Allstars Shimmer​
Prime Time Allstars VIPs​
Spirit Allstars Twinkles​
Stealth Allstars Lil Bombers​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Monarchs​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Mini 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Mighty​
CNY Storm Little Winds​
Prodigy Allstars Royal​
Stingray Allstars Peppermint​

Tiny 1
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
ACX Jags​
Aviator Allstars Kittyhawks​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Key Lime​
Cheer Athletics Itty Bitty Kitties​
Cheer Command Recruits​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Gunneys​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Sprinkles​
CNY Storm Mist​
East Coast Majestics Enchanted​
Green Bay Elite Peach​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Periwinkles​
OC Allstars​
Premier Cookie Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Starlets​
Prodigy Allstars Teal​
South Jersey Storm Raindrops​
Spirit Allstars Sparkles​
Stealth Allstars Pop Rocks​
Step One Allstars Teeny Tiny​
Stingray Allstars Grape​
Tumble Tech​
USA Wildcat​
International Open All Girl 6
Cheer Athletics LadyKatz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​

International Open Coed 6
CheerForce (Covina)​
CNY Storm Cyclones​
CNY Storm Twisters​
East Coast Majestics​
Stealth Allstars Phoenix​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company​
Tiger Elite​

International Open All Girl 5
California Allstars Sparkle (San Marcos)​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Jersey Allstars Sapphires​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Pacific Coast Magic Believe (Corona)​
Stealth Allstars Pink Lightning​

International Open Coed 5
California Allstars Inspire (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Wildcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Core Athletix​
Matrix Allstars Co-X​
Pacific Coast Magic Karma (Corona)​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Phenom​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Senior 5
California Allstars Elite (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Blush​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Generals​
CNY Storm Weathergirls​
Core Athletix​
Green Bay Elite Lime​
Heat Athletics Firestorm​
Keystone Extreme​
Pacific Coast Magic Fantasy (Laguna)​
Pennsylvania Storm Hurricanes
World Cup Suns​

Medium Senior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Pride​
California Allstars Aces (Las Vegas)​
Charlotte Allstars Teal​
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Angels (Anaheim)​
Premier Athletics Great White Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Lady Reign​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Orange​

Large Senior 5
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
Cheer Extreme Allstars Senior Elite (Kernersville)​
Maryland Twisters F5 (Glen Burnie)​
Stingray Allstars Peach​
World Cup Shooting Stars​

Small Senior Coed 5
Aviator Allstars Blue Angels​
California Allstars Smoed (Camarillo)​
CNY Storm Warning​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Core Athletix​
Elite Cheer Inc. Stars​
Heat Athletics Fury​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Mysterious (Corona/Murrieta)​
Prodigy Allstars Midnight​
Rock Solid Allstars Eternity​
Spirit Allstars Kyrpotonite​
South Jersey Storm Avalanche​
Step One Allstars Renowned​
USA Wildcats​

Medium Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Thunderbirds (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Black Ops (Livermore)​
Cheer Command Generals​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Spirit of Texas​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
World Cup Odyssey​
Large Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Warriors (Birmingham)​
ACX Jags WildJags​
California Allstars Coed (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Midnight​
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs​

________________________________ Level 5 (Non-Worlds)

Small Senior Restricted 5
ICE of IL​
Prime Time Allstars Showstoppers​
Prodigy Allstars Twilight​

Large Senior Restricted 5
Cheer Athletics Pumas​
OC Allstars Shine​
South Jersey Storm Surge​
Stingray Allstars Spice​
Small Senior Coed Restricted 5
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
Tumble Tech​

Large Senior Coed Restricted 5
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Spirit of Texas​
Vizion Allstars​
Small Junior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Jags​
California Allstars (Camarillo)​
Charlotte Allstars Platinum​
Cheer Command Majors​
Green Bay Elite Orange​
Step One Allstars Pretty (non-travel)​
Large Junior 5
Cheer Athletics Jags​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Kernersville)​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Junior Red​
World Cup Starlites​
Small Junior Coed 5
ACX Jags​
California Allstars Junior Mafia (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​
Georgia Allstars​
GymTyme Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Moonlight​
Ultimate Athletics Dynasty​

Large Junior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Apaches (Birmingham)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Midwest Cheer Elite​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Green​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Youth 5

Large Youth 5
Charlotte Allstars Lava​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
World Cup Twinkles​

________________________________ Level 4 & 4.2

Small Senior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Command Captains​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Majors​
CNY Storm Thunder​
Jersey Allstars Diamonds​
Matrix Allstars Infinity​
OC Allstars Sparkle​
Rock Solid Allstars Heirs​
Spirit Allstars Diamonds​
Stealth Allstars​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 4
All Star Revolution Victory​
Aviator Allstars Rockets​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Wildcats​
Cheer Athletics Tigers​
Heat Athletics Wildfire​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Ice​
Premier Hammerhead Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Hail​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Glitzy​
Stingray Allstars Frost​

Small Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company River Warriors (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Prowlers​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Lightning​
Green Bay Elite Silver​
ICE of IL​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
Ultimate Athletics Supremacy​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Open All Girl 4
Open Coed 4

Small Junior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Bengals​
Cheer Command Lieutenants​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Steel​
Spirit Allstars Amber​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Junior 4
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Pride​
Aviator Allstars Blackhawks​
California Allstars​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Titanium​
Cheer Athletics Thundercats​
Heat Athletics Smoke​
Matrix Allstars Shimmer​
OC Allstars Ice​
Pennsylvania Storm Tsunami
Premier Tiger Sharks (could be Junior 5)​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Diamondbacks​
Stingray Allstars Platinum​
Ultimate Athletics Queens​

Small Youth 4
Cheer Athletics Wonderkatz​
Stingray Allstars Yellow​

Large Youth 4
Matrix Allstars Fireflies​
Premier Mako Sharks​

Small Senior 4.2
ACX Jags​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Lady Cats​
East Coast Majestics Wicked​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Royal​
South Jersey Storm Vortex​
Stars Vipers Lady Venom​
Large Senior 4.2
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Captains​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
ICE of IL​
Vizion Allstars​

________________________________ Level 3

Small Senior 3
All Star Revolution Triumph​
Cheer Athletics Icecats​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Rain​
Green Bay Elite Teal​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Pennsylvania Storm All Stars Shockwave
South Jersey Storm Perfect Storm​
Spirit Allstars Emeralds​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Reign​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Sapphire(possibly 4)​
Cheer Athletics Firecats​
OC Allstars Bling​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Red Hot Mambas​
Stingray Allstars Lime​
USA Wildcats​

Small Senior Coed 3
Aviator Allstars Bombers​
Matrix Allstars Eclipse​
South Jersey Storm Thunderbolts​

Large Senior Coed 3
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Code 3​
Georgia Allstars​
Premier Blue Sharks​
Rock Solid Allstars Revelations​
USA Wildcats​
Small Junior 3
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Cheer Athletics Lynx​
CNY Storm Microburst​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Intensity Allstars​
Prime Time Allstars Divas​
Stealth Allstars Dynamite​
Step One Allstars Fierce​
Stingray Allstars Ivy​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​
Vizion Allstars​

Large Junior 3
All Star Revolution Liberty​
Aviator Allstars Stealth​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Thundercats​
Cheer Command Master Chiefs​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Lieutenants​
ICE of IL​
Jersey Allstars Lime​
OC Allstars Glamour​
Prodigy Allstars Slate​
South Jersey Storm Thunder​
Stingray Allstars Scarlet​
Ultimate Athletics Jacks​

Small Youth 3
All Star Revolution Conquer​
East Coast Majestics Fantasy​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Green Bay Elite Gold​
Intensity Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Electric​
Rock Solid Allstars Trinity​
Spirit of Texas​
Spirit Allstars Jewels​
Ultimate Athletics Tiaras​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Youth 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Hot Pink​
Cheer Athletics Lions​
Stingray Allstars Black​

________________________________ Level 2

Small Senior 2
Aviator Allstars Phantoms​
CNY Storm Hurricanes​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Ivory​
Prodigy Allstars Ultra​
Rock Solid Allstars Soul​
South Jersey Storm Ignite​
Spirit Allstars Sapphires​
Stealth Allstars SuperNovas​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Pink​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior 2
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Sabres​
Cheer Command Sergeants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
OC Allstars Diamonds​
Tumble Tech​

Small Junior 2
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Katz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
CNY Storm Rainfall​
Georgia Allstars​
Green Bay Elite Purple​
Vizion Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Emeralds​
Prodigy Allstars Blizzard​
South Jersey Storm Wildfires​
Spirit Allstars Amethyst​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Strikers​
Stealth Allstars Starburst​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Empresses​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 2
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Frost(possibly 3)​
Cheer Athletics Snow Leopards​
Heat Athletics Inferno​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glow​
Premier Reef Sharks​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Gray​
USA Wildcats​

Small Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company Coosas (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Cubs​
Cheer Command Admirals​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Chiefs​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Wind​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Jersey Allstars Pearls​
Matrix Allstars Dragonflies​
OC Allstars Blaze​
Pennsylvania Storm Avalanche (maybe large?)
Prime Time Allstars Glamour​
Rock Solid Allstars Genesis​
South Jersey Storm Tornadoes​
Stars Vipers Pure Poison​
Ultimate Athletics Princesses​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Courage​
Aviator Allstars Tomcats​
Charlotte Allstars Mellow Yellow​
Cheer Athletics Leopards​
East Coast Majestics Spellbinders​
Prodigy Allstars Sapphire​
South Jersey Storm Heatwaves​
Stingray Allstars Red​

Small Mini 2
ACX Jags​
All Star Revolution Bravery​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Sassy Cats​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Peach​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Sky​
South Jersey Storm Sandstorm​

Large Mini 2
Premier Angel Sharks

________________________________ Level 1

Small Senior 1
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Glimmer​
OC Allstars Flash​
South Jersey Storm Landslides​

Large Senior 1
Prodigy Allstars Neon​
Stingray Allstars Rose​

Small Junior 1
All Star Revolution Unity​
Aviator Allstars Gliders​
Cheer Athletics Bearkatz​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Supercells​
Green Bay Elite Mint​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glitter Girls​
Premier Spinner Sharks​
Prodigy Allstars Oasis​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Crowns​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 1
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Cinnamon​
Stealth Allstars​

Small Youth 1
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Kittykatz​
CNY Storm Breeze​
Jersey Allstars Shamrocks​
Premier Coral Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Glitz​
South Jersey Storm Wind​
Stealth Allstars​
Step One Allstars Incredible​
USA Wildcats​

Large Youth 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Honor​
Charlotte Allstars Cotton Candy​
Prodigy Allstars Cadet​
Stingray Allstars Mango​

Small Mini 1
Charlotte Allstars Kiwi​
Cheer Athletics Bobcats​
Cheer Command Corporals​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Raindrops​
East Coast Majestics Lil Charms​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Green Bay Elite Pink​
Heat Athletics Flames​
Jersey Allstars Evergreen​
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Megastars​
OC Allstars Shimmer​
Prime Time Allstars VIPs​
Spirit Allstars Twinkles​
Stealth Allstars Lil Bombers​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Monarchs​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Mini 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Mighty​
CNY Storm Little Winds​
Prodigy Allstars Royal​
Stingray Allstars Peppermint​

Tiny 1
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
ACX Jags​
Aviator Allstars Kittyhawks​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Key Lime​
Cheer Athletics Itty Bitty Kitties​
Cheer Command Recruits​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Gunneys​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Sprinkles​
CNY Storm Mist​
East Coast Majestics Enchanted​
Green Bay Elite Peach​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Periwinkles​
OC Allstars​
Premier Cookie Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Starlets​
Prodigy Allstars Teal​
South Jersey Storm Raindrops​
Spirit Allstars Sparkles​
Stealth Allstars Pop Rocks​
Step One Allstars Teeny Tiny​
Stingray Allstars Grape​
Tumble Tech​
USA Wildcat​