All-Star 2012-2013 Teams

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International Open All Girl 6
Cheer Athletics LadyKatz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​

International Open Coed 6
CheerForce (Covina)​
CNY Storm Cyclones​
CNY Storm Twisters​
East Coast Majestics​
Stealth Allstars Phoenix​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company​
Tiger Elite​

International Open All Girl 5
California Allstars Sparkle (San Marcos)​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Jersey Allstars Sapphires​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Pacific Coast Magic Believe (Corona)​
Stealth Allstars Pink Lightning​

International Open Coed 5
California Allstars Inspire (San Marcos)​
Cheer Athletics Wildcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
Core Athletix​
Matrix Allstars Co-X​
Pacific Coast Magic Karma (Corona)​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Phenom​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Senior 5
California Allstars Elite (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Blush​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Generals​
CNY Storm Weathergirls​
Core Athletix​
Green Bay Elite Lime​
Heat Athletics Firestorm​
Keystone Extreme​
Pacific Coast Magic Fantasy (Laguna)​
Pennsylvania Storm Hurricanes
World Cup Suns​

Medium Senior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Pride​
California Allstars Aces (Las Vegas)​
Charlotte Allstars Teal​
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
CheerForce (San Diego)​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Angels (Anaheim)​
Premier Athletics Great White Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Lady Reign​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Orange​

Large Senior 5
Cheer Athletics Panthers/Swooshcats​
Cheer Extreme Allstars Senior Elite (Kernersville)​
Maryland Twisters F5 (Glen Burnie)​
Stingray Allstars Peach​
World Cup Shooting Stars​

Small Senior Coed 5
Aviator Allstars Blue Angels​
California Allstars Smoed (Camarillo)​
CNY Storm Warning​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Core Athletix​
Elite Cheer Inc. Stars​
Heat Athletics Fury​
ICE of IL​
Pacific Coast Magic Mysterious (Corona/Murrieta)​
Prodigy Allstars Midnight​
Rock Solid Allstars Eternity​
Spirit Allstars Kyrpotonite​
South Jersey Storm Avalanche​
Step One Allstars Renowned​
USA Wildcats​

Medium Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Thunderbirds (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Black Ops (Livermore)​
Cheer Command Generals​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
OC Allstars / Fierce​
Spirit of Texas​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
World Cup Odyssey​
Large Senior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Warriors (Birmingham)​
ACX Jags WildJags​
California Allstars Coed (San Marcos)​
Charlotte Allstars Midnight​
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs​

________________________________ Level 5 (Non-Worlds)

Small Senior Restricted 5
ICE of IL​
Prime Time Allstars Showstoppers​
Prodigy Allstars Twilight​

Large Senior Restricted 5
Cheer Athletics Pumas​
OC Allstars Shine​
South Jersey Storm Surge​
Stingray Allstars Spice​
Small Senior Coed Restricted 5
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
Tumble Tech​

Large Senior Coed Restricted 5
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Spirit of Texas​
Vizion Allstars​
Small Junior 5
Buckeye Cheer Elite Jags​
California Allstars (Camarillo)​
Charlotte Allstars Platinum​
Cheer Command Majors​
Green Bay Elite Orange​
Step One Allstars Pretty (non-travel)​
Large Junior 5
Cheer Athletics Jags​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Kernersville)​
Texas Lonestar Cheer Company Junior Red​
World Cup Starlites​
Small Junior Coed 5
ACX Jags​
California Allstars Junior Mafia (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Raleigh)​
Georgia Allstars​
GymTyme Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Moonlight​
Ultimate Athletics Dynasty​

Large Junior Coed 5
ACE Cheer Company Apaches (Birmingham)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Midwest Cheer Elite​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Green​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​

Small Youth 5

Large Youth 5
Charlotte Allstars Lava​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
World Cup Twinkles​

________________________________ Level 4 & 4.2

Small Senior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Command Captains​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Majors​
CNY Storm Thunder​
Jersey Allstars Diamonds​
Matrix Allstars Infinity​
OC Allstars Sparkle​
Rock Solid Allstars Heirs​
Spirit Allstars Diamonds​
Stealth Allstars​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 4
All Star Revolution Victory​
Aviator Allstars Rockets​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Wildcats​
Cheer Athletics Tigers​
Heat Athletics Wildfire​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Ice​
Premier Hammerhead Sharks​
South Jersey Storm Hail​
Spirit of Texas​
Step One Allstars Glitzy​
Stingray Allstars Frost​

Small Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company River Warriors (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Prowlers​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Lightning​
Green Bay Elite Silver​
ICE of IL​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior Coed 4
ACE Cheer Company​
Cheer Extreme (kernersville)​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
Ultimate Athletics Supremacy​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Open All Girl 4
Open Coed 4

Small Junior 4
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Bengals​
Cheer Command Lieutenants​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Georgia Allstars​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Steel​
Spirit Allstars Amber​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Junior 4
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Pride​
Aviator Allstars Blackhawks​
California Allstars​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Titanium​
Cheer Athletics Thundercats​
Heat Athletics Smoke​
Matrix Allstars Shimmer​
OC Allstars Ice​
Pennsylvania Storm Tsunami
Premier Tiger Sharks (could be Junior 5)​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Diamondbacks​
Stingray Allstars Platinum​
Ultimate Athletics Queens​

Small Youth 4
Cheer Athletics Wonderkatz​
Stingray Allstars Yellow​

Large Youth 4
Matrix Allstars Fireflies​
Premier Mako Sharks​

Small Senior 4.2
ACX Jags​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Lady Cats​
East Coast Majestics Wicked​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Royal​
South Jersey Storm Vortex​
Stars Vipers Lady Venom​
Large Senior 4.2
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Captains​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
ICE of IL​
Vizion Allstars​

________________________________ Level 3

Small Senior 3
All Star Revolution Triumph​
Cheer Athletics Icecats​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Rain​
Green Bay Elite Teal​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Pennsylvania Storm All Stars Shockwave
South Jersey Storm Perfect Storm​
Spirit Allstars Emeralds​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Reign​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Senior 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Sapphire(possibly 4)​
Cheer Athletics Firecats​
OC Allstars Bling​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Red Hot Mambas​
Stingray Allstars Lime​
USA Wildcats​

Small Senior Coed 3
Aviator Allstars Bombers​
Matrix Allstars Eclipse​
South Jersey Storm Thunderbolts​

Large Senior Coed 3
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
California Allstars Code 3​
Georgia Allstars​
Premier Blue Sharks​
Rock Solid Allstars Revelations​
USA Wildcats​
Small Junior 3
California Allstars (San Marcos)​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
Cheer Athletics Lynx​
CNY Storm Microburst​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Intensity Allstars​
Prime Time Allstars Divas​
Stealth Allstars Dynamite​
Step One Allstars Fierce​
Stingray Allstars Ivy​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​
Vizion Allstars​

Large Junior 3
All Star Revolution Liberty​
Aviator Allstars Stealth​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Thundercats​
Cheer Command Master Chiefs​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Lieutenants​
ICE of IL​
Jersey Allstars Lime​
OC Allstars Glamour​
Prodigy Allstars Slate​
South Jersey Storm Thunder​
Stingray Allstars Scarlet​
Ultimate Athletics Jacks​

Small Youth 3
All Star Revolution Conquer​
East Coast Majestics Fantasy​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Green Bay Elite Gold​
Intensity Allstars​
Prodigy Allstars Electric​
Rock Solid Allstars Trinity​
Spirit of Texas​
Spirit Allstars Jewels​
Ultimate Athletics Tiaras​
White Lightning Allstars​

Large Youth 3
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Hot Pink​
Cheer Athletics Lions​
Stingray Allstars Black​

________________________________ Level 2

Small Senior 2
Aviator Allstars Phantoms​
CNY Storm Hurricanes​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Ivory​
Prodigy Allstars Ultra​
Rock Solid Allstars Soul​
South Jersey Storm Ignite​
Spirit Allstars Sapphires​
Stealth Allstars SuperNovas​
Step One Allstars Spectacular​
Stingray Allstars Pink​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Senior 2
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Cheer Athletics Sabres​
Cheer Command Sergeants​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
OC Allstars Diamonds​
Tumble Tech​

Small Junior 2
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Katz​
Cheer Extreme Allstars (Charlotte)​
CNY Storm Rainfall​
Georgia Allstars​
Green Bay Elite Purple​
Vizion Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Emeralds​
Prodigy Allstars Blizzard​
South Jersey Storm Wildfires​
Spirit Allstars Amethyst​
Spirit of Texas​
Stars Vipers Strikers​
Stealth Allstars Starburst​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Empresses​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 2
ACE Cheer Company​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Frost(possibly 3)​
Cheer Athletics Snow Leopards​
Heat Athletics Inferno​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glow​
Premier Reef Sharks​
Spirit of Texas​
Stingray Allstars Gray​
USA Wildcats​

Small Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company Coosas (Gadsden)​
Cheer Athletics Cubs​
Cheer Command Admirals​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Chiefs​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Wind​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Jersey Allstars Pearls​
Matrix Allstars Dragonflies​
OC Allstars Blaze​
Pennsylvania Storm Avalanche (maybe large?)
Prime Time Allstars Glamour​
Rock Solid Allstars Genesis​
South Jersey Storm Tornadoes​
Stars Vipers Pure Poison​
Ultimate Athletics Princesses​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (West Palm Beach)​

Large Youth 2
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Courage​
Aviator Allstars Tomcats​
Charlotte Allstars Mellow Yellow​
Cheer Athletics Leopards​
East Coast Majestics Spellbinders​
Prodigy Allstars Sapphire​
South Jersey Storm Heatwaves​
Stingray Allstars Red​

Small Mini 2
ACX Jags​
All Star Revolution Bravery​
Buckeye Cheer Elite Sassy Cats​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Peach​
Cheer Infinity Allstars
Elite Cheer Inc.​
ICE of IL​
Prodigy Allstars Sky​
South Jersey Storm Sandstorm​

Large Mini 2
Premier Angel Sharks

________________________________ Level 1

Small Senior 1
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Glimmer​
OC Allstars Flash​
South Jersey Storm Landslides​

Large Senior 1
Prodigy Allstars Neon​
Stingray Allstars Rose​

Small Junior 1
All Star Revolution Unity​
Aviator Allstars Gliders​
Cheer Athletics Bearkatz​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
CNY Storm Supercells​
Green Bay Elite Mint​
Intensity Allstars​
OC Allstars Glitter Girls​
Premier Spinner Sharks​
Prodigy Allstars Oasis​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Crowns​
USA Wildcats​

Large Junior 1
ACE Cheer Company​
Charlotte Allstars Cinnamon​
Stealth Allstars​

Small Youth 1
ACX Jags​
Cheer Athletics Kittykatz​
CNY Storm Breeze​
Jersey Allstars Shamrocks​
Premier Coral Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Glitz​
South Jersey Storm Wind​
Stealth Allstars​
Step One Allstars Incredible​
USA Wildcats​

Large Youth 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Honor​
Charlotte Allstars Cotton Candy​
Prodigy Allstars Cadet​
Stingray Allstars Mango​

Small Mini 1
Charlotte Allstars Kiwi​
Cheer Athletics Bobcats​
Cheer Command Corporals​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Raindrops​
East Coast Majestics Lil Charms​
Elite Cheer Inc.​
Green Bay Elite Pink​
Heat Athletics Flames​
Jersey Allstars Evergreen​
Intensity Allstars​
Matrix Allstars Megastars​
OC Allstars Shimmer​
Prime Time Allstars VIPs​
Spirit Allstars Twinkles​
Stealth Allstars Lil Bombers​
Tumble Tech​
Ultimate Athletics Monarchs​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Port St. Lucie)​
Ultimate Cheer & Dance (Vero Beach)​
USA Wildcats​

Large Mini 1
ACE Cheer Company​
All Star Revolution Mighty​
CNY Storm Little Winds​
Prodigy Allstars Royal​
Stingray Allstars Peppermint​

Tiny 1
ACE Cheer Company (Atlanta)​
ACX Jags​
Aviator Allstars Kittyhawks​
Carolina Spirit Athletics​
Charlotte Allstars Key Lime​
Cheer Athletics Itty Bitty Kitties​
Cheer Command Recruits​
Cheer Corp. Allstars Gunneys​
Clarksville Cheer Extreme​
CNY Storm Sprinkles​
CNY Storm Mist​
East Coast Majestics Enchanted​
Green Bay Elite Peach​
ICE of IL​
Intensity Allstars​
Jersey Allstars Periwinkles​
OC Allstars​
Premier Cookie Sharks​
Prime Time Allstars Starlets​
Prodigy Allstars Teal​
South Jersey Storm Raindrops​
Spirit Allstars Sparkles​
Stealth Allstars Pop Rocks​
Step One Allstars Teeny Tiny​
Stingray Allstars Grape​
Tumble Tech​
USA Wildcat​
State All Stars- tiny level 1, large mini 2, small youth 2, small youth 3, large junior 2 , large junior 4, large senior 4.2 coed, large senior 4, small coed restricted 5, medium all girl level 5, International coed level 5, parent team, special needs teams
Just updated with PCM teams to the best of my knowledge, also added a few more that I know of ;)
Ultimate Athletics just posted level 5's yesterday.

Special Needs
Small Mini 1
Small Youth 2
Small Youth 3
Small Junior 1
Small Junior 2
Large Junior 3
Large Junior 4
Small Junior Coed 5
Small Senior 3
Large Senior Coed 4
Small Senior 5
Small Senior Coed 5
Medium Senior Coed 5
International Open Coed 5
I think since we had practices today it is safe to post teams division now lol.

Fame Beach

Super Stars: Tiny 1
Glimmer: Small Mini 1
VIP's: Small Mini 2
Idols: Large Junior 1
Envy: Large Junior 3
Show Stoppers: Large Senior 2
Glam: Large Senior 3
Vixens: Large Senior 4
Flawless: Large Senior Restricted 5 (coed)
Notorious: Small Coed 5
Legends: International Open Coed 5
CNY Twisters has been moved to IOC5 and CNY weathergirls is no longer a team
WNY Outlaw Allstars have the following teams for 2012-2013

tiny L1
mini L1
youth L2
senior L2
senior L3/4
senior restricted L5
IO5 (worlds team)
IO6 (possibly a worlds team)
NJSE - I don't know all. Medium coed (fab 5) , small coed x5, coed 4 , j4 coed. I know there are more ,but don't know for sure level or size.
Ultimate Athletics just posted level 5's yesterday.

Special Needs
Small Mini 1
Small Youth 2
Small Youth 3
Small Junior 1
Small Junior 2
Large Junior 3
Large Junior 4
Small Junior Coed 5
Small Senior 3
Large Senior Coed 4
Small Senior 5
Small Senior Coed 5
Medium Senior Coed 5
International Open Coed 5

Yesssss.... I've been waiting forever for UA to finally get i5 are teams filled?
PrimeTyme Athletics (Hendersonville, TN)

Peeps - Tiny 1
Robins - Youth 2
Eagles - Junior 3
Black Crows - Senior 1
ThunderBirds - Senior 2
Falcons - Senior 3
SeaHawks - Senior Restricted 5 (Coed)
NightHawks - Small Coed 5
Raptors - Special Needs

International Teams don't Start till August.
I believe they are looking at International Coed 5 and 4

I Don't know the Columbia Gyms Teams