A guy on Reckless moved over to Cali’s new NT team, TNT. While he was always an unorthodox choice for a small coed team because he didn’t tumble, I gather he made up for it in strength and general morale. And he’s got two Worlds rings that prove he’s been more than capable of holding his own on that team.
So now that he’s moving to a NT team... IDK, it’s a bit cringey for me. I feel like the decision was made for him. Like now that there’s a NT division, they moved him over to free up that last male spot on Reckless and saved themselves the wrath of Twitter that would’ve befallen them had they cut him completely (he’s a fan fave). Because if it were me, there’s no way I’d leave a 2X Worlds team for some first-year team on my own.
This is a hot, hot take based off my own speculation and not at all rooted in fact. Maybe it was his choice. Maybe the TNT schedule suited him better. IDK. He’s been incredibly gracious and positive about the whole thing so maybe there’s nothing to see here. But I liked him on Reckless. He (not to mention a bunch of other kids on that team) proved that you can win Worlds — at the top level no less — without being a 15 y/o size 00 child model. “I’m too old/too big“ (“big” in this case meaning anything over a size 2) are not excuses for them. Very refreshing. I’m sad to see him go.