OT 25 Facts

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1. Im a bit (alot) obsessed with Girls Aloud <3
2. Cheer may actually be my life now
3. Ive done gymnastics since I was 8, and dont have alot to show for it :(
4. My favourites colours are purple and blue, everything has to be purple and blue!
5. Im 16 a week today!
6. I keep almost everything to myself
7. I find it hard to tell people things
8. Im addicted to this board waaayyyy to much!!
9. I love making new friends :)
10. I love my bedroom walls, there completly covered in Girls Aloud and Cheer.
11. I want to train dolphins when im older :D
12. Ive swam with sealions 5 times and dolphins once, love it soooo much
13. I love Georgia Allstars <3
14. I moan quite alot :/
15. I never have headphones for more than a week, they always break
16. My Iphone is the best thing ever
17. Im such a fussy eater, i live off chips and chicken nuggets
18. Google is my best friend, i google EVERYTHING
19. I know way to many things, im not supposed to know :)
20. I have about 5 people that meen the absolute world to
21. I like things to be organised, even though im usually quite messy
22. I no longer listen to normal music, its all cheer mixes!
23. I think too much
24. I want to move to America
25. Pain is temporary, Pride lasts forever! I live by this quote <3
dohnutt said:
20. I have a birthmark on my tooth...its just extra white.

Me too haha the dentist and doctor said it was from having scarlet fever when i was little, but no matter how much i whiten my teeth it wont go away
Copied mine from when I did it on facebook..

1. I've only grown a half inch in the past year and a half, which brings me to about 5 foot and one half inches. Awesome :)

2. I work at a retirement home in the dining room, It's getting really old really fast, but it pays the billllls.

3. I'm a little movie obsessed, I watch more movies than actually tv.

4. I lovelovelove bread (Panera). I eat way too much of it, its unhealthy.

5. It really irritates me when people spell my name wrong. My first name, mostly. ONE 'L'

6. Cheerleading is a hugeee part of my life, but if you know me at all, I didn't have to tell you that.

7. My favorite book is the Perks of Being a Wallflower, "at any time in your life, it means different things to you and you can relate to it" (paraphrase from Kim! haha)

8. I have my own car. It's a silver cavalier. (It needs a name! haha)

9. My favorites: I like the smell of the fresh rain, the sound of the cars on the turnpike by my house, the cold side of the pillow, and driving in my car alone and listening to the most incredible song for that moment.

10. I love to take pictures, and I love looking back at them and remembering fun times.

11. I can't keep my finger nails long enough to look nice, they always rip or break.

12. I'm the oldest grandchild in my family, all of my cousins are under the age of 4.

13. I'm an only child.

14. I've never broken a bone. Only fractured a bone in my ankle in 10th grade. (Knock on wood)

15. My favorite place I have traveled is Atlanta, Georgia, I'm in love with it down there. (I've also been there four times, and a fifth this year<3)

16. I usually don't get sick any worse than colds, just an occasional flu, nothing crazy. (Knock on wood)

17. I like to argue, in a joking way of course. Especially about that fact of how strong I am, thanks in large part to cheer.

18. I have three billion pairs of flip flops that I hardly wear. I have a box full of them in my room.

19. I love things decorated in zebra print, cheetah print, or red and black :)

20. During the cheerleading season, everything I wear, even if its not for cheerleading, ends up with glitter on it from my competitions.

21. I don't eat any seafood. At alll. Not even shrimp, thanks.

22. My eyes change color to either blue or green by what I'm wearing at the time, but my license says blue.

23. I have a trampoline in my yard. Loveeee it.

24. I have no musical talent what so ever. And I never have! :p

25. I hateeeeee touching paper when my fingers are wet, its the weirdest feeling ever.
michelesagem said:
8. I have my own car. It's a silver cavalier. (It needs a name! haha)

The Silver Bullet! That was the name of my ex boyfriends car, and it was only funny because it was so crappy and old. haha
1. I have an unhealthy obsession with gummie worms.
2. i think that monster truck ralleys are really cool.
3. i dislike shoes to an unhealthy extent.
4. i have very long hair but hate to wear it up.
5. when i get nervous i roll my eyes.
6. i have 7 cheerleading mixes in my car.
7. i crowd surfed at warped tour & got punched in the face by accident. good times.
8. i am trying to perfect the wu-tang.
9. i know all the words to "UGLY"
10. i am petrified of tumble tracks.
11. i am a terrible back seat driver.
12. my favorite color is yellow.
13. i knot my cheer laces 5 times each.
14. i sleep with my lava night light.
15. i have a strong love for crew neck sweatshirts.
16. i hate the cold, snow and ice.
17. lime rickys are my favorite drink. WILDWOOD<3
18. i do the bare minimum if not less in my chemisty class.
19. i have not reached 5 foot yet. i am 17.
20. i will not wear colored hair ties.
21. i wear my rainbows in the snow.
22. i like photography. alot.
23. i do not know how to parallel park, but i have my license.
24. i love roller coasters.
25. hot sauce makes everything taste better.

go for it :D
1. i go by my first and middle name (sara kate). i actually get mad if you call me just sara.
2. i cheer at brandon allstars and it is my home and i never want to cheer anywhere else.
3. i'm obsessed with HUGE bows. i currently have 14 and plan on expanding my collection greatly.
4. i got a macbook for my 14th birthday and i'm obsessed with it.
5. in four months and six days i will be fifteen years old.
6. i'm the most inconsistent tumbler you'll ever meet. i'll be working fulls one day, and bust a handspring tuck the next.
7. outback is my favorite resteraunt. ever. hands down. point blank.
8. i have three dream pets: a sugar glider, a mini pig and a chimpanzee.
9. do not touch my neck! i hate it more than anything. you'll get slapped.
10. law & order: special victims unit is my favorite show.
11. i'm making this list at school.
12. my parents put me in an AP class as a freshman. i'm failing. go mom and dad.
13. i just recently chopped off 12 inches of my hair for locks of love. it was halfway down my back and now i have a bob. i love being a half up half down girl at comps :)
14. i shorten almost every word i say. ex: prob (probably), obvi (obviously), comp (competition), prac (practice), perf (perfect).
15. i want a cheersport, nca, uca jacket and a worlds ring more than anything!
16. i have acid reflex. i'm not supposed to eat greasy or acidic foods. i do anyways.
17. i get the WEIRDEST illness's.
18. i join way to many fan pages on facebook.
19. in the room i'm in, the lights are motion censored so since i'm not moving much they turn off every seven minutes and i have to run around for them to turn back on.
20. i legit say "im not doing tonights homework" and copy it from someone the next day.
21. i love wearing dresses.
22. my cell phone has currently been taken away since 12/19/09 and i die a little inside everyday that im without it.
23. i buy sushi (california roll only) for the rice. i take off the rice and eat it. i don't like any other part of it.
24. i love to cook and i'm pretty good at it.
25. i want to be a university of florida gator <3

your turn :D
fabuloushailx3x said:
dohnutt said:
20. I have a birthmark on my tooth...its just extra white.

Me too haha the dentist and doctor said it was from having scarlet fever when i was little, but no matter how much i whiten my teeth it wont go away

same! haha and the dentist said they can remove it but its a lottt of money.
sk werrrk said:
8. i have three dream pets: a sugar glider, a mini pig and a chimpanzee.

My brother had one for almost two years. They are cute for like the first couple days then you want to get rid of it. They sleep ALLLL day, quote ALL day, then wake up around 9 or 10pm and stay up ALLL night. Most nights it barked, like a little dog or growled. It smelled really bad, so my brother had to clean the cage every few days or so. It got so bad my brother moved out of his room and slept in the basement cause he never got any sleep. It needs a LOT of attention and brother just couldn't spend the time with it that it needed and he couldn't afford to get it a buddy. He finally just gave up and sold it to a friend. So before you get one, please take these things in to account!
whats a sugar glider?
and i saw a mini pig in a magazine the other day and am obssesed!! I was like begging my mom for one. ahah
1. My middle name is dawn, but i don't tell people because when i say it, it sounds like don and they make fun of me for it.
2. I haven't read any of the twilight books/seen the movies.
3. I have to get surgery on my wrist after this season.
4. Someone wrote in the stall at school "I am going to kill a Siegel Cheerleader" This is the second time its been written in like a week and me and my friends are kind of scared..
6. Two of my guy friends like me and they're both really good friends with each other.. we all have a class together and its really awkward.
7. I actually kind of like school.
8. Today in geometry, me and a few of my friends switched seats to see if our teacher noticed (She's really strict with her seating chart) and she told 2 of my friends to switch back but didn't notice me and the other girl who switched until the end of class :)
9. My little brother taught me how to solve a rubik's cube and I do it like 24/7 now.
10. In french today me and my friend got up and played with my teacher's hamster during class. We took the whole period to get it out of its tube and right when we did the bell rang.. we were almost late to class because we wanted to keep playing with it.
11. I'm in a graphic design class at school and my ticket design got chosen and now everyone in the school has my ticket.. idk I thought it was cool :)
12. This weekend is the first time I've been excited to compete since last season.. its not even a big comp, my team has just changed so much and I love them! (If any of yall remember my thread from the other board about this team, its gotten SOSOSO much better.. like unbelievably better)
13. My alarm has to be set for a weird time, like if I need to wake up at 6:30 or 6:15.. I'll set it for 6:32 or 6:18.
14. I spend way too much time on farmville.
15. My farm has come up in conversations in class multiple times.. my biology teacher was talking about her farm and about how the green cows must have chlorophyll in them or something, then this random kid what like OH MY GOD KAILEY'S FARM IS SO GOOOOOD. hahah
16. Me and this guy on my team have awkward starring contests from across the lunch room everyday.
17. His girlfriend absolutely hates me because of this?
18. I can't walk in heels.
20. My english teacher HATES our class.. we're having a food party in there tomorrow (cupcakes, pasta salad, and a bunch of other random things) we aren't even supposed to have gum in her class.
21. I need to get ready for practice like NOW.
22. I can tell when its about to rain because my fingers start to hurt.
23. I have only driven one time in my life and it was in a field.. My 16th birthday is in 2 months....
24. I found a pack of saltine crackers in my desk at school today and it kinda made my day.. those are like my favorite ever.
25. Tomorrow, I'm going to leave candy bars in all the desks i sit at with a note for whoever sits there the next period to have a wonderful day :)
kaileymc said:
25.Tomorrow, I'm going to leave candy bars in all the desks i sit at with a note for whoever sits there the next period to have a wonderful day :)

wow thats a really nice thing to do!
1. I don't cheer anymore, but my younger sister does.
2. I cheered for 8 years (4 yrs on varsity, 2 yrs in college and 2 yrs on an open team)
3. The only tumbling I can still do is a standing bhs and a toe touch tuck (I quit tumbling the day I started working on my layout)
4. My favorite cheer moment was cheering at the NCAA mens bball tourney in AZ... my least fav was NCA college nationals.
5. My sister does hs and all star...we both like school cheering better than all star
6. I am the biggest Michael Jackson fan you will ever meet...since birth I have been this way.
7. I got more calls and texts of condolences the day Michael Jackson died than when my grandmother died 3 months earlier.
8. I won tickets to the Michael Jackson memorial in LA and managed to get a flight from SC to LA on 8 hours notice...I also convinced US Airways people to knock people off flights to put me on...I'm a very persuasive person
9. The night Michael Jackson died my sister and I sat in a hotel room and cried while watching videos... we also randomly tell people that he is our dad.
10. We're 9 yrs apart but extremely close...as well as our older sister.
11. Shes getting a BMW for her 15th birthday... (or a diff. car)...hah....
12. I'm in grad school studying library science...I don't think I enjoy it
13. I feel better when I spend money or give money away
14. I am an extremely "lucky" person. If I decide I want to win something...I generally do.
15. I did music for my sisters gym at Spirit of Hope (and I'm doing it at Cheersport) and it made/makes me incredibly nervous.
16. Both of my pinkies are crooked like this (
17. People think that I am extremely witty...
18. My car is orange
19. I hate cats, muffin tops, and the Osmond family
20. Cold weather makes me panic
21. I always drive the speed limit
22. I think my mom is obsessed with planning my wedding because she's been to horrible weddings and wants to show people "how its done"....mind you I am not engaged...or close to it even.
23. I think Tom Brokaw and Anderson Cooper are the most attractive white men to walk the face of the earth
24. I know everything...and people like to tell me stuff...and I listen...and then I pass it on... I guess that makes me a gossip.
25. I really like my nose.
1.Im half Irish(moved when I was 5) which will explain the red hair..
2.I can speak approx 5 words in Irish which upsets my grandparents alot so they then rant in irish and it makes no sense.
3.I played varsity soccer and also dance throughout HS, focused on one and chose soccer.
4.Music is my life i would die without it.
5.I plan on studing Biology in College wherever i decide to go.
6.Im currently on a year off and work as a waitress.
7.Being a waitress is not fun.
8.My Best friends Alex, Jazz and London mean as much to me as my family.
9.Friends is my all time favourite show, i know every word seriously.
10.Next comes Greys Anatomy and One Tree Hill.
11.I have 2 pet turtles, squirtle and jellybean.
12.My ex bf is one of my best friends, his new gf hates it.
13.It bothers me so much when people cant understand that girls and guys can just be friends.
14.I am obsessed with the kesha album.
15.I wear jeans and a tee nearly everyday.
16.I drive a gold coloured car which is kinda cool i guess..i really want a new one.
17.I got a ticket last month not cool.
18.Me and my friends are on a mission to fufill the 50 things to do at a macdonalds drive thru.
19.I am obsessed with mcdreamy.
20.I love fajitas.
21.My favourite all time song is Halo by Bethany Joy aka Haley from One Tree Hill.
22.^^^ I call this the theme song of my life.
23.I own at least 20 pairs of keds.
24.B4 i die i will dine and dash.
25.I love the rain esp at night..
michelesagem said:
22. My eyes change color to either blue or green by what I'm wearing at the time, but my license says blue.

GAH! Same. My license says green but in the picture they look blue! :bounce:
1. My name is lexie and I am a senior :)
2.words cant explain how ready I am for college!!
3.I have cheered at ONE gym which is ACX for 12 years, its like my home :)
4.I just visited Louisville, Kentucky and made my decision thats where i will be next year (if i make the cheerleading team that is!) ....
5. If not, i dont have a clue what i want to do! lol better start planning haha
6. if i wasnt at acx, i would want to cheer at Stingrays or Georgia..both super classy!
7. I am OBSESSED with cheer music, its kind of ridiculous
8. I live in South Carolina, where the weather is so unpredictable, one day they say its going to snow and the next i could be laying out by my pool in january.. very annoying.
9. Highschool cheering wasnt for me..i did it anyways..varsity 7th grade thru 11th..and stopped this year because i got nothing out of it except for a messed up knee and a state runner up medal WOW such an honor!
10. I really dont think i will ever get burnt out on cheerleading, its something i want to make a career out of. lame i know lol but its the truth.
11. I have been working on my standing full for like 6 months maybe..landed it once and almost gave up (which is REALLY unlike me) then this past weekend i decided to try it at Gymtyme for the UofL allgirl coach, and I LANDED IT ! best day of my life
12. I have had a full since i was 8 .....
13. Therefore my body doesnt know how to double.. FRUSTRATING!
14. when i was younger like around 3 and 4 years old i would jump on a exersise trampoline (really small ones) in my house and do toe touches for hours, i mean like 6 hours at a time..this is no joke! haha
15. When I was 7 years old, my acx team was at a competition in Myrtle Beach..back in the day when levels didnt matter you were just on a youth team and you could do whatever..i went up to my coach and said "look what I just taught myslef" and it was a triple toe tuck in the sand on the beach..he immediatly called an extra practice that day and put it in the routine ! lol
16. im DEATHLY afraid of snakes, i cant even watch them on tv
17. im addicted to diet coke
18. I just recently had a full page picture of myself in Inside cheerleading magazine! which was awesome!
19. i really cant stand two faced people !
20. I could NEVER have short hair or brown hair.. it would look awful
21. if it werent for ACX i can say i wouldnt be the person i am today
22. Ive NEVER in all my years of cheering ACX has never been to NCA dallas and we are competiting there this year and i am SOOO EXCITED!
23. if i am at cheerelading practice, i WILL have a bow in my hair and most likely a poof lol
24. This will be my last year doing ACX and im going to miss it more than anything :( i get really upset when i think abou it
25. i love this thread :)

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