That whole sadiecakez/cheerbaby thing is really uncomfortable to watch. i was mistaken before, they don't like in Phoenix, they live in Lake Havasu. Here is their gym:
Universal Gymnastics and Cheer
She doesn't buy those tops, she makes them at home...the CA one is on a blue velvet sports bra.
There is also an "aunt" in there with a "cousin" (I don't know if it's the sister's daughter or what) but her pics are even scarier. Yes it's completely safe to one man a baby while sitting on a jet ski next to a dock in the lake.
And yes there are kids out there who are in this situation and they step up. This is not one of those situations. This is a child that thinks she just scored her own American Girl doll.
I get more annoyed with the adult moms who make IG accounts for their child and then act like it is the kid who is running them. I'm sorry but I refuse to believe your 5 year old has better spelling then I do or that she gives two flips who Matt Smith is. Years down the road these kids are going to look at these accounts and be like "wtf mom?"