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I agree 100%. The fact that you've gotten your dander up about it means MC has succeeded in a little psychological warfare 101. The only thing you can do is take away their power by letting it not bother you. :)

for sure not psyched out, just sad for our girs/guys who have worked so hard to come as far as they have to just have someone come in and broadcast it before we've even hit the mat. Its fair game at competitions, just doesnt seem right coming into a parent viewing and doing that. Texas has never been psyched out by any gym.. They've always put the best they could on the mat. Can't wait for 3 more weeks till we take the mat :)
I know it sucks but you kind of have to expect it now. People are as shady as the shade under an oak tree on a sunny day. Last year at our showcase people from other gyms were recording and our mc announced it on the mic and had everyone say high to them. :confused:
Maybe I'm standing alone on this subject, but I disagree. We live in the 21st century. I'm tired of wanting to watch XYZ Allstars and not being able to because "they don't allow their routines to be posted online." SERIOUSLY!?!? What is the big deal about allowing your competitors to see what you threw at a competition/showcase/parent preview? Trust me, if a gym wants to see your routines, they'll find a way to get them. It doesn't matter if you allow your routines to be posted online or not. What are they going to do, steal your stunt? Congratulations, now you have video proof that they are uncreative and clearly ripped you off. Come talk about them on the fierceboard; we love drama like that. And I guess another thing is that the OP said she was trying to wave her arms in front of the camera. I have gone to competitions and recorded not because I want to post them online, but because these teams DON'T post online and I like to watch them, so I record them for my own benefit. I'd be extremely pissed if I paid $10, which benefits their gym, was taping harmless video, and then it got ruined by some parent that over-reacts. If you are SO sure that he was from the other gym, then why not approach him and ask what he's going to do with the videoed routines? If you have a no videotaping policy being enforced at the competition/parent preview, he is required to delete the footage if you ask him.

I'm actually surprised more gyms have not made a financial gain out of this. I couldn't get my wallet out fast enough if a gym like Cheer Athletics told me "Pay $30 and we'll give you access to all of our performances at competitions throughout the year." Every level, Itty Bitty Kittys to Wildcats, at every competition they go to? I'd probably pay even more for a gym like CA that I love. It wouldn't even have to be their actual performance (due to copyright they probably couldn't financially benefit/redistribute from the videos of comps like dallas). If they recorded one full-out run through of their "jamfest routine" at a practice right before the competition, I'd still pay quite a bit to have access to consistently updated routines from my favorite gyms that won't be taken down after 2.5 seconds.
@PghxCheer2 ... i too totaly agree with lots of things you said. Thats why I said at a comp I totally agree, it is fair game. My point being that our show off was cut into sections, not in uniform, it was just a run thru. Our kids should have the right to DEBUT thier routines first on the comp mat instead of someone else debuting it for them first. They are kids, they worked thier butts off to deserve that. and i did approach him... and he didn't care nor have the respect.
I definitely see the point you are trying to state. I'm much more sympathetic to somebody being upset at a parent preview performance video going online than a competition video. Competition's are much more public. I sort of used this thread to rant a little over my confusion as to why so many great teams (especially those of the texas variety) hide their routines in texas. It was supposed to be an indirect compliment. I WANT to see your awesome kids perform, but so many gyms won't let me!!!!!!
@PghxCheer2 - I totally get what you're saying in one aspect. In that wanting to have a team's performance that you don't normally get to see (I'd be darned lucky if I could ever see my beloved Panthers live) on video so you can watch it yourself whenever you want.. but if it's from a Parents Preview, BEFORE it's been competed, in October, not in uniform AND posted on youtube for everyone to see, that's a bit much. If it REALLY was 'just for him', why post it online? There are non-youtube video players for personal use..if it was meant 'just for you.' It's really lame to do that before a team's competed yet, or had a big open showcase (like CEA's having where people KNOW video will be out and expect it to be). To pay $10 for a more private 'Parent's Preview' (hah alliteration)...and slap it all over the web? That's awkward sauce..

I don't get blocking video from youtube after Mid-February, unless it was a disasterfest. Especially now when even if you don't allow video someone can still pretty accurately describe what it was you did and type it out on here.
I know it sucks but you kind of have to expect it now. People are as shady as the shade under an oak tree on a sunny day. Last year at our showcase people from other gyms were recording and our mc announced it on the mic and had everyone say high to them. :confused:

lmaooo i would diee if there was video of that!
I understand other people wanting to see other gyms routines but stealing their choreography is ridiculous. Most of the time, if you need to steal someone elses work, you wont be able to do it correctly anyway. This topic always makes me laugh. If you unveil your routine a week before nca or worlds, 95% of teams wont take your choreography because they wont be able to compose themselves that quickly or they wont be able to come close to your level in one short week, and will just end up making themselves look bad.
That's terrible! Our was the same night as yalls. We had to have a ticket given out to gym members only to be alloed in to try and avoid this situation because it happened to us last year. Someone from a rival gym came to our showoff and put it on YouTube. We weren't even permitted to record it as family this year. In the end of the day all of the routines will be available in the next month...
And this is why our Bow Ceremony is the friday of competition. There is no way our rival gym can change their routine in less then 24hrs.
I video tape any teams that will be a threat to my schools team and ive shown them the videos.....

If youre good....youre good.
Our sport recycles 95% of what we produce every year. (yes, i made up that statistic) toe touches are toe touches, scorpions are scorpions, doubles are doubles, etc. I don't understand why watching your competition (early) is that necessary? You can choreograph your routine the best you can, but having a different team's routine on tape won't allow you to add extra doubles, stunts, or anything. If it's creativity you are lacking, I don't understand why would just wouldn't watch old cheer videos from last season. This whole thing makes no sense to me.

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