All-Star Abs

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Mar 31, 2010
what are the best ways to get defined abs? no matter how hard i try, i can not get them to truly show. I wanna know how so many of these girls do it!
honestly (I used to train people before going back to school) you have to have low body fat (note I said low, not dangerously low) and the mass. If you have the muscle mass (you can feel them, but they won't "show") then you need to drop some body fat.

Are you having problems with them "showing" or do you need to gain the muscle?
Blacktop runs...I know they are awful for the rest of your body...they are a life saver...its pretty much my version of being belemic
They're born with 6 packs...
I actually was! :D

It probably also has to do with the fact that level 5 athletes who have these 6packs work out like crazy at practice, and all the tumbling they do naturally carves out a defined core like that.
Combine cardio with strength training and lower your body fat percentage. Running, riding bikes, jump roping, etc. are great cardio, while plank holds are really good for strength. Yoga is amazing too. Eat foods low in fat, like fruits & vegetables; eat lean meats for your protein. Avoid snacking on "empty calories" - chips, for example. It's a lot harder for girls because we naturally have an extra layer of fat to protect our uterus so don't expect them to show up overnight, and some people just won't ever get those clear-cut abs you see on Abercrombie models. Good luck though! :)
Anything involving twisting (bicycle crunches, twist pulses, etc) helps trim down your obliques which has always given me that extra boost when I'm trying to define my abs a bit more. ALSO- you can't exactly 'spot treat' fat. You may be more likely to store it in one spot (thighs, stomach, hips etc) but you need to work your WHOLE body to get it down. And please remember: You can NEVER completely eliminate fat. Fact of life and read this: THIS. IS. A. GOOD. THING. Your body NEEDS that layer of fat and will never get rid of it. You have your absolute dead-set base layer..and then you body starts eating muscle for energy. Just to remind people.. ;)
okay, the athletic trainer in me is gonna come out a little bit :)

although i'm pretty sure @cheeromgbre was trying to be funny, that's actually true. everyone is technically born with a "6 pack". its your transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis muscles. they are there, its just a matter of how toned they are, and how much fat you have over top of the muscle. in order for them to "show"? cardio and strength conditioning, and eating right. eating right, believe it or not, really plays a huge factor in it. as does the rate of your metabolism, which, you unfortunately dont have much control over. i know it sounds all swell and dandy to just say, hey, i want to get rid of this pooch on the front of my stomach. reality: you cant choose where your body will burn fat from. harsher reality: if you are female, its extremely hard to get rid of a pooch and "love handles" because your body by nature is preparing you for the almighty childbirth. yea, it sucks, but its something you just have to accept.
now im not going to give you a day by day plan of what you must do to get 6 pack abs. because A. it doesn't exist because B. everyone is different. but me personally? i do cardio like its my job. while was at school, i would run at least 5 miles a day. id crank up some cheer music, and just go. now, i regret it, because running is horrible for your body. even now, most doctors are against it and rather suggest swimming, which, now that its summer, i do all the time. it is AWESOME cardio, even better than running, and will make you feel extremely refreshed. one warning though, swimming makes you EXTREMELY hungry when you're done (if you're doing it right) so you have to have the self control to not turn around and bing eat on one of everything in your kitchen. as for actual workouts? i alternate with p90x and the conditioning debbie love has on her site. i do the lean version. i want to get fit, not jacked. a big thing that goes hand in hand with strength and conditioning? STRETCHING. even if you arent a flyer. because as you condition and build muscle and your body changes, you need to maintain the flexbility at a the same rate or you really risk injury. believe me, i would know...
and as far as eating right. im not saying go be a rabbit. but proportions and variety are your key. if you have the munchies, ho hos and doritos probably arent your best bet. go instead for like carrots and celery, or i personally love the special k granola bars when im craving something like cookies. and really make sure things are balanced. i dont really eat meat, which hurts me because i dip highs and lows when it comes to anemia, so i try and eat other iron rich foods. even if you dont like fruits and veggies, at least try and eat a little every day. and if you want dessert, okay, but dont eat enough for 5. its just more common sense stuff then anything when it comes to eating right, but unfortunately our generation is very clueless on the common sense stuff.
okay... i really rambled. but i hope this helps, and if you have questions, just ask! good luck!
like others have stated above, those 6 packs abs don't just come with exercise, one needs to diet as well. muscle will only show through when the fat layer is thin enough to allow it to show through. if you are already quite thin though, then i recommend toning your entire core. if you need to lose some fat too, then add 20-30 min of cardio 4 times a week as well as doing the toning.

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