Coming from a girl who cheers at a gym with 4 competitive teams and 2 rec teams...I do not mind competing against larger teams or teams from a large gym. It shouldn't matter what gym you come from, it matters what you put on that mat. I used to be on the other side (still at the same gym), where we had all large teams. We maxed out on 36 in almost every division. The year before they capped it at 36, my senior 3 team had 39 girls (2007 i think...). We were very successful, we were grand champions at American Cheer Power Tournament of Champions and came in first place at the "World's Best" Competition (now called U.S. finals). Now we have prominently small teams, 18ish kids. Our largest team has 23 girls on it. Do i care that we compete against a team with 36 kids? No. It pushes me to work harder and sell my routine that much more. Not everyone can get a trophy, it has to be earned, period. The size of your team doesn't necessarily decide this. Also, I really don't like it when larger scale competitions split the division into small gym and large gym. Just because my gym is small should I feel like we aren't good enough to compete against the others? I don't think so. I understand it is also done to keep divisions from overflowing with teams, but I miss the old ways...