The meeting wasn't even about if we wanted to attend NCA, it was what hotel to block the rooms at (we already knew we where going). The drama mommas made such a big issue with not wanting to attend NCA (for the various reason I posted) that the coach just went ahead and asked (the drama moms where slamming him hard). I raised my hand stating I wanted to attend-at the end $140 for a hotel room isn't bad in Down Town Dallas considering how many others will be looking for rooms, we don't have to pay for plane tickets to get us their, since we live 6hrs away, has much has we won last year I'll give it a shot. Yes, I think more then 1/2 of the girls from CP (she is 8) team left (for a great majority it was their 1st year including us, CP almost didn't want to do it again), I don't think bottom line it had anything to-do with the gym itself (in fact, I feel that with CP team all the drama moms stayed not one drama momma left -lol-). I know one of my daughters classmates told me she just didn't like it (her 1st year), for another it was $. Some girls had been doing it for years and just wanted a break (or their parents did). I know of one that left (older then my daughter) due to the fact she she wanted to-do a higher level team then what our gym could offer (small town don't have the pop. to draw from like a bigger city), they would have stayed otherwise. I truly don't know all the reasons for everyone. The gym is in a small rural part of the world, it's located in the poorest part of our state which ranks up their in being one of the poorest states in the US. Trying to find people that want to shell out over $2,000 a year isn't easy, just the $300+ for the uniform is tough. Plus some folks are just to ignorant to let a coach of a different color coach their daughters. Local gossip keeps some folks away (I am sure drama mommas can make things sound bad), life in a small town isn't always easy. One mother complained about the fundraisers, I held my mouth but wanted to tell her she can organize something if she didn't like what was is offered. I don't want to burn bridges for my daughter. I knew when my daughter wanted to-do cheer it was going to be expensive and take up a lot of time and maybe we would have to give up some vacations and even the carpet I want replaced with tile :( Just because she wanted to fly doesn't mean she would be able to, maybe she would catch on to the tumbling or maybe not. I do admit it is funny to watch some of the drama, parents not liking their daughter is in the back, why are they on the lower level team when so and so is no better and they made the higher level, why is the coach talking to only their child and not anyone else etc.... Everything my children has participated in has had drama.