I'm pretty sure everyone twists to the left? We fly on our right, full-up to the right, but twist to the left?
There is a good reason to twist cradle to the left... for co-ed stunting anyway.
After the pop the base turns to his right to make the cradle catch. With the flyer twisting left she naturally comes 'into' his body, rather than rolling away, on the catch. This is just easier (and safer) to catch.
Of course, if you're standing on the opposite (left) foot and the base is turning to the left to catch the twist cradle, it is better for the flyer to twist to the right on the dismount.
Mind you, if you have two (or even 3) catchers for the cradle (the main base, side and head) then whichever way you twist becomes irrelevant.
I try and teach co-ed flyers (and their bases) to start stunting on their left as early as possible rather than waiting for years and years until they have perfected all their skills on the right. This way switching legs and flying on the opposite (note: I never call it the wrong leg as I feel that there is nothing at all 'wrong' about standing on the left or holding the stunt with the left arm) side for pyramids or formation purposes is more easily managed.
I believe that you should push to expand your skill set in every direction possible. One of the things that REALLY irks me is the flyer/base (base group) that can't work with anyone else! I do understand that to reach the highest level of difficulty you do need to work with a primary partner that you trust and is at your level, but, you should be able to master all of the basic skills and be able to perform them with anyone else who has also mastered them. As an example: for a co-ed level 6 team I expect all the bases should be able to do a toss extended stunt, hold liberties, arabesques, scales and scorpions and double down from them with all of the flyers on the team. Move to some of the more advanced skills (rewinds, full-ups, etc.) and you should still be able to hit them with about half the girls on the team who can do those skills.