like i said, i was not bashing them, or saying they do not belong on the team, i just personally think it does not look good, like hannah said, it's a visual thing. and i do think it effects the girls who are basing the little ones too. if you watch real closely to some of the teams that put up those babies, there is no technique.... often times you'll watch the backspot gripping for dear life to the flyers knee, literally, holding her up there, as the flyer is like on a slant in the air., and god only knows what those bases are doing underneath her. but you know what, she's staying up there, so that's all that counts right? wrong. it looks bad, and it looks sloppy. i'm not saying every team with fetuses.... feti? are guilty of it either, i'm just saying i see alot of it across the board. i feel like teams are compensating in order to hit the difficulty on score sheets....
i do agree that seniors should be 14-18. most of the time (i said most) athletes that age have grown out of little girl syndrome, plus the maturity difference is astounding (again, most of the time). i'm not saying those little girls don't deserve to be on a worlds team or anything of the sort. i adore them and their talent. i'm just stating how i feel about senior teams using those little girls.
as for the whole college thing.... it does hurt colleges. and i know personally, my team HATES allstars. which is funny. because i'm pretty sure if i was never an allstar, i wouldn't be on that team right now.... I'm going to say it, and some people are going to hate me for it, but it's my opinion. when you compare a college cheerleader that was an allstar with one that cheered high school, 9 times out of 10, that allstar is going to be better and more well rounded. so honestly, colleges should care about allstars, because it really is the source of its incoming talent. are there talented highschool cheerleaders out there? of course, some who are better than allstars. but most scenarios i've seen, high school cheerleaders that are good doubled up as an allstar. again, ALLL PERSONAL OPINION AND EXPERIENCES.
rainbows and butterflies :) just stating opinions, not looking to get a rise out of anyone.
peace and happy cheering!