OK, I know I said I was giving up, but I had to come back. Don't you have to sign something at the beginning of the season? I've always had to sign something when my daughters register saying that I understand that allstar cheer is a commitment. It was pretty specific--that we were agreeing to be financially liable to the gym for the whole season, and that our kids understood that they were committing to a team for the season. Possibly (?) not totally enforceable, and not exactly what you mean, but I still wouldn't say there's "NO parental signature or release"--I had to sign about 6 or 7 pages worth of stuff at the beginning of the season. If a gym doesn't have something like this in place then maybe they should. Even the little tiny gym we went to our fist season had this. And I'd i
magine if this rule does go into effect for all levels, any gym with half a business sense would add a form that states the rule very clearly
as well as very clearly spell out their procedures for release. I hope...