Either you're contradicting yourself, or you're changing who you're speaking for. In the previous post you said you felt he did what he was supposed to do. Now you're saying the writer failed because you agree the title is misleading. Then you start using the word "they". I'd only be assuming, if I was to take it you are inferring that the editors were dictating what should be written.
As I stated, I'm not the writer, nor am I the CA staff. I'm guessing you aren't either, so how do you know he *didn't* say what his plan was? Not saying he did, but if bluecat himself says they aren't thrilled with it, and comments about 12 paragraphs about a slumber party vs 1 sentence on Worlds, that shows some disconnect between their expectations. And who's to say that the general public *wouldn't* be as entertained by the story everybody was hoping it would be?