My current avatar was taken at NCA this past season after my team found out that we won. I'm in the right corner hugging my flyer/best friend.
Of course mine has a story behind it because I'm too much of a sentimental person: We went into day 2 in second and most of the team had gotten second the year before. All that I remember from that awards ceremony was my flyer shaking and practically murdering my hand when they announced second. The split second that they announced first she jumped up and just kept saying, "thank you for always believing in me. We did it!" There was a handful of us that it was our second or third time to win and we were mostly excited for those that had just won for the first time. It was my flyers first time to win and my third. She was always overly hard on herself so I tried to make it about her as much as possible. I have no idea how many times that I told her that I was proud of her that day. I would honestly do anything to relive that moment in time.