All-Star Asking Questions About Cheerlebrity's

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Just because your best friend's sister does something, does that mean you have to? Sure, other athletes in other sports are discussed ad nauseum...doesn't mean we have to. If it comes up during the course of a thread, to me it's whatever. But creating a thread about it makes it appear as though it's some juicy tidbit whether you want it to come across that way or not. As a person who's come on the fierceboard to find their name as the title of a thread, and to discover that thread saying not-so-nice things, I personally err on the side of 'not talking about it.'
Ive always wondered why people have to come on here an go public about someone's life or ask a question about someone? Why not just ask the person directly...? Or ask someone who knows them personally (if it's that important to you) you know?? If its put on twitter, just go directly to the source it came from. But that's just my opinion
I mean, I honestly don't care what people think about other cheerleaders on the boards, you're entitled to your own opinion. I just think that if these athletes wanted their situations to be discussed publicly, they would put it out there. seeing as not very many people openly put 'Hey yall Im moving to gym X because gym Y ____' on facebook, twitter or the boards for that matter, I just don't find it to really be our business. JMO. :rolleyes:
That being said, there are other social media outlets that can give us information as to what they are doing. I remember seeing a screen shot of a text between to athletes talking about how one of them is choosing to changes teams. If it's but out like that, I don't see what's wrong with asking why. I follow several girls on formspring and they have no problem sharing that info or explaining something.

I understand these things cause problems cause problems but, if some on is just clarifying something that they heard, what's wrong with that. We can stop the inpropriate post like we always do. But if I want to know if Suzie Needlenot is with Trannycats All Stars just out of curiosity, what is so horrible about asking?
As I stated in this thread, people will always be curious to know when a cheerlebrity has made a gym transformation. Its not to be nosey or in their personal business because I dont care for anyones personal business to become my concern. My children are curious because there are cheerlebritys they follow and admire. That may be hard for some people to understand when you dont have cheerlebritys within your organization. I want to appologize to everyone for bringing up the elite versus non-elite gym thing. It is what it is and I dont want to kill anyones dream of being considered elite. Its always good to dream BIG!
Asking questions about somebodies personal life is wrong. Asking what gym someone is at now is not a big deal nor is it a private matter. Its public knowledge as soon as that CP gets on the floor at a competition . Asking why the CP is at a gym is nobodies business . As far as a gym being Elite or non-elite. I believe there is no such thing. Elite is a strong word especially when calling other gyms non-elite. Although I do not believe in this thread that it was ment to be derogatory just a bad choice of words.Just My Opinion.
WCMAN pretty much cleared it up. I saw nothing wrong with the poster's question as the boards have been trying to clear up the whole issue regarding Cheerlebrities and Minors discussions lately. Some take things to heart if they feel its a jab at their gym in particular, however, if the individual not to be named did transition over, kudos and best wishes for the new season #clap clap
I think some people tried to use that thread as a ploy for shimmies. Being the first one to say you're doing something wrong, or post the :enjoyshow: smiley, or anything like that generally seems like the way some newer people are going, thinking that's the way you go about things on the boards.
Umm...someone posted a SCREEN SHOT of a TEXT BETWEEN TWO ATHLETES? Uhhh, that ain't public info. That's two athletes having a convo between themselves. Now if someone is a jerk and posts it for the world to see, that's their issue now with that 'friend' who will blab their life out to everyone and anyone.

Celebrities of any type from any type owe us NOTHING. We are not owed the details of their life just because they're famous. It happens sometimes, sure. But it's still not our business. You don't have a mechanic fix your car and then make him pay you because you gave him work..that's not how this goes lol.
This is a bit different question of a cheerlebrity....and totally not meant to be snarky. I honestly don't know the answer and for some reason was thinking about it while running this morning.

If I'm lucky I can name 4 cheerlebritys and get their gym/team correct...maybe. I just don't pay much attention to individuals in cheer. I really like to watch the teams as a whole so the cheerlebrity thing doesn't really interest me to follow it.

So here's the question...are there any cheerlebritys that are bases or do they all tend to be the point flyer that can also throw the last pass? again, not wanting to stir up drama....just curious. My perception is that they all seem to be flyers. Just wondered if that was on point or not.
This is a bit different question of a cheerlebrity....and totally not meant to be snarky. I honestly don't know the answer and for some reason was thinking about it while running this morning.

If I'm lucky I can name 4 cheerlebritys and get their gym/team correct...maybe. I just don't pay much attention to individuals in cheer. I really like to watch the teams as a whole so the cheerlebrity thing doesn't really interest me to follow it.

So here's the question...are there any cheerlebritys that are bases or do they all tend to be the point flyer that can also throw the last pass? again, not wanting to stir up drama....just curious. My perception is that they all seem to be flyers. Just wondered if that was on point or not.
I agree. To me, majority of "cheerlebritys" seem to be flyers. And by all means, dot get me wrong, those girls are great, but i'd love to see some more recognized bases. Some that I can think of off the top of my head are Whittney Love, Kiara Nowlin, and Toni Bronisevsky. Then again, those girls are all BEAST tumblers, and more so recognized for that. So I'm going to go ahead and say that no, there are no cheerlebritys know for their basing skills :/ which is incredibly unfortunate.

(keep in mind that their may be, i just cant think of them. But, that goes to show how few there really are; if any)
I agree. To me, majority of "cheerlebritys" seem to be flyers. And by all means, dot get me wrong, those girls are great, but i'd love to see some more recognized bases. Some that I can think of off the top of my head are Whittney Love, Kiara Nowlin, and Toni Bronisevsky. Then again, those girls are all BEAST tumblers, and more so recognized for that. So I'm going to go ahead and say that no, there are no cheerlebritys know for their basing skills :/ which is incredibly unfortunate.

(keep in mind that their may be, i just cant think of them. But, that goes to show how few there really are; if any)
Cheyenne from T&S/Oklahoma State! Unfortunately she's the only one I can think of.
Umm...someone posted a SCREEN SHOT of a TEXT BETWEEN TWO ATHLETES? Uhhh, that ain't public info. That's two athletes having a convo between themselves. Now if someone is a jerk and posts it for the world to see, that's their issue now with that 'friend' who will blab their life out to everyone and anyone.

Celebrities of any type from any type owe us NOTHING. We are not owed the details of their life just because they're famous. It happens sometimes, sure. But it's still not our business. You don't have a mechanic fix your car and then make him pay you because you gave him work..that's not how this goes lol.

What I saw was legit, posted by one of the athletes invovled. It wasn't anything trashy, if anything emotional. My thing is these girls are teenagers. It is no different than if I talked about my friend who choose to leave her gym to be point flyer and I know because she posted it. If someone puts it out there, fair game. That's real life.
Amanda Graceffa based for the last two years, Angel,Kimsley. Honestly I think their are two types of cheerlebrities. Talent based ones and looks. Nothing agaisnt the look ones, but some of these girls wouldn't be idolized if they didn't look like barbie. Then there are some who are getting noticed for being fierce last pass/point jump/dancer/flyer. That's half the problem.
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