I finally watched this last night. And spent an hour and 45 minutes seething, for the second time in my life, about the horrific way this was handled.
In Canada, we have a company called The Respect Group that provides training that basically every sport requires here. So I started looking at what other training they offer. One is called Keeping Girls in Sport that touches on reasons girls quit, how to retain them, and how to train them effectively while being mindful of things like mechanical, energetic or relationship injury.
We require criminal record checks that are clear. We have yet to encounter someone without a clear criminal record and vulnerable sector (child abuse registry) check.
We're going to discuss with our athletes the value of reporting any type of abuse, by anyone in their lives, and that they will be heard, and reported to the RCMP or City police force as necessary. Full stop, no reporting to our governing body (they don't have a process anyway), no trying to find out ourselves. Disclosures will be reported to parents and police. We have had too many coaches (those of us in our early/mid 30s) come from abusive coaching environments in our youth and we work very hard to create an environment where it isn't tolerated at all.