All-Star Attitudes At Practice/coaches Favorites.

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To hear this makes me extremely distraught. Why on earth would the coach say that? And RANKING the girls? Oh my, this is high school!! The last thing your team needs is a ranking system based on ANYTHING to put everyone against each other. She's creating such a hostile environment it's shameful.

I'm really sorry you're going through this. I had very immature coaches when I was in high school too, and it really takes the fun out of it. You may not see the good in it now, but I promise you, something good always comes from the bad. In my situation, my coaches got fired and I now have their job. Jokes on them, right? Keep your head up. Giving up and showing your hurt only makes them win. In my eyes, you're the winner for being so mature about it.
Sorry you are having so many problems. I can relate from a moms point of view. My daughter who is in middle school constantly gets put down by the cheerleaders at her school because she is an allstar cheerleader. My daughter does allstar in another town and is the only one in our town that does allstar. She didnt even try out for their middle school squad because of it this year and the girls make fun of her and tell her that she was afraid to tryout because she would never make it. They tell her that her mom pays her way into cheer (allstar) because she cant make a "real" squad lol. Keep in mind this is a town that has no Pop Warner or any school cheer program until middle school. We dont have a gymnastics studio in our town either so none of the girls can tumble and during free time my daughter used to tumble but the girls would tell her she was not doing it right (how they would even know is beyond me) so she even stopped doing that and next it was that she was lying she couldnt do handsprings or whatever haha, they even went so far as to send a rumor around school that she doesnt even cheer for allstar that she just bought all the gym gear. lol I guess my point is if they are that intimidated and mean spirited they are gonna say what they will whether you speak up or dont. That is how it was with my daughter, it didnt matter whether she was on their team or whether she didnt even try out they cant stand that she does something different and in my opinion that at the very least she has more potential in place for her. Like someone else said sit back and watch the show, dont let them get to you or make you hate cheer, because they will bring themselves down. I can speak from experience about that being true as well. The local team here has had so many injuries because of coaches who are not qualified. Concussions, broken wrists, broken nose, broken fingers/thumbs, Knee and ankle sprains during one season. Yes I know it can happen anywhere but with that many "accidents" on such a small team in a short time, I will keep "paying" my daughters way into cheer lol. Better than paying those medical bills haha. Do what you do best, they know they are wrong its why they are so witchy about it. In the end you are still the better athlete regardless, and thats what matters.
Sorry you are having so many problems. I can relate from a moms point of view. My daughter who is in middle school constantly gets put down by the cheerleaders at her school because she is an allstar cheerleader. My daughter does allstar in another town and is the only one in our town that does allstar. She didnt even try out for their middle school squad because of it this year and the girls make fun of her and tell her that she was afraid to tryout because she would never make it. They tell her that her mom pays her way into cheer (allstar) because she cant make a "real" squad lol. Keep in mind this is a town that has no Pop Warner or any school cheer program until middle school. We dont have a gymnastics studio in our town either so none of the girls can tumble and during free time my daughter used to tumble but the girls would tell her she was not doing it right (how they would even know is beyond me) so she even stopped doing that and next it was that she was lying she couldnt do handsprings or whatever haha, they even went so far as to send a rumor around school that she doesnt even cheer for allstar that she just bought all the gym gear. lol I guess my point is if they are that intimidated and mean spirited they are gonna say what they will whether you speak up or dont. That is how it was with my daughter, it didnt matter whether she was on their team or whether she didnt even try out they cant stand that she does something different and in my opinion that at the very least she has more potential in place for her. Like someone else said sit back and watch the show, dont let them get to you or make you hate cheer, because they will bring themselves down. I can speak from experience about that being true as well. The local team here has had so many injuries because of coaches who are not qualified. Concussions, broken wrists, broken nose, broken fingers/thumbs, Knee and ankle sprains during one season. Yes I know it can happen anywhere but with that many "accidents" on such a small team in a short time, I will keep "paying" my daughters way into cheer lol. Better than paying those medical bills haha. Do what you do best, they know they are wrong its why they are so witchy about it. In the end you are still the better athlete regardless, and thats what matters.
Sounds a lot like my school days, lol. small town? Tell your daughter to keep her head up! It gets better;)
Sounds a lot like my school days, lol. small town? Tell your daughter to keep her head up! It gets better;)

Oh yes...very small town. Nobody here understands the time and energy we put into cheer, me running taxi lol and her actually doing it. One of the girls at school was trying to get my daughter to do something cheer related at school and she told her no and she said something like yea because you cant do it and my daughter said its not that but I am not going to do it without mats or spotters and maybe get hurt bad enough to end my cheerleading career. Oh that was a nice joke for a while. The girl said you are so stupid we are 12 we dont have careers. So another jab at her forever, about her career. Its hard when they honestly have no idea and I mean no idea. We live about 45 minutes from a University and they all talk about cheering for that University and even tho the requirements for their tryouts are low at this college compared to some, standing tuck is your min. tumbling, they think my daughter is nuts to already be thinking about college cheer or working toward it because they are in middle school. They have no idea what is required to continue with cheer past what this town. I realize more than anyone that she may never cheer in college or beyond but I also know that right now its what she wants and she can change her mind to not do it quickly and having the skill wont hurt her but if she doesnt have the skill and gets to her last year in highschool and still wants it...well wouldnt that be a crazy year of trying to max out your skills when you had never cheered or tumbled before lol
Oh yes...very small town. Nobody here understands the time and energy we put into cheer, me running taxi lol and her actually doing it. One of the girls at school was trying to get my daughter to do something cheer related at school and she told her no and she said something like yea because you cant do it and my daughter said its not that but I am not going to do it without mats or spotters and maybe get hurt bad enough to end my cheerleading career. Oh that was a nice joke for a while. The girl said you are so stupid we are 12 we dont have careers. So another jab at her forever, about her career. Its hard when they honestly have no idea and I mean no idea. We live about 45 minutes from a University and they all talk about cheering for that University and even tho the requirements for their tryouts are low at this college compared to some, standing tuck is your min. tumbling, they think my daughter is nuts to already be thinking about college cheer or working toward it because they are in middle school. They have no idea what is required to continue with cheer past what this town. I realize more than anyone that she may never cheer in college or beyond but I also know that right now its what she wants and she can change her mind to not do it quickly and having the skill wont hurt her but if she doesnt have the skill and gets to her last year in highschool and still wants it...well wouldnt that be a crazy year of trying to max out your skills when you had never cheered or tumbled before lol
Yeah totally understand I grew up in the same situation, even tried taking some girls with me one year they both quit before their first competition. The jabs are horrible but I just learned to brush it off and remember that I love All-stars. I'm now out of there and coaching at one of my old gyms. Glad to see she stands up for her safety, smart girl. I remember the looks I got for not thoroughgoing a bhs in a tile Classroom. lol good luck to her in her cheer career!

And @AllstarObsession good luck with your coach

This thread is also in the High School section, I just wanted more people to see it.

Im at a new high school this year and I joined the cheer team. My coach is very old fashioned and favors 2 of our 3 captains.

These 2 captains get away with anything they want. They can come to practice late and pretty much do whatever. They cheat on conditioning, bail out of stunts, one of them flies when she very clearly should not, and they are ALWAYS the front of formations. every. single. time.

Ive cheered for an allstar gym for 8 years, and these girls haven't. Ive just had more experience than them, and at the risk of sounding high and mighty, have been performing for much longer at a much higher level.

For some reason, these two girls are unbelievably rude to me. Its always passive aggressive, little digs and comments that are almost always said in front of the coach. The comments are always in regards to how much I obsess over cheerleading, or something Ive said during that days/the day before's practice.

Theyve made me completely hate a sport I adore. I cant go to my coach about this because she favors them. Im at a loss for what to do, and I dont want to quit in the middle of the season because two bratty girls didnt like me.

Help ):
Im having problems with my actual coach being sort of a bully. :/
ex.- Every time our stunt falls its solely my fault (at one point she blamed me while I was a front spot), underclassmen and other seniors picking uniforms before me so got stuck with the XXL skirt and top (her excuse was I am one of the 'bigger girls', didn't know 130lbs and 5'7 was bigger). ect.
Its not easy and I know your pain.
Good luck!
This thread is also in the High School section, I just wanted more people to see it.

Im at a new high school this year and I joined the cheer team. My coach is very old fashioned and favors 2 of our 3 captains.

These 2 captains get away with anything they want. They can come to practice late and pretty much do whatever. They cheat on conditioning, bail out of stunts, one of them flies when she very clearly should not, and they are ALWAYS the front of formations. every. single. time.

Ive cheered for an allstar gym for 8 years, and these girls haven't. Ive just had more experience than them, and at the risk of sounding high and mighty, have been performing for much longer at a much higher level.

For some reason, these two girls are unbelievably rude to me. Its always passive aggressive, little digs and comments that are almost always said in front of the coach. The comments are always in regards to how much I obsess over cheerleading, or something Ive said during that days/the day before's practice.

Theyve made me completely hate a sport I adore. I cant go to my coach about this because she favors them. Im at a loss for what to do, and I dont want to quit in the middle of the season because two bratty girls didnt like me.

Help ):

I only read part of your thread. It reminds me a little of the Texas Fab Five. I hope it is not that bad. E mails are good because you can print them off and save them for documentation. If the High School Coach honestly bullies you and talking to her is just making it worse, I would go to the Principal. No teacher should abuse their authority.
Welcome to life, honey. This will probably happen a million more times before you die. Not that it should, but it will.
The sport isn't doing this to you, these girls, and the coach, are. So don't bother hating something you've always loved because of them. The only thing you can reasonably do is sit back and watch the show. Guaranteed, they'll bring themselves down. Remain sweet and knowledgeable, repectful and great at what you do, and they can't say a word. Just because they want to be ugly, doesn't mean you have to be.
@mamazzi - so funny you said, "HONEY" you're such a trend setter, you're so 7 weeks ahead of the curve!!
I just wrote out a long response and then pressed the backspace button :mad:
I only read part of your thread. It reminds me a little of the Texas Fab Five. I hope it is not that bad. E mails are good because you can print them off and save them for documentation. If the High School Coach honestly bullies you and talking to her is just making it worse, I would go to the Principal. No teacher should abuse their authority.
My mom emailed her several weeks ago and we received no response.

I participated in an individual group stunt competition a few weeks ago, where we received a bid to nationals. We were reworking the routine, and I suggested some ideas that would help improve our difficulty score. My coaches response was that she appreciated where I was coming from, but did not like to be told what to do by a "one year cheerleader". I am NOT a one year cheerleader. Thanks to fierceboard, I know what Im talking about when it comes to AACCA rules and ways to improve difficulty scores while keeping things legal.

This is what it comes down to, to me. She doesnt take me seriously as a person or a cheerleader because of my history (or lack of) with the team and school.

In my opinion, a coach should treat their one year freshmen the same way they treat their four year seniors. We are all part of a team.
We are ranked according to how long we've been on the team, not by skill level. It really makes me not want to be a part of the team anymore.
I could not tell you the problems I had with this in high school. However, my co-captain was making fun of me. She was at about half the skill level I was. They were mad because the choreographer placed me in the front of jumps and dance....They would say remarks like " oh were not all stars so we dont get to be in the front like some girls" or "oh shes not a real captain, **** is the real captain of this team" was frustrating because my coach wouldnt do anything about it because she adored my co-captian. like to the extent that my co-captain went to her house for dinner all the time.
This also happened my freshman year when my "co captain" did such horrible things to me that i stopped eating and my mom was going to take me to a psychiatrist the bullying got so bad. However, when brought up with my coach she just gave her a slap on the wrist and said dont do it again...
I just found the girls on the squad with good attitudes and even though they were freshman and i was a senior, hanging with them made my high school cheer experience so much better.
Go higher. Maybe the athletic director and bring other girls that may feel the same way w/ you.
@mamazzi - so funny you said, "HONEY" you're such a trend setter, you're so 7 weeks ahead of the curve!!

Oh, you just witnessed the sovereignty, the supremacy, of Mamarazzi. That is all.
Im going through the same thing & im at a allstar gym , our coaches seem to favor girls , and thats my biggest pet peeve in a coach, during this season it has gotten so out of hand. You would just try to talk to one of our coaches and ask him something and he would act like your not even there, & YOU KNOW he heard you and go ask a question to his favorite girl on the team. I had my mom say something , but it didnt help, i now know you yourself need to speak up and say something, and make sure you dont let anyone on the team dont walk all over you.
Favoritism was half of the reason I quit my old gym. The coaches weren't mean, they just had their favorite team members and it wasn't fair at all. As of my gym right now, I don't see any of that going on. Everyone is treated the same & nobody gets special treatment. The gym Owners daughter & son are on teams and they are also treated the same.

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