I can honestly say..I LOSE it at awards with most teams when the winner is announced. I just straight up lose it..and I can guarantee it will happen at worlds..I am very empathetic so yeah I guess that explains that. I posted a facebook status a little awhile ago talking about how much I absolutely love "road to worlds" videos particularly, Stingray Spice, HotCheer, Platinum Athletics <3 obsessed. I cry every single time I watch all of them, specifically towards the end when it's during awards and they announce the placement/bids. Videos like these show what cheerleading is really about, the hardwork and dedication which all pays off (literally) ;) and just the act of sportsmanship and team bonding! Ah I can't wait to cry again at worlds this year..it's happening, regardless.
My favorite award ceremonies consists of one thing: sportsmanship. I bawled my eyes out at worlds last year oh gosh I wish I could remember the division that stood in a huge circle together during awards, someone please help me?! :D