Just curious because I've had back problems for a while but I have always managed to deal with it during cheer but I recently had a near-death experience which caused my back to get even worse, it's pretty much done for. I was wondering how any of you athletes out there with back problems help the pain, do you just take breaks from it during practice, ice it or what? I need help..uhg.
What kind of back problems? Lower? I had a big problem in college, and STILL see a chiropractor once a week for it, because I didn't rest and take time off when I was supposed to. Basically it was from getting too far under my flyer when backing double downs and tuck tosses. My back would be a little arched and then the impact of me catching a 145 pound flyer practically on my own was crushing. There was never a definitive diagnosis, despite months of seeing orthopedists and other specialists. They basically just said that it was a combination of bursitis, constant muscle spasms, and the muscles were pulling away from my spine, so I had no back support whatsoever. I couldn't walk, sit, stand, move, ANYTHING without pain. I had to be carried off the floor after our halftime routine one day, and my coach had to force me kicking and screaming to sit out for the rest of the game (don't try to be a superhero, honestly). I ended up wearing a back brace for 3 months (and tumbling in it, I might add lol). I don't know if this is the same problem as yours, but I can tell you that my daily self-care consisted of:
1hr in the trainer's office during my lunch- Ultrasound, Stim, Ice
45 min prior to practice (6am practice meant I saw the trainer at 5:15a, yikes!)- Stim, Heat
Ice after practice
Heat at night when I went to bed
The <3 STIM <3 was a miracle, I couldn't turn it up high enough, it just felt soooooo good. I used to be in there with the basketball guys having a contest to see who could turn it up highest (not recommended lol). I actually burned out a machine, and when we went on away games, I was like the show-and-tell circus freak to the other trainers because of how high I wanted it to go lol. You can buy your own pocket stim machine for at-home use, my Mom has one and it's not bad. But, you definitely want to consult an expert and get a full diagnosis before doing any of that! Good Luck, back problems suck, but if you take care of them, you can work through it and hopefully not end up like me!