If the coaches have an issue with her not listening or doing what they're asking, that's a coaching issue and they should handle it. If they can't handle it because she's not being coach able, then that's a whole different issue. If she's bucking basing because she wants to fly then putting her in the air to appease a temper tantrum is about the worst thing that can be done for her, the group and the team.
At this point, you're her parent, not her coach. Your job is to say, great job, I'm proud of you, you're awesome and I believe in you. Cuddle, hug and high five. That's your job from this point forward. All coaching decisions and repercussions should be left with the coaches.
If she is too "weak" they'll put her with someone she can be successfull with, but the truth of the matter is this....if she can do a handstand, she can hold her own body weight...which also means she can hold half (or a third) of the body weight of a flyer that is her same size at extension....and flyers are generally smaller.
So the "too weak" argument only works for me if an athlete actually can't hold a handstand (which also means they can't do a cartwheel, handspring, walkover etc). All of those require to be able to hold at least your own body weight.