Thank you all for the kind words. I coach at USA Wildcats and as Coach12 said before we FULLY understand that rules are rules and we are the only ones to blame, it was our mistake. With the stress of an injury, and Wes Haley coming in 2 days before to give Elite a completely new routine there was a lot of stress on the team and coach (still not an excuse, but we are all human things slip and we forget things). However we did NOT cheat or lie to get that bid. Every kid was age eligible, and every kid is a member of our gym!! We did not call anyone to come be on our team or put someone to young or old on the team. If you knew the background story you would fully understand that what was done to us was done completely out of spite towards our gym. If you where going it to play by the rules why wait until 5 minutes after our paid bid was rewarded to make the call? You could have called days earlier. Again it shouldn't matter what team this happens to rules MUST be followed and we have ALWAYS followed them. This was a one time mistake (a huge $25,000 honest mistake) one that we will be sure not to happen again. We are upset yes, very much so but definitely not mad at the people who took our bid away we get it however we are mad at how it went down. Trying to make a gym who has always been and will always be a class act look bad is terrible karma in my opinion. Thank you again for believing in our integrity and that we are ALL human and make mistakes.