I don't think our situation is like what happened to PCM. The girl was of age to be on the team. It was just an honest mistake that she wasn't on our roster. I feel like if you have a kid that is not of age on your team you are trying to hide that and you know it's against the rules. We weren't trying to hide that this girl was on our team (you can clearly see if you look at her twitter it was all over that she was on the team) it's not like we took someone who is a superstar to up our chances to get a bid. She had less tumbling than the girl that she was filling in for actually. We needed a fill in last minute and it worked out that this girl came to our gym. She was the only one that had close to the same tumbling as the injured girl. If we didn't use her we would have had to use someone else with alot less skill from our gym.
I feel like alot of teams have had people on their team that are not on their roster. How many times have you seen people have injuries the first day of a competition and have to use a fill in for the second day. I'm sure the fill in probably in most cases wasn't on the roster. It was an honest mistake that we know was against the rules. We were all more upset with how it was brought up. It was done maliciously to hurt our gym.
Well move on from this. We're all praying we can get the bid in Dallas. We know its going to be hard but were not giving up hope. If not well figure something else out. We will go to worlds.