All-Star Battle Under The Big Top Schedule, Teams, And Thoughts

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Fire hit. Any word on Coed Elite? They have already gone a while back...
I have heard a rumor that a gym we pass by now requires their athletes to wear the new varsity shoe... hmmmmm... not even gonna go there..

Not a rumor, it is true:) As a parent, I applaud the gym for offering a lower price not lower quality shoe.

Just wondering, was there a Varsity shoe table at battle?
Senior Elite stunt fall, stunt bobble. Everything else hit.
EEEEEK Senior Elite now I'll be nervous for the next hour until I hear about bids!!! BUTBT always surprises us though with their bid choosings...
They're probably going to give it to the teams that were consistent both days. That's what happened last year, but who knows, haha. I think TG will definetly get one, and orange probably the other? Idk
If Coed Elite hit then I could see them and Top Gun getting the bids. I would be really surprised if they gave it to Orange since it seems to be a trend there that they go with large teams.

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