Please don't take this the wrong way - but to me, it sounds like "cheerleading" is something you want to do for the 'status' more than the actual sport. You want to be able to wear the uniform - and have that as your identity. Again, I could be totally misreading your posts. But I think
@njallday really nailed it.
Be honest with yourself as to why you want to cheer. If it is for the 'status' consider something that you will truly love instead - she mentioned Greek Life, or other clubs. College/University is an entirely different experience than high school - especially if you are going to a large school. You make friends who have similar interests and (at least in my experience) nobody cares if you are a cheerleader or if you are in the science club. There is such a diversity in clubs and groups, class sizes, areas of study, teams, etc. You are not going to know everybody's name, and not everybody will know yours or who you are.
I guess my point is - cheerleading isn't going to make you 'popular' or give a status that maybe the movies portray - which is the tone I am reading in your posts. You are going to 'fit in' to what ever your interests are because you are going to meet like-minded individuals.
Again - I am not trying to be disrespectful, because maybe you actually do really love cheer as a sport, and you do want to find the best cheerleading team that fits your needs. But only you know that. Take the advice people have left you in this thread. It is good advice - and it sounds like most of the people commenting have walked this road before you. :)