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My daughter is going to Paul Mitchell in the fall so she loves helping her friends and the girls she coaches with hair and make up and they definitely ask her!
I was speaking this weekend with the mom of a girl on my sister's team who moved from gym out west. She said they were very strict on hair regulations and had a couple coaches who could do it properly who hung out in the meeting space on competition day. If a girl's hair (or make up, probably) was done incorrectly or not done at all by their meeting time, they pulled them out and redid it for them and charged the parent's account. No clue how much, probably not a lot. But I'm sure one time was enough for people to figure it out. They did offer extensive training at the beginning of the year as well as step by step instruction videos and handouts for reference.
That is the way it is at our gym. Your account gets charged $25 if someone does not come with their hair properly done. We, too, have videos for hair and makeup.
After watching the hair struggle this entire season with my sister, I can definitely understand how hard it can be. (Which is also why I'm eternally team straight ponytail) So I get parents and girls who just cannot pull off the hair. However it's the cheerleader's (or parent's) responsibility to meet up with someone who can do it for them BEFORE their meeting time. It doesn't matter how it gets done or who does it, it just needs to be done.
You have to be full hair and makeup ready when you get there, if you can't do it yourself you have to get their earlier to have it arranged and done by someone else.

We have a bunch of moms that will fix hair and make up if you ask no problem.

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I was the go to for the team, but I finally had to pull back and let others do it for themselves when I realized that I was running around like a crazed lunatic on the morning of (with a mini call time) , while some of the other moms were chilling drinking Starbucks and they didn't even grab one for me. I have also noticed that lilbear is more relaxed if I focus more on her in the morning. Now, I will fix it, or help out if I know ahead of time, but I won't do the whole thing, unless there is a real reason that help is needed.

There are a couple of people who are habitually late and it drives me bonkers, because it stresses out the coaches and the team beforehand. I wish that there were repercussions like some have mentioned above. (I am such the rule follower that I tend to get cranky when others get away with things.)
OMG YASSS!!! Now imagine being the coach that is doing everything!!!! Hair, Makeup.... ARGH!!! I'm a coach and parent (was at least) and my CP and I would arrive at our gym (always our meeting place before comp) ready to go at the said time... Of course maybe 2 other cheerleaders would arrive ready to go (thank the cheer gods) and everyone else would stroll in taking their sweet time "oh hey coach, yea I'm gonna do my hair now... can you help with my make up" me of course being to sweet to say no was extremely helpful the first 3 years... my last year i was like DONE!!! Not doing it, I got other things to do like collect waivers and chase parents down for whatever reason, I'm not spending my morning doing makeup or hair when u all should be warming up... Well guess what?? hair was such a problem it became buns for 2 comp seasons... I didn't want to be mean but I struggle with my CP's hair enough (super thin and she has Alopecia so I hate using all the hairspray junk on it) and her make up etc I shouldn't have to worry about 35 other girls.... well thankfully parents began to step up (usually the same ones that always helped me but if it wasn't for them I probably would have lost a screw or two years before lol)

Now I'm a happy parent that only worries about my kiddo and its a done deal... She comes ready, nobody has to fix or adjust anything.... I see the girls and some u can tell struggle a bit with the makeup and how to put it on etc... I guess doing make up on so many girls for so many years finally helped me improve cause I never wore make up before and only knew how to do "dancers" makeup from years before during my dance years.... well now my cp gets wonderful compliments for her makeup (i followed the tutorial they sent by the way IDK about everyone else lol) and I guess that shows if you actually follow directions and listen to what you're told (lol) you might actually be doing something right!!! lol save the coaches the stress please!!! I honestly feel for them... (lets not discuss hair this season cause its driving me nuts - its changed from straight teased pony tail and poof - argh i suck at this - to no poof and curly pony tail - again CP thin hair hates to stay curly sucks!!!)
I did high school comp cheer so idk if all star comp prep is different butttttt we had team breakfasts a few hours before comps and had like 3 moms do hair in that time while we did makeup and ate and stuff

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One of the teams I was on the whole team showed up super early to the comp site and we all got ready in the bathroom together (we showed up before the comp even opened) and one my most recent teams we had a few hair experts (myself included) who would do other people's hair for comps but we would still show up super early. If they're not going to show up ready they should atleast show up early
As a coach it seriously annoys the h e double hockey sticks out of me when people show up in the morning looking like they just rolled out of bed. I also can't stand parents who have been around for years "not knowing" how to do hair/makeup. Like you committed to this sport, practice and educate yourself on how to do the correct performance attire. If you had a swimmer, you would know how to put on a swim cap. If you had a ballerina you would learn how to do a bun. Learn how to apply some dang eyeshadow. I just think it looks very unprofessional to have half your athletes laying all over the hallway doing hair and makeup.
I am one of those parents, and I really take offense at your post!

You want me to do hair, then let me make a high straight pony for cp and lets call it a day. You want me to do makeup? Please don't ask me to do a smokey eye with eyeliner and fake eyelashes and red lips. I could not do that for myself, let alone my child, and not have it come out looking clown-like. When my oldest started this sport, the kids were still wearing hairpieces. I can promise you my kids' hair never had a bump in it and their hairpiece never ever fell out on the mat.

Thank goodness cp14 can do her own hair and makeup at this point in her life. I cannot and never could. You could show me until the cows come home, tie me to a chair with instructional video after instructional video, make me take a written test to prove I knew exactly what to do step by step, but when it comes time to do it, I just cannot. But more importantly, I am fully capable of paying cp's tuition, travel and comp fees, and making sure that another parent (or athlete) who is far better than me at doing hair and makeup was able to help us out until cp learned to do it on her own.
As a coach it seriously annoys the h e double hockey sticks out of me when people show up in the morning looking like they just rolled out of bed. I also can't stand parents who have been around for years "not knowing" how to do hair/makeup. Like you committed to this sport, practice and educate yourself on how to do the correct performance attire. If you had a swimmer, you would know how to put on a swim cap. If you had a ballerina you would learn how to do a bun. Learn how to apply some dang eyeshadow. I just think it looks very unprofessional to have half your athletes laying all over the hallway doing hair and makeup.
Are you this compassionate to all your athletes parents or just a select few?

Do single dads who have never done this sort of stuff get a pass on your decree and making it sound as easy as putting on a swim cap?

**I have a gofundme account. I call it my JOB**

*this signature tumbleyoda approved*
I am terrible at hair. Like above, I can make an awesome, smooth and high ponytail. That's it. This is my 6th year in all-star, but the first year my cp has crossed over to a senior aged team. At the Showcase in the fall...a lovely, talented girl on the team did cp's hair and make-up that day. She did an amazing job. AND, more importantly, it removed the hour of fussing, complaining, and whining that cp treats me to when I am doing her hair. I realize it is an inconvenience for her teammate, so I asked her if I could pay her to do hair & make-up each comp. Honestly, it is the best $ I spend at every comp. Cp and I are so much more relaxed. One mom on my team said, "Oh, that is bonding time for cp & I...I would never pay someone to do her hair!" Well, that's great, but my cp & I can bond over many other things, we tend to "un-bond" while prepping for a comp...paying someone else to do the dirty work suits me just fine! ;)
I've only ever been on open teams, and let me tell you, there are even issues when girls are left to their own devices for hair and makeup. Most of us will rock up before the meeting time, ready to go, apart from red lippie that we put on before we perform. However, there are always girls (the SAME girls every time!) who rock up half an hour late, no hair done, no makeup, half dressed with the same flustered, cliche excuses. It's really frustrating because it affects our warm-up time waiting for them to sort themselves out.
The first couple of seasons I was the mom that couldn't do hair or makeup for anything so I made sure that I made arrangements beforehand to have someone that could help me. Most of the time I would meet in their hotel room or their house so they could help me out because I know once you hit that venue there's no telling what can happen. I can't even imagine walking into a competition half done. Now that we have many seasons invested in this I am more confident in my skills and I do my little ones hair and makeup. If someone is struggling I offer them advice and after the fact will link them to tutorials or products that have helped me but I feel like on those early comp mornings my focus is on my own kid. We had to wake up at dark 0'30 to get ready so it stings when someone clearly just rolled out of bed expecting one of the fairy cheermothers to come work magic on them.
As big sis I usually avoid the area when the hair is going up. They are both so high strung and tempers definitely flare up during that time. My sister secretly hates how it looks when my mom does it and will make little passive aggressive comments about how good her teammate's hair looks, and my mom is all WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT and sister will attempt to fix it but mom just thinks it looks worse and it's just a bad scene overall.

Once the hair is up though it's all good.

This sounds like me and my CP. SMH I absolutely loathe cheer hair

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