All-Star Being Scared Of Being A "gym Hopper"

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Oct 27, 2013
Hi everyone, I'm having some conflicting feelings about "gym hopping" and I know that it can be a touchy subject, but I'm looking for some advice and to hear some opinions..

First, some background..
I cheer for a level 4.2 team in Ontario, Canada. My first year of cheer was in 2010 in Westminster, Maryland. I lived there as my parents were temporarily there to finish out their university degrees. And as most of us do, I fell in love with the sport. When we moved back to Canada in 2011 I joined a gym and cheered there for 2 years. I made the decision to leave the gym because I was being bullied by a few, and I was experiencing a hard time in my life and wanted something different, therefore I move to a gym an hour away. My parents were more than happy to drive me twice a week and I loved it there. at the end of the season we began to experience financial issues, the gym further away was 2x that of the one close to home, and my parents were out of work. I had my own job but not enough to pay that of the far away gym. It just so happened that a few months later, my parents got full time job offers in a city 2 hrs away. Me being in my last year of highschool stayed behind and lived on my own. I was convinced by my boyfriends sister who is a coach at the gym I was at originally to come back and cheer on their 4.2 team. Me desperately missing cheer i said yes and everything has been smooth. The thing is, this summer im planning on moving to the city where my parents live and taking a year off school. However 2 hours is too far for me to drive to stay at my current gym, and the city that my parents live in dont have a gym with an open aged team as I'm aging out. However, there is a gym 30 min from my parents city that is very well known in the area (one of their teams won worlds 2014), and they offer several open teams I could try out for.

Sorry for the huge explanation, but should I go for it and tryout? I feel really bad for leaving again and I dont want them thinking i am abandoning them twice just because I want to go to a better gym. Or is it just morally wrong and I should get over myself and retire from cheer?
Go tryout. I don't see an issue if you switch gyms after a season is finished as you're not leaving them in the lurch. If you really feel the need, tell them you loved cheering there, but with the move it just isn't feasible. And they do have a great open 6 AG team that I'd love to cheer on anytime
Just go for it. It is more convenient for you and you feel you might benefit and the gym is closer to where you are going to live I really don't think the other gym will have too many hard feelings.
Follow your heart and remember that many of the people who may label you a "gym hopper" wind up hopping later on down the road. It's your life, sweetie, live it for yourself!! Good luck and be fierce!!!
Hi everyone, I'm having some conflicting feelings about "gym hopping" and I know that it can be a touchy subject, but I'm looking for some advice and to hear some opinions..

First, some background..
I cheer for a level 4.2 team in Ontario, Canada. My first year of cheer was in 2010 in Westminster, Maryland. I lived there as my parents were temporarily there to finish out their university degrees. And as most of us do, I fell in love with the sport. When we moved back to Canada in 2011 I joined a gym and cheered there for 2 years. I made the decision to leave the gym because I was being bullied by a few, and I was experiencing a hard time in my life and wanted something different, therefore I move to a gym an hour away. My parents were more than happy to drive me twice a week and I loved it there. at the end of the season we began to experience financial issues, the gym further away was 2x that of the one close to home, and my parents were out of work. I had my own job but not enough to pay that of the far away gym. It just so happened that a few months later, my parents got full time job offers in a city 2 hrs away. Me being in my last year of highschool stayed behind and lived on my own. I was convinced by my boyfriends sister who is a coach at the gym I was at originally to come back and cheer on their 4.2 team. Me desperately missing cheer i said yes and everything has been smooth. The thing is, this summer im planning on moving to the city where my parents live and taking a year off school. However 2 hours is too far for me to drive to stay at my current gym, and the city that my parents live in dont have a gym with an open aged team as I'm aging out. However, there is a gym 30 min from my parents city that is very well known in the area (one of their teams won worlds 2014), and they offer several open teams I could try out for.

Sorry for the huge explanation, but should I go for it and tryout? I feel really bad for leaving again and I dont want them thinking i am abandoning them twice just because I want to go to a better gym. Or is it just morally wrong and I should get over myself and retire from cheer?

If you want to try out, do so! Everyone's situations change and it doesn't sound like you were gym hopping out of want, but moreso need.

You only get one life---if a few thing you're a hopper, do they really matter? As an 'older' person I promise you, they don't.
Hi everyone, I'm having some conflicting feelings about "gym hopping" and I know that it can be a touchy subject, but I'm looking for some advice and to hear some opinions..
I think I can speak on this subject with some level of experience. My daughter has had to deal with some of this "gym hopping" nonsense a few times. Here's my 2 cents. Go for it. Always. In life, GO FOR IT. Life is all about experiences. If you are going to live your life in fear of what some others are going to say who don't walk even a half step in your shoes, then you will miss out on life. It's like Ferris Bueller always said... "Life moves pretty fast." My oh my, how true that is. Before you know it, you'll be an adult with an adult job and adult responsibilities that won't allow you to choose these wonderful life experiences. You'll reminisce back on the "old days" when you used to be carefree and had the time to do something wonderful like cheer. Don't ever live your life guided by the misgivings or insecurities of others. Experience EVERYTHING life has to offer. This is something I have always taught my children. No one on their death bed ever utters the words... "You know, I just did too many things in my life. I had too many experiences. I wish I had experienced less."

The wisest people I have met in my lifetime are those who have learned from MANY teachers. Each has given them gifts of knowledge and experience along the way. Do your thing girl and don't let anyone stop you. People will ALWAYS have something to say, but you only have one life to live. Don't let it be defined by the insecurities of others.
It's ok to do and try new things. It doesn't make you a bad person because you have a new opportunity.

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I would just be upfront and honest with the people you care about at your current gym. I'm pretty sure, they'll understand. Don't try and convince everyone., just the people, that are important to you. Remember: Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ;)
Hi everyone, I'm having some conflicting feelings about "gym hopping" and I know that it can be a touchy subject, but I'm looking for some advice and to hear some opinions..

First, some background..
I cheer for a level 4.2 team in Ontario, Canada. My first year of cheer was in 2010 in Westminster, Maryland. I lived there as my parents were temporarily there to finish out their university degrees. And as most of us do, I fell in love with the sport. When we moved back to Canada in 2011 I joined a gym and cheered there for 2 years. I made the decision to leave the gym because I was being bullied by a few, and I was experiencing a hard time in my life and wanted something different, therefore I move to a gym an hour away. My parents were more than happy to drive me twice a week and I loved it there. at the end of the season we began to experience financial issues, the gym further away was 2x that of the one close to home, and my parents were out of work. I had my own job but not enough to pay that of the far away gym. It just so happened that a few months later, my parents got full time job offers in a city 2 hrs away. Me being in my last year of highschool stayed behind and lived on my own. I was convinced by my boyfriends sister who is a coach at the gym I was at originally to come back and cheer on their 4.2 team. Me desperately missing cheer i said yes and everything has been smooth. The thing is, this summer im planning on moving to the city where my parents live and taking a year off school. However 2 hours is too far for me to drive to stay at my current gym, and the city that my parents live in dont have a gym with an open aged team as I'm aging out. However, there is a gym 30 min from my parents city that is very well known in the area (one of their teams won worlds 2014), and they offer several open teams I could try out for.

Sorry for the huge explanation, but should I go for it and tryout? I feel really bad for leaving again and I dont want them thinking i am abandoning them twice just because I want to go to a better gym. Or is it just morally wrong and I should get over myself and retire from cheer?
Was this at TNT Explosion? If so, what team?! We might have cheered together!!
You have perfectly valid reasons for changing gyms and at the end of each year I think everyone should evaluate whether their current gym is still the right fit for them. If you decide to go to a different gym (and in your case it seems like a wise and practical decision), there still may be some hard feelings. I have learned that the hard way, but I don't regret my kids decisions for a second - it was the right thing for their personal happiness and progression.
I think there have been several instances (including recently) that show there are gyms who have no loyalties to their athletes and will cut an athlete from their team even mid season. It's a business and if they "need to do what they need to do" then the athletes should be extended the same courtesy.
Best of luck with your decision!

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