You should get your facts straight before you start spreading lies on the board... Just so you know HPU IS an accredited university and just like every other college when you transfer out of state not all of your credits are taken. I transferred to HPU this year and only 26 of my credits were used where as at UMD on my pre-evaluation only 15 of my credits were taken... So it really just depends.
AND yes Hawaii is an island you did get that right :) It also is far from family in most cases BUT I've only been here for one semester and its already been an experience of a lifetime! And personally I think even if you did transfer out and lose credits/money you wouldn't loose the AMAZING experience of living in paradise, going to one of the most diverse schools in the country, and of course cheering with 35 or so other talented team members. HPU was not my first choice but I don't regret it one bit!
I must agree with this reponse.....HPU does offer a great education and an experience like no other college. The life experience you get at HPU (besides the text books!!) can not compare to many other schools!!!