In schools in particular, you have a vicious circle- Parents on one hand want educators to be able to punish bullies, but then some say it's not their job (which it technically isn't, and I'd bet they'd love to shoulder less of that responsibility). Most of it takes place online/away from school, where educators can't really do much because people are insisting it's 'private', but the government hasn't caught up to social media, much of which is technically public information. Teachers blame parents for being oblivious, having a 'Not MY child mentality', parents say teachers pick favorites and won't punish certain bullies because they're athletes/popular/rich parents etc. Kids feel like if they stand up for themselves, THEY'LL be the ones who will get punished.
Schools need to develop and address a specific online policy- they need to inform parents/students about it so that everybody knows what's what. Parents raise their kids to handle it as best they can, and kids feel free to stand up for themselves or others who are bullied. We had a guy who was team manager for the girls volleyball team this year. He had a formspring, which some bullies were using to harass him. We convinced him to delete it, and it made things much better for him.