I was bullied from 3rd-10th grade. I'm heavy, I'm Asian, I'm outspoken aka a great target. Most of my bullies were just bored classmates with no actual ax to grind. I only escaped those bullies by moving away. There was never any physical bullying so all the administration could do was just ask them to stop.
We have to find a way to make kids realize that what they say really does hurt and that it can scar their victims emotionally, mentally and physically for the rest of their lives. My cousin went to South Hadley High, the infamous school where girls and boys bullied Phoebe Prince so badly that she committed suicide. They all said that they didn't mean what they said and didn't think their words and actions were enough to make someone feel that way. I think parents and administrators need to do their absolute best when such problems arise instead of think it will be worked out on its own. They need to stress that it isn't actually funny to make fun of someone and that their victims take those words to heart and can resort to harming themselves to escape. Hopefully it'll click with the bully and they'll have enough self control to not call names, start rumors or post on social media. Kids also need to learn that keeping it to themselves isn't safe and they won't be "snitching" on their bullies. Coaches/mentors/babysitters/any one else who has contact with children need to be outlets that they can ask for help. Most of the time kids won't listen to what their parents are saying and if the same advice is coming from someone they look up to, they'll suddenly get it.
When I was bullied there weren't any cyber bullying laws so I think it's a huge step when states and schools adopt them. MTV used to have a show about an event where a speaker came and students would break into groups to talk freely. After that, a lot of people changed their minds about their peers and even one bully apologized to his victim after hearing how he really made him feel and they became friends. I would have definitely suggested it to my administration when I was younger.
Sorry for the novel, I just get really passionate about it because of my personal experiences and how hard this issue is to solve.