I'm way late to the party here, but a couple of thoughts:
1. I would really like to know for sure (and sorry if I missed it) whether the paid bid was declined within the 72 hours after the comp. I think that is a critical piece of information.
2. This is the kind of situation where USASF really should issue a clarifying notice of some kind explaining exactly what happened. A rules interpretation decision, especially on a new rule, cries out for it.
3. Assuming Cali declined within the 72 hour period, I don't mind USASF explaining the potential consequences of a rule. However, I really don't like the example given above of Les helping a gym get around a penalty of cheating the year before. That should NOT be a service of the rules governing body.
4. I do think USASF should fix the use of the words "earned, awarded and accepted" in this rule.
5. With all that said, I do love the intent of the rule.
6. Finally, if I had a CP on GR, I would be discussing how Cali is going to provide the paid bid equivalent $ for the World's trip. Winning and losing as a team is fine, but show me the money.
**A cheer year and a dog year ages you the same.**