All-Star California Allstars Expectations

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I love the idea as well. It shows parents that aren't in your gym yet that you mean business, that you take practice seriously and that you want your athletes to as well. It also tells people who miss practice for silly reasons, or who don't come prepared, that you aren't going to stand for it. I have never had a huge issue with athletes leaving mid season. This past year I had 5 kids quit after choreography at different times during the year. What did I just add into my handbook? A $250 dollar fine if you leave after choreo. It will have parents with flakey kids think twice about joining the team. It will also have parents teach their kids about responsibility when you join a team sport. Just like the fine for being late, and not bringing you shoes.
When I cheered for SFU (Canadian University) we did 10 push-ups for every MINUTE a person was late.

Example 2 people were both 4 minutes late = 80 push-ups.

People were very rarely late. *shrugs*
At my college practices, which are 5am-8am three days a week, if you're late, you push mats for an hour up and down the basketball court.
Needless to say we've only had 1 person late all year.
DUDE! It's obvi not about the shoes dude. It's about taking $25 for something petty dude. Conditioning will suffice as a punishment. The 15 minutes after practice sounds like the best idea.

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1. Conditioning doesn't suffice as punishment if a large part of your practice structure implements conditioning.

2.The money doesn't ever (rarely) come out of the pocket of the parent - because it's a rule that people take seriously because they simply don't want to have to pay that fee. To put it simply.
This thread just reinforces why fines (or something of the like) NEED to be implemented. The fact that you have people that think it is OK to be late if their circumstance require it, is beyond me.
If you (or your child) are late, you are late, your fault, YOU have affected the entire team. YOU need to be held accountable.
I can imagine me telling my boss, so I was 30 minutes late today, but don't deduct it from my pay, because I can't afford it.....uh ok.
at vizion we were charged if we wore the wrong practice clothes or had an unexcused absence
When a stunt is falling you have to move quick to save it or catch your flyer. I've based along side girls who don't wear shoes & they freak out when you step on their foot (when you have shoes on). Hello, I'm focused on making sure this girl doesn't crash into the ground, I can't be watching to make sure I'm tip toeing around your feet. It's an accident, but it turns into drama when it wouldn't if they had shoes on.

As for the money thing, I've never dealt with this, but I think it's a good idea. The amount of girls that come to practice late with a dunkin's coffee in their hands is so frustrating! You're already late, I'm not waiting on you to finish up. Charging a fee would definitely eliminate this problem

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i can't for the life of me remember which gym it was... but i know there is a gym out there that if you were not wearing the correct practice clothes, you were kindly walked over to the pro shop and required to buy a new set in order to practice.

i think the fines are a good idea because they are effective. i just hope the money goes towards something for the kids, whether that be a free team t-shirt, going towards a banquet or ordering pizzas after practice, etc.
I like the idea of the fines.... I guess. $25 seems steep but if they were lower they may not be effective.

However I personally wouldn't be apart of a gym that enforced fines...sometimes things happen. Some times mama forgets/doesn't have the time/situations arise etc to wash her 5 yr old's practice outfit and brings her to practice in something else. Nobody needs to be fined for that. It all would just irritate me and I'd feel like the gym was just trying to nickle and dime me in an already expensive activity.

In conclusion. If your gym does it, and you're fine with it and it works. Then good for y'all. Me personally? Ain't no way. Let the contract I sign at the beg. of the season be my word that I plan to hold up to the commitment.
I hate the "I forgot" excuse or the "My mom didn't pack them" excuse...Put your big girl pants on and take responsibility as an athlete! You don't think a football player forgets his helmet or a hockey player forgets his stick...So why should shoes be an exception in our sport. HaHa! Being a former hockey player, if something was left at home, You bought that piece of equipment from the pro-shop before you stepped on the ice, and that equipment is not cheap! Could you imagine buy a new pair of infinity's or varsity shoe every time your CP forgot them....Food for though! So I feel that 25$ fine is totally cool! Make these kids responsible young people!

I remember being at a game with my son 1.5 hours away and he forgot his shoulder pads. We were not happy. :( As it turns out, a younger team from our association was leaving and someone lent him some just before his grandfather was about to buy him new. He got lucky, because his dad and I were going to make him sit out, his coach was angry at us, and his grandfather . . . let's just say I would never have heard the end of it!
Omg! So it would be a great idea if that money went to less fortunate cheerleaders in the gym or maybe even a substantial local charity... But what happens when the less fortunate kids forget their shoes? Do you embarrass them?

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I seriously doubt that the Cali coaches are heartless. If a less fortunate kid forgot his or her shoes and privately went to the coach and told them, that they couldn't afford the fee, I'm pretty sure they would fine another form of punishment..
I like the idea of the fines.... I guess. $25 seems steep but if they were lower they may not be effective.

However I personally wouldn't be apart of a gym that enforced fines...sometimes things happen. Some times mama forgets/doesn't have the time/situations arise etc to wash her 5 yr old's practice outfit and brings her to practice in something else. Nobody needs to be fined for that. It all would just irritate me and I'd feel like the gym was just trying to nickle and dime me in an already expensive activity.

In conclusion. If your gym does it, and you're fine with it and it works. Then good for y'all. Me personally? Ain't no way. Let the contract I sign at the beg. of the season be my word that I plan to hold up to the commitment.

Here is what I don't understand, and not directed at you personally, BUT if the parent/child are holding up to their commitment, they don't have to worry about the fines, which makes it a moot point.....
We are at Cali...these rules are not enforced at our gym although they may be enforced at the other Cali gyms. Very rarely do people forget their shoes. I will say that at times extra conditioning is assigned if the correct practice clothes aren't worn. We have kids with fake nails, kids who wear body jewelry, no bows etc. I've never heard of anyone actually being fined. Our gym may just be more lenient than the other Cali gyms.
Seriously? I have never seen a kid on the floor at any gym I've been to without cheer shoes. I'd lose my mind if that was to happen!
Our gym will make you an alternate if you are chronically late or miss more than 2 practices or if your bill isn't paid!

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