I was told from a good source, well the best source, Vegas, Majors and NCA for sure for SE since I now have a Scandinavian on SE and we needed dates to plan. I would assume the level 5 teams will be similar for these 3 but I did not ask as I did not think about it at all except the known fly to competitions. I think those 3 are the big enchiladas this year. CheerSport and ASC unknown as we usually go but frankly that was more about bids than some real attachment to those competitions and I think we will show up in unusual places this year for some reason. I would expect Battle at the Beach and maybe DC. I don't think anyone is holding anything back, best I could tell the staff is working on details, a key person for planning is sick with a serious illness and decisions have not been made. Missy may know more since she has been around all summer. I suspect it will be out in full by labor day for planning.