All-Star Cea Expanding....

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FamousMatty I normally loooooooooooooove 99% of what you say, so I'm really just throwing this out there. But I'm still going to shimmy everything you ever say. :D

I agree - the obvious intent would be to get as many talented athletes as possible. But my understanding is that if it is the Pittsburgh location that they would be buying out another gym.

Hypothetical: Let's say I owned a gym, and it was struggling financially, but I knew we had some talented kids. And I knew if we could just do something to draw a few more, we'd be all good. Let's assume I love my gym, my athletes and cheer in general. Now let's assume I've done everything I can imagine and am still struggling. Rather than close my doors, I guarantee you the first thing I'm going to do is ask some big name gyms that are known for expanding if they're interested in buying me out and putting their name on my business. I might ask some coaches I know who've moved on to bigger gyms to spread the word to their bosses that I'm shopping my gym around. In a perfect world, one of those big, nationally known gyms would say "Ooooooh, yeah. I'll take it!" Then my athletes keep their home, just with a new name - instead of their gym locking its doors and them having to go down the street.

Is that to say this is what happened? Obviously I wouldn't know, since I know no one involved in this. Would there be collateral damage that some athletes from neighboring gyms would hear the big name and go there? Of course.

But really - let's call a spade a spade. This is exactly how Fame got Fame NY. And I am actually intimately familiar with that deal - so I know there was some drama and bad blood with another gym for that one. What's the difference here?
If your gym is a solid business then regardless of who moves into town you should be fine. Whether it's CEA moving in next door or a coach leaving their gym and opening down the street, it happens everyday. Worry about you don't worry about them. If CEA moving into your town makes you nervous you were in trouble anyway.
Hell just froze over. LMAO Just kidding you Just-a-Mom Wait until you're facebook friends and see a post about your gym/or gym parents and burst out laughing. She know's I love her!! Just don't call us brainwashed and it's all good!!

I know - I was typing that last one and was like "I ought to tag all my teal peeps just so they can see this. Wut iz this? First I said coed elite had the best new uniform of the year and now I used 'CSP' and 'good' in a sentence together???" :p
The ones I was talking about that closed weren't CEA, just other big name gyms. But even if they have a million locations, their successful teams are really concentrated in 2 or 3 of them aren't they? (I'm genuinely asking - I'll admit, I'm no CEA expert. I only know their biggest name teams).

I know most gyms that open a million locations don't generally see the success at the majority of them that they see at their "flagship" location. And I think distance plays a huge role in this - it seems when it's multiple locations within 2 hours or so, they're all fine. It's when they start branching out far enough that they are not sharing coaches, able to cross over team members, etc. that I start to notice that the name is not enough. They generally need the people.

Now I'll just sit and watch and see where this new location actually is. Because my knowledge of Pittsburgh cheer is absolutely zero. I certainly didn't know there was drama! :enjoyshow:
I have no idea either, I assume they all do fairly well (after all, no gym no matter HOW talented doesn't have every team winning all the time). I watched a video or two of teams from Sanford and Salem, and both looked actually really good.. Although I will throw out another idea: that she's serving a need in all of those areas, which may be different from her original gym's purpose.

Think of it like Dairy Queen. Hear me out on this one :P Certain DQs only carry certain products in certain locations. At the one I worked at, it was half-service (you could come inside to the register or drive through). We had a full grill, so we had burgers, fries, as well as 'local' specialties (fish sandwich and popcorn shrimp). At another DQ a few miles away, they were a walk-up window, so they had a hotdog machine and a pulled pork sandwich, because that's what the location offered (Shoot, now I'm craving DQ lol). Each DQ carries certain products according to the local/branch need. Some locations might want varying 'intensity' levels of commitment. Some might be less intense, others more. As you work the skills, you might decide to up the commitment to the 'bigger' gym if it's an individual or move them up if it's by the team. That might funnel you to the 'big house.' Each still get the support backing of a big gym, and the CEA family feeling, but with a different response to who is in the area.
Theres no "trapping kids" when there's plenty of talent in pa with a good ammount of gyms located in pa.

Amen! There is no playing the innocent role of just offering another option when there are already 10+ other options in the same area both big and small.

Once again (in response to the other posts) sugar coat it how you see fit the prospect of a location in this city lacks any and all moral value, and for that I will continue to have my issues whether others agree or disagree.

As for the coach being mentioned and the idea of the other program being short sighted. From what I have seen...she more than earned her unwelcome.
I'll throw it out there. If CSP wants to buy my gym, she can do it. It's an opportunity, and one that many people would love to take. Putting the CEA name on the front door is going to increase my business, and they are doing something in NC that is working. Whatever it is, I would want that too. Like Just-A-Mom said, if I am a struggling gym in PA (NOT saying this is the case-I have zero info about any of this) and need to get someone in so I don't have to close my doors, I'm going to do it.

Taking the info from this thread, I'm gathering and assuming this. THIS IS A COMPLETE ASSUMPTION. I am seriously just dreaming up how this went, and what I'm thinking probably happened (not saying this is reality). Coach X was released from a gym and went to CEA. She tells Courtney "hey, there are a lot of problems in PA cheer, and I really wish I could go back and help all those kids I used to coach and love." She knows the CEA rules, the way they do things, and she is a great coach. She does not have a gym to return to in PA, because she was "released". She thinks she can put a better product out there than what they currently have. CSP thinks "well, I trust her with my product, she knows how I want things done, and my name would probably help her get started back home." An ideal situation for CSP, CEA, and this coach is born.
Boo hoo all you want, but I think it's kinda awesome.
Amen! There is no playing the innocent role of just offering another option when there are already 10+ other options in the same area both big and small.

Once again (in response to the other posts) sugar coat it how you see fit the prospect of a location in this city lacks any and all moral value, and for that I will continue to have my issues whether others agree or disagree.

As for the coach being mentioned and the idea of the other program being short sighted. From what I have seen...she more than earned her unwelcome.

Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion! I have no problem agreeing to disagree. So did you answer if you knew for a fact that we're opening in PA? I don't know and you seem to know a lot so thought i'd ask.
I can think of at least 2 or 3 gyms off the top of my head who have crossed state lines, usually in the midst of hardship, drama and confusion..
Explain to me how Fame having a gym in NY is any different than CEA opening one in PA (if that is where this is all about... can;t believe we are really arguing about a theoretical gym here :))

We were approached by the gym the location use to be named. From there that owner bought into the company. Fame NY retained its staff and owner and simply changed their name and uniform. They're also in a rather unpopulated Allstar area. Not that their are non but no where the capacity of the city in mention. None of our programs were full blown new locations they were acquisitions when the owner of the previous name approached us and asked to buy in. Therefore the owner of Fame Va Beach reaps no financial benefit from the Fame NY location. We can honestly say it's simply for the betterment of a program or the sport. The monetary benefits are deemed by each individual location.

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