Not necessarily speaking of worlds teams, I'm speaking of cleanliness in tumbling, stunts, an overall well put together routine. don't get me wrong, NO team is perfect, but the branch locations do have some teams that need to work on some things. (Not a cheer critic, just stating my personal opinion.) although I will say, all of them gyms have well put together routines, are they as clean as Kernersville? No... But are they still nice? Yes. Let's Take Cali's locations for example.... Cali Coed, Smoed, LBOD, Blops, they've all been down in the bottom of worlds placements I mean 7th place finishes, 5th places finishes, etc, hey, Blops didn't even make it to worlds in 2012 (they had a great routine that year in my opinion) but are they clean w a well put together routine? Most will say yes, and I would agree w that. You can have a great team and not place top ten at worlds/Summit. But there are some teams in CEA that shouldn't be in the division they are... (Of course, the same w other gyms).
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