This is something I've discussed w one of my cheer friends and this is her opinion... Now I can say senior 3Lite... Maybe it was a tribute routine or something? I remember there was a couple post about this but I can't remember the thread. But giving someone a recycled routine just isn't fair, which, is (IMO) not showing a team as much love and dedication as others.
Another thing, I'm not sure how CSP goes about her branch gyms... does she provide a layout of how things should be done? Do these new branch gyms go through conditioning and other processes before actually learning a routine and competing it? I know conditioning is over the summer, but what about when a gym gets opened mid season? IE Chicago, and Memphis? I understand even the main gym has some things they need to work on, worlds placements DOESN'T mean a thing, but I'd at least work on perfecting what I already have (IE other gyms including my main one) than to just keep opening up more gyms.
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