Ok, a few things here:
1. @
StarshipTrooper I am guessing that you don't read very many threads that lolsmiley has written in, because you would see a very clear dichotomy between the perspectives of him/her and @imrichhouwboutu
2. @
kingston already confirmed that it isn't him, so I'm sure he could also confirm whether or not lolsmiley is in some way connected to rich (which, since none of us really have any idea as to this person's true identity, even if it were someone from Rich's gym, I would consider it highly doubtful that he would even know.
3. This is America. This is the internet in America. We all have the right to freedom of speech. That being said, this is a message board for the purpose of sharing ideas and opinions. Disliking a particular gym, routine, stunt, uniform, coach, even ongoings at ones own gym, etc, and having opinions about them is not the same as "bashing" gyms, coaches, and children. As a gay person, when someone uses the term "bash" to describe something that is said on here, I seriously want to laugh. I've been truly "bashed," had people say things to my face and ingrain it into me that I'm a bad person, that I'm weird or evil, and even been physically attacked. That is what it means to "bash" someone, not "oh, this coach at my gym gets on my nerves when he yells" or "CEA is overrated"... those are OPINIONS, and I don't see anything wrong with honesty in sharing opinions. Why else would any of us be on here if we didn't want to discuss our thoughts/feelings/problems in the community with other people who are going through the same things?
People get so damn bent out of shape on here, it's crazy to me. I get more stressed about "aerobesque" than the fact that people disagree with me at times lol