All-Star Censorship

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Gender neutral:D (this is a gender neutral smiley), I would say that I have seen probably every admin on this board snap at one time or another.
Yep! I agree - it's human nature to reach your snapping point. However, I think a good question or just something to think about is... when does that situational lapse of tolerance become a chronic state of being?
That is how I feel about several subject positions that were declared to be wild-eyed conspiracies with zero evidence on other boards but now seem to be mainstream thought - lol.:)

All of us oldies have definitely watched allstar's evolve haven't we? For the good and bad in my opinion!
When you can't change crazy!! Lol.
I don't think crazy is the right word. Haha, better coming from you then me. If I called someone crazy - god knows the boards would cease to function. You're a brave woman :)
So everyone knows because she is trying to indirectly call me out, I am the one who said I was "a hater." This was the second set of pm conversations I had received from her, and I just wanted them to be over. They went back and forth numerous times and i didnt feel the need to explain anything 8 times over again. I knew that what i said would make her stop asking over and over "why i hate her so much" so I answered with a short response.

I had received the first pms after i had deleted a bunch of posts from the spirit sports dual in the desert thread. I left a post within the thread and shortly after received this.

Cant you refrain from your personal feelings on here? You are a grown up... And your lecture was rich coming from someone who rarely can refrain from answering topics with pithy comments if you deem it worthy.... Don't you think we can move on...yet????

I responded and did not address her last line saying I cleared the thread is that not what matters? Then she started to pm asking why i hated her.

Cali Smoed thread:this post was directed at NElitesteven
ps....don't can't like them a lot with this comment..serious....ugh...thumper...what did your father say?
Whats the freakin problem thread:this post was directed at christina3655
Let's be honest... You are a Cali hater... We can handle the truth
Name of gym affecting placement:
can you control your people? I really don't want to get ugly on PCM on the 8th day of this new year - new meanj.

but trust. she'll be runnin' for the coast honnayy

This is what you’ve been waiting for thread: directed at beautyy4cheerr
SRY..I just have to.....the thing didn't even have to tell us you are a child.......whew...I feel better....
meanj we got someone in need of a crash coarse in "stop before you go too far"...can you get here stat???
Videos 2011-2012 pt 2 thread:
Okay, cheeromgbre if you've got a problem with me calling out that what they are putting on the floor isn't even ALL level 5 then say it. If you want to go rounds we'll go rounds, and I will outwit, outlast, out play your sorry @#%.

It is what it is, they have TUCKS in their routine - not my fault, so instead of defending they are doing, why don't you open your eyes and see what they AREN'T doing.

Just so you know, I will call out whatever I want, whenever I want, regarding WHO EVER I WANT, and this includes you!

So if you want to TANGO, step! Because I will not spare you in my next wrath.


Don't worry, MeanJ is all bark and no bite, if you actually throw some logic his way he'll back down... Or at least say "I'll PM you my response" and then never send you anything!

DJ, why do you feel the need to be a snarky jerk all the time? You're just a bandwagoner with no credentials anyway! Care to give us your extensive resumé that qualifies you to talk down to everyone and take such a high and mighty stance all the time?

RE: Meanj ...the board is full of many all need to grow some thicker skin...I try to stay positive and be kind to everyone...I try to keep my comments on point...I try to stay on the Cali kids who get arrogant and talk crap...but you guys sound like a bunch of gossipy little girls. I hardly think sitting in a huddle and whining about meanj makes any of you sound intelligent or credible. If you don't like what he says...don't read his posts...move on...really ladies!!!! It's kind of pathetic how ALL of you just did EXACTLY what you accuse him should be proud

So, are you ok or not ok with the way he tries to belittle others? I'm also curious why you chose to chime in when you give the advice 'TRY THE HIGH ROAD PEOPLE"

Also, which issue of CBN is the 5 page spread, I would like to read it.

If I found ANYTHING so repulsive I would block that user....not go on a gossip rant in public forum with 4 other people...thats all...that would be the highroad

Actually, no need for your reply. I see that you do approve of such repulsive posts.
Post #1146 on page 58 you "shimmy-ed" the belittling of cheeromgbre.

BLOCK HIM it's that simple...I block what I want to do the same if you hate him so bad....and for the record....when someone takes the time to get to know him...he is the sweetest most generous guy with amazing vision and hard takes care of his I said...this forum has MANY personalities and that's what makes it interesting...if you are so offended by meanj...block him...and move on....demanding us to justify their thoughts on others is pointless!!!

Hey Im just trying to clean out the folder I have of things I've save to my Macbook titled: "Things to use when grown adults on the fierceboard argue over imbecilic things"

Towards kickdblcj and worldchampme:
Small Coed thread: Directed at the person who started the thread, the irony of it all was he had started a similar thread about small senior not but a few days before…
I'm confused. What is the point of this?

To be quite honest, posts like this are begging for moderation. So instead of attacking me for "hating on you" i would seriously look at the content of what you post towards other people.

@mstealtoyou CheerMomNTx i do now expect this to go downhill however I will not stand for people calling me out.
So everyone knows because she is trying to indirectly call me out, I am the one who said I was "a hater." This was the second set of pm conversations I had received from her, and I just wanted them to be over. They went back and forth numerous times and i didnt feel the need to explain anything 8 times over again. I knew that what i said would make her stop asking over and over "why i hate her so much" so I answered with a short response.

I had received the first pms after i had deleted a bunch of posts from the spirit sports dual in the desert thread. I left a post within the thread and shortly after received this.

I responded and did not address her last line saying I cleared the thread is that not what matters? Then she started to pm asking why i hated her.

Cali Smoed thread:this post was directed at NElitesteven

Whats the freakin problem thread:this post was directed at christina3655

Name of gym affecting placement:

This is what you’ve been waiting for thread: directed at beautyy4cheerr

Videos 2011-2012 pt 2 thread:

Towards kickdblcj and worldchampme:

Small Coed thread: Directed at the person who started the thread, the irony of it all was he had started a similar thread about small senior not but a few days before…

To be quite honest, posts like this are begging for moderation. So instead of attacking me for "hating on you" i would seriously look at the content of what you post towards other people.

@mstealtoyou CheerMomNTx i do now expect this to go downhill however I will not stand for people calling me out.
and your point is KARA...I said nothing in those posts that break any rules....for some strange reason you have chosen to hate on me...even when I went to bat for you with a certain gym owner last year...gave you a ride to Las Vegas....remember you stayed in my room? you have just proven that this is personal....I never did anything to you but get offended when you told me you were glad smoed got second while pretending to care about how personal is it want to expose stuff?...fine...then tell my side hate me for NO reason...I was always honest and fair with you...I told you why I got upset...I apologized for offending you...i noticed you didn't copy and paste are a sad angry person.....I will pray for you....:/
In the words of Shaggy, "it wasn't me"... For once at least..

That's all she wrote folks...
The cup runneth over...
I have nothing to hide. I am not the one who started this thread. If i felt someone was picking on me I would go to one of the 27 admins or mods on this forum. Truth of the matter is, you are not getting what you wanted here in this thread which is why you keep posting the same thing with different wording over and over and that's fine.

Do i think you are picking on me as an admin? Yep. But do i go and start threads about you? no. I didn't lock or edit the video thread but did you pm the person that did? No.

I am not making this personal however that is how you seem to take it.
So everyone knows because she is trying to indirectly call me out, I am the one who said I was "a hater." This was the second set of pm conversations I had received from her, and I just wanted them to be over. They went back and forth numerous times and i didnt feel the need to explain anything 8 times over again. I knew that what i said would make her stop asking over and over "why i hate her so much" so I answered with a short response.

I had received the first pms after i had deleted a bunch of posts from the spirit sports dual in the desert thread. I left a post within the thread and shortly after received this.

I responded and did not address her last line saying I cleared the thread is that not what matters? Then she started to pm asking why i hated her.

Cali Smoed thread:this post was directed at NElitesteven

Whats the freakin problem thread:this post was directed at christina3655

Name of gym affecting placement:

This is what you’ve been waiting for thread: directed at beautyy4cheerr

Videos 2011-2012 pt 2 thread:

Towards kickdblcj and worldchampme:

Small Coed thread: Directed at the person who started the thread, the irony of it all was he had started a similar thread about small senior not but a few days before…

To be quite honest, posts like this are begging for moderation. So instead of attacking me for "hating on you" i would seriously look at the content of what you post towards other people.

@mstealtoyou CheerMomNTx i do now expect this to go downhill however I will not stand for people calling me out.
oh one more thing kara...nice edit job..creative copy and paste is your should be proud....:) It's all out there....Im done...have a great year Kara and good luck in your bow business...take care and no hard feelings....:)
I didn't need to edit anything, these posts people can go back and look at in order. Pulled them right from your profile. Have a great year as well.

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