A few clarifications:
I can't imagine this will be a network the way most people think about a network. Carriers aren't paying anyone for clearance right now, so the idea that a niche sport like cheer could get a slot in anyone's lineup is insanity. UFC, which is a far more mainstream sports property, couldn't make the financials work for their own network - so there's no way in this or any other universe it'll work for cheer. I believe the WWE has been trying to start their own network for a year and is still a year away - and they have far more content than this group can ever dream to have. (with admittedly far weaker demographics)
If I had to guess - and it's been many years since I worked in this space - CCI is using SimplyME as the third-party to help distribute their content to mobile and digital providers. (which may include cable companies) There may be companies that want this kind of content because it reaches a desirable demographic and may be willing to pay for it, but most likely it'll be some kind of revenue sharing agreement at best, pay-to-play model at worst.
*Pay-to-play is basically paying for the right to have your content distributed by a carrier.
All I read out of this press release is saying is that they've got somebody who's going to help them sell their content, with zero guarantee anyone will be interested.