Cheer Parent
- Oct 10, 2010
- 2,902
- 3,312
First, I'd like to clarify my post for all of the posters who have been so kind as to make presumptions on my behalf...
It takes a lot to personally offend me (and I mean a lot)..However, there are only a few things that I vehemently adhere to/believe in...sticking up for my friends, for people who have no voice (i.e. the handicapped) and/or people who are bullied for any reason. In addition, I cannot stand ignorance in any form whether it be intolerance, hatred, and/or bigotry in any form (color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.). I personally believe that presumption is often a diving board for ignorance. I generally like to give people the benefit of the doubt, which is why I like to ask questions before jumping to conclusions.
Notice that when I said my piece to McLovin based on her repetitive questions I felt were repeatedly answered...(as did the people who answered her) in addition to my comment(s) that I felt like she was coming across as bitter (an opinion I'm entitled to correct? or is that reserved for people who spout out inaccurate information as opposed to opinions...but I digress), I addressed them under the first post I quoted of hers...the rest of her replies I quoted underneath, as I felt they were they were representative of the repetitive and/or inaccurate info she repeatedly posted.
THEN, before I hit reply (as it was 6 in the morning and I had yet to go to sleep..as evidenced in my grammatical error, which I intended to say "Isn't T&S the openly Christian gym?!"), I seemed to remember a very distinct conversation in a thread a while back titled "Religion in the gym" (which I just now looked up as I logged on and saw all of these lovely posts, just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind) and I could have sworn I thought McLovin said she went to T&S, which she said was an OPENLY Christian gym and it stuck out in my head bc I remember someone saying if you go to an openly Christian gym like T&S, it is only reasonable to expect things like prayer as a part of practices, etc.
So when I posted that question, it was initially merely in a "Hey, isn't T&S that openly Christian gym referenced in the 'religion in the gym' thread?!!" kinda way; not the "How dare you think that just bc I'm a Christian I'm not allowed to have a differing opinion way", as so many others seem to think. I will admit once I recalled that info, I was definitely kind of surprised about the comments I read (in which McLovin acknowledged the incident and that it occurred before her time there, and said she did not agree with) that came from members of that particular gym (T&S); bc McLovin said she chose that gym mostly bc of it's Christian affiliation over other larger gyms
Now to address the two of you; Cheerinfo and Level5mom bc you made it your business to overreact
Wait, so let me get this straight. Are you saying that it's ok for YOU and anyone else to have an opinion and make untrue comments about a person, team, or program (like calling their character and ethics into question for one) that can be construed by some posters to be rude, but it's not ok for ME to have an opinion on a matter just bc I asked a question about religion; which might I add, was not initially brought up by me on this board (this thread yes, this board, no)? Considering McLovin had no problem discussing it in a thread relating to religion in cheerleading, I did not think it was an issue. It most certainly was however, very rude of YOU to assume that bc I asked a question from someone who has had no problems discussing religion and cheerleading in this forum very openly and with conviction, that it wasn't appropriate or necessary. Half of the things said in this thread could be considered inappropriate and/or necessary to me, but as everyone keeps reiterating..we all have the right to our own opinions, beliefs, etc. and the right to state them even if someone doesn't happen to agree with them (and that's fine by me...I just find it incredibly presumptuous on everyone's part who jumped the gun on this one). In fact, per the previous convo that sparked my memory about the gym in the first place, you can clearly see that McLovin had no problem stating her beliefs (regarding religion AND cheerleading) if you read that entire thread.
As is yours for reasons I've already stated. Exactly!! So why is it a problem to ask if a poster's gym is the one I thought I recalled being an OPENLY Christian gym, especially considering that she has no problem discussing it in this public forum (nor do I, either way)?! I think by my responses in that particular thread it's obvious I had no agenda. I always stand up for my friends to answer your second question; I have an extreme affinity for MsTealtoYou (and StarshipTrooper) and I feel like MsTealtoYou could not have been more clear. I'm kinda shocked that many of the people attacking me for one question at the end of my post without asking for clarification (and actually went so far as to yell at me and threaten me), felt they needed excess clarification from MsTealtoYou, despite her clear and concise efforts. That is all...very simple. I did not "call out" her Christianity and while I should be floored by your post, I'm not.. bc unfortunately the minute someone sees the word Christianity (or even religion) they go berserk w/o even so much as an aforethought...so I feel that speaks more to those individuals (just to be clear, not Christians or any other religiously affiliated persons..just the ones that go berserk w/o aforethought). I won't comment on the non-bolded parts as I feel they've already been addressed more accurately by others at CEA who actually know the facts, as they have been around longer than I.
See my other replies. Unlike you however, I did not make a threatening comment towards anyone to be "VERY VERY careful how they answer". Even if I had made the comment w/ill intent, who are you to speak to someone this way?? I could easily tell you that your comment made me feel threatened and that I'm shocked another well known/classy poster such as yourself would go to such extremes without a second thought; but I won't bc I'd rather you actually ask me what I meant rather than assuming..and hope you will afford me the same respect if there is a next time.
*edit...Although now as I'm looking back on that thread (about religion and the gym), I'm guessing it doesn't go both ways with you based upon a couple of your posts. I guess it's ok for you make these kinds of statements about non-christians, but I get the level of hatred from your post for asking a question?
It takes a lot to personally offend me (and I mean a lot)..However, there are only a few things that I vehemently adhere to/believe in...sticking up for my friends, for people who have no voice (i.e. the handicapped) and/or people who are bullied for any reason. In addition, I cannot stand ignorance in any form whether it be intolerance, hatred, and/or bigotry in any form (color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.). I personally believe that presumption is often a diving board for ignorance. I generally like to give people the benefit of the doubt, which is why I like to ask questions before jumping to conclusions.
Notice that when I said my piece to McLovin based on her repetitive questions I felt were repeatedly answered...(as did the people who answered her) in addition to my comment(s) that I felt like she was coming across as bitter (an opinion I'm entitled to correct? or is that reserved for people who spout out inaccurate information as opposed to opinions...but I digress), I addressed them under the first post I quoted of hers...the rest of her replies I quoted underneath, as I felt they were they were representative of the repetitive and/or inaccurate info she repeatedly posted.
THEN, before I hit reply (as it was 6 in the morning and I had yet to go to sleep..as evidenced in my grammatical error, which I intended to say "Isn't T&S the openly Christian gym?!"), I seemed to remember a very distinct conversation in a thread a while back titled "Religion in the gym" (which I just now looked up as I logged on and saw all of these lovely posts, just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind) and I could have sworn I thought McLovin said she went to T&S, which she said was an OPENLY Christian gym and it stuck out in my head bc I remember someone saying if you go to an openly Christian gym like T&S, it is only reasonable to expect things like prayer as a part of practices, etc.
(to which I agreed).I am curious....would people feel differently about prayer at practice if the gym clearly stated in their mission statement that they were teaching athletes in a Christian environment?
I think it would be clearly obvious to anyone who joins and I would expect it (prayer, etc) and take that into consideration. It's nice to know that kind of stuff before hand
So when I posted that question, it was initially merely in a "Hey, isn't T&S that openly Christian gym referenced in the 'religion in the gym' thread?!!" kinda way; not the "How dare you think that just bc I'm a Christian I'm not allowed to have a differing opinion way", as so many others seem to think. I will admit once I recalled that info, I was definitely kind of surprised about the comments I read (in which McLovin acknowledged the incident and that it occurred before her time there, and said she did not agree with) that came from members of that particular gym (T&S); bc McLovin said she chose that gym mostly bc of it's Christian affiliation over other larger gyms
and I definitely got the impression in the religion thread as well as this one, that she felt the gym to be of strong moral conviction. But mostly after that thought occurred to me, I wondered if maybe that was one of the reasons as to the extreme differences in our pov's. Since I am NOT that presumptuous and ready to yell at people without merit *cough cough*, I ASKED instead..awaiting her actual answer before proceeding to ask my next question. Plain and simple. The rest of you guys (and ironically not McLovin) are the ones who jumped the guns, shoved words in my mouth, made presumptions (in retrospect only one of which I was really surprised to see), yelled at me, threatened me, etc.Twist & Shout is most definitely an openly christian organization. You can't walk into our building and not know that. There are scriptures painted on the walls. The fact that it is a christian owned and operated gym was 75% of the reason we chose to move to OK over other larger gyms we had looked into. Looking back, I am 1000% sure we chose the right gym for our family. :)
Now to address the two of you; Cheerinfo and Level5mom bc you made it your business to overreact
Just because I have an opinion on a matter makes me impartial as a moderator?? And I didn't mean "monitor" as a moderator, I meant monitoring as a poster...i held off posting anything until McLovin's Christianity was brought into a CHEERLEADING discussion..really??
HOWEVER, my post was more in response to the RUDENESS in which McLovin was spoken to in one post.
Anyhoo...carry on...just don't think questioning someone's religion over cheerleading is appropriate or necessary.
Wait, so let me get this straight. Are you saying that it's ok for YOU and anyone else to have an opinion and make untrue comments about a person, team, or program (like calling their character and ethics into question for one) that can be construed by some posters to be rude, but it's not ok for ME to have an opinion on a matter just bc I asked a question about religion; which might I add, was not initially brought up by me on this board (this thread yes, this board, no)? Considering McLovin had no problem discussing it in a thread relating to religion in cheerleading, I did not think it was an issue. It most certainly was however, very rude of YOU to assume that bc I asked a question from someone who has had no problems discussing religion and cheerleading in this forum very openly and with conviction, that it wasn't appropriate or necessary. Half of the things said in this thread could be considered inappropriate and/or necessary to me, but as everyone keeps reiterating..we all have the right to our own opinions, beliefs, etc. and the right to state them even if someone doesn't happen to agree with them (and that's fine by me...I just find it incredibly presumptuous on everyone's part who jumped the gun on this one). In fact, per the previous convo that sparked my memory about the gym in the first place, you can clearly see that McLovin had no problem stating her beliefs (regarding religion AND cheerleading) if you read that entire thread.
xtremeteal4life - Your post is VERY rude. I have read this whole thread and have been "monitoring" it so to speak. I too recall more than one year when CEA did this with their jr 5 teams (super team for dallas). I will not state exact years, but I will say that it went back to well before 2010. And the facts came from people AT CEA with kids ON those teams. Regardless of what my stance is on excessive crossovers, it's legal. That being said, now that a spade is being called a spade, there is back pedaling and "covering up" and all. McLovin is NOT a drama queen and IS a Christian and your post is both rude and uncalled for. JMO, but this is an issue worth discussing. Why people are not proud of their gym and their gym's policies now that they are being questioned point blank is beyond me. It is out in the open, it is known to have occurred more than once...and that's FINE. It's LEGAL. Why all the defensiveness and everyone getting their hackles up from CEA now? Your post seemed over the top for me, hence my finally posting on this thread. If Courtney is going to put a thread like this out there, you can't expect people not to ask. Excessive crossovers and "tryouts" for certain teams at different times of the year are known occurrences at CEA...so why is everyone now trying to say it never happened?? McLovin is just trying to get to the bottom of it, for whatever reason. To call out her Christianity is ludicrous and RUDE.
Sorry if this rambled...i was floored by the post though.
As is yours for reasons I've already stated. Exactly!! So why is it a problem to ask if a poster's gym is the one I thought I recalled being an OPENLY Christian gym, especially considering that she has no problem discussing it in this public forum (nor do I, either way)?! I think by my responses in that particular thread it's obvious I had no agenda. I always stand up for my friends to answer your second question; I have an extreme affinity for MsTealtoYou (and StarshipTrooper) and I feel like MsTealtoYou could not have been more clear. I'm kinda shocked that many of the people attacking me for one question at the end of my post without asking for clarification (and actually went so far as to yell at me and threaten me), felt they needed excess clarification from MsTealtoYou, despite her clear and concise efforts. That is all...very simple. I did not "call out" her Christianity and while I should be floored by your post, I'm not.. bc unfortunately the minute someone sees the word Christianity (or even religion) they go berserk w/o even so much as an aforethought...so I feel that speaks more to those individuals (just to be clear, not Christians or any other religiously affiliated persons..just the ones that go berserk w/o aforethought). I won't comment on the non-bolded parts as I feel they've already been addressed more accurately by others at CEA who actually know the facts, as they have been around longer than I.
xtremeteal4life yes it is. What does the faith of the gym or any member have anything to do with her question of whether or not there was a try-out? Be VERY VERY careful how you answer.
[/quote]Isn't T&S openly Christian gym?!!
See my other replies. Unlike you however, I did not make a threatening comment towards anyone to be "VERY VERY careful how they answer". Even if I had made the comment w/ill intent, who are you to speak to someone this way?? I could easily tell you that your comment made me feel threatened and that I'm shocked another well known/classy poster such as yourself would go to such extremes without a second thought; but I won't bc I'd rather you actually ask me what I meant rather than assuming..and hope you will afford me the same respect if there is a next time.
*edit...Although now as I'm looking back on that thread (about religion and the gym), I'm guessing it doesn't go both ways with you based upon a couple of your posts. I guess it's ok for you make these kinds of statements about non-christians, but I get the level of hatred from your post for asking a question?
This whole thread just makes me sick to my stomach. That's all.
I'm a Christian and it just disappoints me. I just won't open the thread anymore. Carry on....