The Story of Whoadeedle a.k.a. appledrinkyum
Once upon a time there was a charming poster named "whoadeedle", she was a college student going to school to be a nurse practitioner (or so we all thought). She was a very active poster and made lots of friends on the boards. One day she said she was donating part of her kidney to her brother and we all stood behind her and supported her...told her how awesome she was..ect. Then one day (somehow) someone found out that she wasn't who she said she was, in fact every picture she had posted to the boards had been stolen from people's facebook pages, including a picture of a baby boy she said was her nephew. She was called out and quickly disappeared. What made it so dramatic was that she had made a bunch of friends on the boards that had even talked to her on the phone, only to find out everything she had ever said was fabricated. It was weird and scary at the same time.
My favorite moment on the boards was worlds was my 1st worlds on the boards and between the chat and people posting every 5 seconds, it was a ton of fun (the board was a lot smaller then). I remember when 300 people logged in meant it must be a comp weekend, now there's over that just sitting idle at any given time.