Hi, my name is Jackie and I believe that I am the girl that many of you are refering to in some of your posts. I cheered for CJA for 11 years and was taught not to talk on boards, twitter or facebook; but to do your talking on the mat. However, some of your comments are hurtful. to
ICEcheerGuy, 11 years I gave my heart to my teams from youth to seniors and there was nothing I wanted more than to be captain my senior year to an organization that believed in for so long.
to@elisekc9, teams lose girls every year for various reasons. Just to be clear, I did not leave CJA to have a chance at being a Shooting Star or to be center flyer for that matter, as I am neither. If you want to build and field higher level quality teams treat your athletes with the respect and loyalty you expect in return from them. If you treat athletes like they are disposable, they will believe it. Finally, to everyone else..my reasons for leaving were and are private. As my mom said, I had 11 amazing, wonderful years at CJA. I was lucky to meet some of my best friends today and blessed to be coached by a women that will always be one of "thee" most influencial people in my life. While I am extremely disapointed my senior year did not turn out how I imagined 11 years ago, I am told that real life rarely turns out like we plan. I am grateful to World Cup for taking me in mid season and finding a place for me to cheer my Senior year. I will give it my all. It was never about the cameras, fame, or championships for me - it was always about my love of cheering and performing on the mat. Thank you to my family, to those that have stayed my friends and to my new friends, I love you all.