All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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even thought it's already been said-suck ups, favorites, other stuff to that idea...
-unknowlegable coaches
-coaches not being able to control a team
-when motions with little formation/level changes are considered dances
-low jumps, in the front row
Coaches who favor athletes and when some of the gym's best athletes cross down to make the lower level look better. Let the kids on the lower level have their own team and own time (:
So when girls aren't good it doesn't bother you?

Give the guys time to learn!

no, that bothers me too. lol
and i guess... i never thought of that but still... lol. it's just that my eye more naturally goes to boys in those instances i think because i'm "oh boys lets see"... and then i'm like "...oh"
but i guess you are right.
i'lll keep that in mind from now on..
Okay so i was watching a competiton video from this past seaon and things came flooding into my head.

- when boys with no (or very little hair) try head flips.. it doesn't work
-when teams with an even nuber of boys esp. when there's only like two of them or something don't make the boys opposites. why oh why would you put them directly next to each other on the far side of the formation??
-boys who just aren't good
-sloppy tumbling (like bent legs and such)
-people who can't dance esp. when they up front somewhere
-when boys sit in the back and dont dance or, like, have no dance
-stunts being off
-off tumbling
-when you have people doing somthing in the routine hat they clearly don't have the skill to be doing....yet it's the part that gets highlighted...
-SLOW MUSIC or music that's fast but all elements are extremely slow.. leaves me completely disinterested
-when the flyer who should be point is off o the side somewhere....
-sloppy's called cleaning people
-when people look like they dont know their own routine..or the correct counts

sorry but yes it does exibit A!

When people just can not wait untill the end of a performance to walk in front of you.....I can not tell you how many times the announcer at Worlds asked everyone to wait untill a team was off the floor before you walked down isle or stairs yet there was non stop traffic walking in front of everyone, even coaches leading their entire teams around right in front of people trying to watch the compitition. Where did common courtesy go????

OMG OMG OMG This is the number one thing that just drives me BATTY!!! It turns me into a crazed cheermom shouting "sit down sit down, we cant see our girls". AGHGHGHHGHGGHHG
OMGGGG!!!!! like stop bad mouthing each other and just cheer ok. like dont sit around n constantly bad mouth another teams gym/coaches/cheerleaders. thats not what this is about. a certain level of rivalry is good because it makes both teams work harder, but trash talking CONSTANTLY is taking it way too far...

not mentioning any names :]
cheerleaders at competitions smoking while in uniform. TRASHY

eww thats nasty. when your in your uniform and your smoking that just shows disrespect for your gym and the sport of all star cheerleading. its unhealthy and unsafe to smoke, and if your a cheerleader chances are your probably too young to be smoking. thats nasty.

also i hate:
parents throwing fits because their daughter did not make a certian team even though it is pretty obvious that the girl doesnt have the skill to go to a higher level or the maturity to move up to an older age division
when youth and mini and tiny teams have songs in their music that is inappropriate for their age or when they have moves in their dance that are inappropriate
the blame game- enough said
when people in front for jumps have bad jumps(i see this all the time and im like why is that girl in the back when her toe touch is higher than the point girl?)
i also haaaaaate when people who are not on a team and dont plan on trying out go to tumbling class just to tumble(i sometimes wonder if they realize they are making it harder for people ON the teams to improve their tumbling skills)if you love tumbling not cheer, do gymnastics.

the list goes on forever
OMG OMG OMG This is the number one thing that just drives me BATTY!!! It turns me into a crazed cheermom shouting "sit down sit down, we cant see our girls". AGHGHGHHGHGGHHG

this would be my mom at comps in general, my non cheer friends have witnessed it! it's bad haha:)
i hate when my mom gets in fights with people at comps. its sooo embarrassing. i no longer sit with her lmao. and i told her if shes going to continue to argue with people then she cant wear celebrity/ece shirts because i dont want her associated with the gym! hahaha

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