All-Star Cheer Ringtones

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Members see FEWER ads... join today! Super easy. You upload the song you want to use from your computer and then move the bars to cut it to the part you want. Then it sends to your phone in a text message.
I just put the mp3 on my phone and set it as my ringtone. lol. When someone calls me, the people beside me get a mini heart attack when my phone goes "PART 2 of the x evolution..." :))
once i have the cheer music saved to my computer i go on to send it to my phone

i made my alarm clock (ik not a ringtone but its on my phone so close enough) "(ringring) everybody wake up world cup has no time to play, the suns are out and its a beautiful day..." its perfect since it starts with the alarm clock sound
I know on the older versions of iTunes you use to be able to make them on there and then either e-mail them to your phone (all verizon phones have an e-mail that sends things to your phone) or put it on with the USB. I have been trying to figure out how to do this on the newer versions of iTunes and will let people know as soon as I do because it was seriously the easiest way to make them.
anyone know how to make ringtones from cheer music without having to download a program? plz lmk! thx in advanced!
I would...if you have them in a itunes file or someplace...go to can make custom tones there

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