High School Cheer Tryouts-hs

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Mar 24, 2013
I recently tried out as a current 9th grader going into tenth grade.. There was about 30 something girls trying out for varsity or 8th grade moving up was trying out for JV. Last year we had a tuff tryout. I made JV (the only thing I could of made last year). This past year, me and 2 others got held back on JV and the other 7 moved on to varsity. Which made us three be held back with younger girls. (Now 20 on varsity, 8 on JV) last year we had 24 on varsity and 12 on JV. She said she couldn't have more than 20? Which made no sense. Normally, that doesn't happen (except for something that went on last year that got resolved). One of the girls who got held back I see her scoring lower than the other current 9th graders. We are scored on dance, cheer, jumps, & tumbling: standing bhs, standing tuck, running pass. (Along with leadership points and stuff) I worked my butt of for that spot on varsity while the girls who made it over me, the coach told me I scored higher than some but I couldn't be out on varsity because they were older. But there's no way that some of the other girls in my grade made varsity who can't even do a round off series, or standing tuck, or don't have good jumps, cried during the dance, fell in a toe touch handspring, made it over me.. This coach is very very sweet I just think something's up with this. My dad is not a principal, or in the school system, or anything like that like some of the others. We have had the same 2 judges for THREE years. Don't you think something's up with that? None of this makes sense. There's more to it but that's the basics. I don't know what I should do.. Keep cheering for JV along with allstar cheer, and shoot for varsity again next year? Or give up on school cheer? I feel I will never make varsity for some reason. I honestly don't like some of the girls on neither teams anyways, meanest girls I have ever met. For some reason I call my friends.. What to do?

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Well, to be honest from reading your post, have you thought to ask the coach if you not making varsity has anything to do with your attitude? From a coaches point of view, girls that quit because they are unhappy with the placements rarely ever come back and make varsity. I would take your time on JV and try to figure out what you can do to move up.
As the JV coach of my program, this happens a lot. Girls make JV one year then automatically assume they will make Varsity the next. You have to remember there is more than skill involved when picking a team... coaches look for other aspects too. I say keep with JV, try to be the best on JV, have a GREAT attitude, act as a leader for JV, try to really prove to the Varsity coach you have all the traits a varsity cheerleader should. Sticking with JV will prove that you love cheering no matter what. Maybe you will be moved up to Varsity, maybe not, but sticking with it and taking a role as a leader will def. catch the Varsity coaches eye.
As a coach, I need to give you my perspective.

Some of my current freshmen on JV and Varsity came to talk to the middle school and talk up cheer. The incoming freshmen asked questions about requirements and I mentioned that we would be having a stunt requirement to make varsity and this one girl lit up because she "has" these skills on the right group. Last season, she was a grade problem, missed most of October b/c of this, got pulled out of her stunts, etc. Then when her grades stopped being a problem it was constant tears if something even small went wrong in her stunt group.

Well, as I was explaining these requirements that we were asking, I said these skills must be attempted to be considered but just because you execute them, does not mean you will make varsity. She was telling myself and the other coaches how much she has been stretching and so on. Even if her score is high, she will more then likely be left on JV. She needs another year to emotionally develop and we need to be sure she isn't a grades issue. Everyone selected for Varsity will need to be deducated in all aspects due to the fact we are trying to go to UCA Nationals should we qualify and the fundraising is in place. We don't have until mid January after mid-terms for her to get her act together for grades!

As you can see so much goes into it.
Here in Texas it would be a long shot for an incoming sophomore to make Varsity. One of cp's friends has solid level 3 skills and was put on jv after being on the freshman squad. In our school district you can ONLY be on the freshman squad in 9th grade, regardless of your skill set. The coach may be holding you back until you reach the appropriate age to be on a varsity team. Quitting is very much NOT the answer...most schools will not let you try out the following season if you quit. You would set yourself up to either never cheer for your school again or not have the option until you are a senior.
You think the coach is dishonest, you don't like the judging panel, and you feel that your teammates are the meanest people you know. You also mentioned that there's more to the story. Obviously, you have a bias against the program. If that is how you truly feel, maybe HS cheer isnt for you.

You say you worked your butt off to get skills for HS try outs, but you also mention that you do AS cheer. In my district, the coach will not allow her cheerleaders to do both HS and AS. Other schools in the area do, but that's her stand. She feels that it splits attention from her team, and I can see where she's coming from. For that reason, my daughter, who loves cheer, is sticking with the team where she can do competitions and use her higher level skills--her AS team. Maybe you should just focus on AS cheer, since you didn't mention any complaints about that team.

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